Trading Spaces: Part 1 – Rubble Trouble


Rubble Trouble

Ed Young

Easter Weekend

April 20th, 2003

The human condition is very interesting.  We love to trade things, don’t we?  There is something about human beings that makes us like to trade things.  We trade land, cars, clothes, jokes and jewelry.  I hear some in this place even used to trade stocks.  That’s kind of a cruel joke, isn’t it?  We like to trade things.  Sometimes trades are good and sometimes they are not so good.  Normally, when we trade something, we ask ourselves, “Is this a good trade or not?”  We want to trade up.  I think all of us here can look back in the rearview mirror of our lives and see times that we have made bad trades.  I know that I can.  Maybe during your life, you traded work for family and you are still paying the consequences.  Maybe you’ve traded sex for self-esteem, or money for security.  Maybe you have traded truth for situational ethics.  As I said earlier, some times trades are good and sometimes they are not so good.  Some of us are still reaping the benefits of good trades and paying the consequences of trades that weren’t so good.

Speaking of trading things, have you checked out this brand new series on television called “Trading Spaces?”  That thing is the rave, isn’t it?  People love to watch the show “Trading Spaces.”  I know people who are rearranging their calendars around the show.  They tape it.  They want to watch “Trading Spaces.”  If you don’t know what I am talking about, let me give you the premise of the show.  “Trading Spaces” has several elements involved.  You have got the designer, the people, the carpenter and cost, and the budget.  You have a couple that trades spaces with another couple.  The designers, carpenters, and couples redecorate each other’s rooms.  Then, while the entire television audience watches, the reveal takes place.  The couples move back into their original rooms.  Then, you watch their reactions.  Sometimes their reactions are like this.  “Oooh, aahh, oooh, aahh!”  Other times, people break out in tears, “Oh, you ruined my space!  What were you thinking?  It’s hideous.”

I thought that “Trading Spaces” was a brand new show.  I thought that they had made the whole thing up.  But, when I thought about the whole Easter account, I thought to myself, “Trading Spaces was invented by God.”  The first Trading Spaces program premiered on a little hillside outside of Jerusalem.  It was there that Jesus left his place and he took up our space on the cross.  The Bible says he offers us, not “ho-hum” grace, but amazing grace.

Today, over the next couple of moments, I want to talk to you about God’s trading spaces, about his redemptive show, because it’s critical that we get down the elements of God’s show.  On top of that, it’s critical that we understand the part that we play in God’s series.

Right up front, we have to understand that God is the master designer.  God is the designer and he has drawn a perfect set of plans for all of us.  Just for a second, let the word of God sink into your spirit.

Here’s what the Lord said in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Every time you plan something, you have got to have a purpose behind the plan.  What is the motivation behind God’s awesome plan?  You might say, “Well, I know why God made us.  He made us because he was lonely.”

No, but that’s a good try.  God has never been lonely.   He has perfect fellowship within the Trinity — God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  He didn’t make us because he was lonely.  He made us because of his irrational, unfathomable love.  Love has to have an object.  The Bible says that we are the objects of God’s love.  That is why he designed us.  That is why he made us.  Let’s face it.  We are God’s MVP, his most valuable possessions.  We matter to God.  In fact, if we knew how important we are to God, we would blow a fuse.  We couldn’t take it.  That’s how amazing God’s love is for you and for me.

A lot of us like to look at houses.  In fact, if you go to different neighborhoods during the weekends, you will see the mini vans and Suburbans cruising through them at a parade-like pace checking out houses.  We all do that.  I have often wondered what people are saying inside the cars about the houses.

Some are probably saying, “Must be nice.  Look at the size of that one!  Wonder what they do for a living?  Man that is ugly.  Can you believe someone would paint their house that color?  Oh, that’s where the Pastor lives, huh?”

We love to do that.  We love to look at houses.  There is something unique about us.  We like to see where people live.  Speaking of cool houses, check this out.

[Video of house demolition begins]

Look at this rubble.  This place used to be an awesome house, one of the most beautiful dwelling places I have ever seen, on wooded acreage that opens up to a gorgeous lake view.  Now, the place is trashed.  It’s really sad to sit here and look at it.  The Bible says, in Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death.”  If we saw our dwelling place before God today, we would have to say, “God, I am in rubble trouble.”  We really are.  We have messed up, and it is the result of sin.  Sin devastates.  Sin demolishes.  Sin destroys God’s ultimate design.

So, yes, God has designed a perfect dwelling place, but we have messed it up because of our sinful nature.  We trashed it.  We have gone our own way.  So, what now?  What do we do in this state?  What do we do in the midst of this rubble trouble?

[Video ends.]

God is the divine designer and he has drawn a perfect set of plans.  Not only has he drawn the plans, he has also built the structure.  But, we have a problem.  I have a problem.  You have a problem.  Our sin has bulldozed God’s design.  You heard me quote a scripture verse from Proverbs 14:12.  “There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death.”  There is a way, there is a method of construction, you might say, that seems right to us, but it only leads to destruction.  We have this southward, downward, and gravitational pull in our lives to do our own thing and to go our own way.  The Bible says that God’s standards are perfect.  We are not perfect.  We miss the mark.  We make moral turnovers and mistakes.  We commit sins day in and day out.

The Bible says that our sins separate us from God.  Most people follow the way that seems right to them.   These people live in denial.  Denial is huge these days.  A lot of us just deny that we are in rubble trouble.  What must we look like in the eyes of our divine designer when we stand there in the midst of our rubble and say, “Hey, God, everything is cool.  My structure looks great!   Everything is fine and dandy.”  We are in denial, and denial breeds deception.  We use denial and we deceive ourselves because it puts off what we need to really think about, contemplate and decide on.

A Details Magazine writer asked movie star Vin Diesel a question.  This writer said, “Vin, why in the world do you drive yourself so hard?  Why in the world do you live life at this break neck type pace?”

Listen to what Vin Diesel said.  [A picture of Vin Diesel is displayed on sidescreens while Ed reads quote] He said, “Maybe it’s because I’d be forced to take stock of where I am in the world, and that’s a little harrowing.”  I think a lot of people who are hearing my voice right now can identify with Vin Diesel.  Maybe you are a little afraid to take stock in your life.  It’s a little harrowing, so you fill your life with all this stuff, all these things, and you live in denial.  Vin Diesel is in denial.  He’s in denial because he knows down deep he has an appointment that he can’t put off.  He knows that he is going to die.

Last Saturday evening, after the 6:30 pm service, I prayed with a young woman in her thirties, a victim of cancer.  I prayed with her and her husband.  With tears streaming down their faces, we talked to God about her condition.  Several hours later, after attending a service here at Fellowship Church, that young woman died.  She left three children.  We shouldn’t be shocked when someone dies.  Sometimes we are.  “I can’t believe he died, or she died.”  We have an appointment that we cannot put off.  Death is inevitable.  What we do on this side of the grave, the Bible says, determines where we will spend eternity.  Are you afraid to take stock in your life?  Are you kind of unsure about the heaven or hell thing and how to find the preferred option?  Denial breeds deception.

We have this tendency as human beings to look within ourselves for the answers.  If you look at this entire self-esteem movement that is so popular these days, a lot of it is based on denial and deception.  The Bible tells us how to have a healthy self-esteem.  The Bible says you can have a healthy self-esteem by seeing yourself the way God sees you — nothing more and nothing less.

The world tells us in many seminars and books that I’m okay and you’re okay.  God comes along and says, “No, that’s wrong.”  Here’s what the Bible says.  The Bible says, “I’m not okay and you are not okay.  We are in rubble trouble.”  We can’t look within ourselves to find meaning and purpose for life.  Yet, we have this amazing ability to do just that.  I sometimes look to Ed for meaning and purpose in life.  What if I handed you the keys to a brand new house, a brand spanking new house, your dream home with all the high tech gear?  You would move in and say, “Thanks a lot, Ed.”  After you moved in, you wouldn’t look to the house for answers.  The house wouldn’t tell you how to work all the high tech gear.  You would have to talk to the designer who designed the house.  If I gave you an invention, you would not look to the invention for the answers.  You wouldn’t look to the invention to see how it works.  You would look to the designer.  Why do we deceive ourselves?  Why are we in denial?  We look within ourselves for answers.  It’s a way that seems right to us, but it only leads to destruction.  It leads to rubble trouble.

Some of us are not in denial.  Others of us are in what I call Home Depot Land.  We are the quintessential Home Depot people.

“No, I’m not in denial, God.  I’m the Home Depot person.  I’m in rubble trouble and here is what I am going to do.  I’m going to do this.  I’m going to build out of my rubble a perfect structure that is pleasing to you.”  That’s what we try to do.  God does leave that option open for all of us.  God says that if we live the perfect life, if we reflect righteousness 100% of the time, then we can get to heaven.

If you study the major world religions, you will see that, basically, they are colossal human construction plans.  Basically, they say that mankind can look within himself, can look within his rubble, and build a structure that might be pleasing to God.  One day, when we face death, we might hit nirvana, or this state, or meet God … maybe.  World religions are based on works.  They are based on people picking up hammers and nails and trying to build their way to God.  But you can’t build a flawless structure with flawed materials, can you?  You can’t do it.  God says that the moment you have one speck of sawdust in your structure, the moment you have one nick in the molding, the moment the bricks aren’t perfect, then your human construction plan is not going to get you where you want to go.

Many here hearing my voice are on the human construction plan.  “Well, Ed, I’m a Catholic, man.  I can build my way to God.”  “I’m a Baptist.  Surely, I can build my way, work my way, give my way and, ‘do good’ my way to God.”

No, you can’t.  Because at the end of the day, we are all sinners.  We are all in rubble trouble.  Yet, so many of us are hammering and nailing with our hammers and the nails.  Ironically, those are the same two instruments that they used to nail Jesus to the cross.  At this point, in our denial and deception, at this point in our Home Depot Land, what did God do?

God could have said, “Well, I set forth the perfect structure.  I designed the perfect set of plans.  I built them and you blew it.  You bulldozed it, because you chose to rebel against me.”

God could have cruised, but he didn’t.  Do you know what God challenged us to do?  God challenged us to put down the hammer and the nails and to turn to him.  God set forth a new plan and he challenges us to follow his new plan.   He constructed an ingenious way for us to get to him.  Here’s what he did.  God sent the carpenter, Jesus Christ, to leave his place, to take our space on the cross, and Jesus, by his death, burial and resurrection offers us his grace.  If we got what we deserved, we would be to be nailed to a cross — eternal separation.  You heard the song.  [Ed is referring to a song, “Wake Me Up Inside” and drama that were played earlier in the service.]  You saw the people coming off of the crosses.  That’s the great news of Easter.  Christ’s resurrection power is available to rank and file people like you and me.  It gives us the power to have victory over sin and it gives us the power to have victory over the grave.  It’s all about the Carpenter.  God commissioned the Carpenter to do the work, to build the bridge from God to man.  We can’t build it from man to God.  God has done the work.

In Romans 5:6, the Bible says this, “When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.”  I hope you are following me with the elements here.  Think about the “Trading Spaces” show.  Now think about God’s redemptive show.  You’ve got the designer, that’s God.  You’ve got the people, that’s you and me.  You’ve got the carpenter, that’s Christ.  And you’ve got the cost, that’s the precious blood of Jesus that he shed voluntarily for your sins and mine.

My brother gave my eleven-year-old son some basketball cards.  These cards were pretty cool, because my brother, Ben, collected them when he was nine to eleven years of age.  He gave E.J. a Pete Maravich basketball card, an Elgin Baylor basketball card, a Happy Harrison basketball card, and a Lou Alsindor basketball card.  Some of you old guys are saying, “Yeah, man.  That’s sweet!”  Some of the young guys are asking, “Who are those guys?”  E.J., when he got these cards, asked, “Dad, how much are these cards worth?”

I said, “E.J., I don’t know.”

Every day, he was wearing me out.  “How much are the cards worth, Dad?  This card, Pete Marovich, how much?”

“E.J., I don’t know.”

After four days of it, I finally said, “Son, let me tell you something about cards.  Let me tell you something, E.J., about life.  An object is only worth what someone will pay for it.  That’s what you will learn in life.  It’s only worth what someone will pay for it.”

Take a wild guess what happened.  Several days ago, a friend gave E.J. this book.  [Ed holds up a Beckett pricing magazine.]  Do you know what this book is?  This book tells you how much every basketball card is worth.  So, E.J. was looking at this book.  For example, let me give you one here.  A 1997-98 SB authentic card of Shawn Kemp, a jersey card of Shawn Kemp, would be worth $300-$500.  That’s a lot of money.  E.J. began to look up all of his cards and said, “Dad, this card is worth $5.00.  This card is worth $10.00.”  This book was telling him how much they were worth.

How much are you worth?  How much am I worth?  We are worth as much as someone would pay for us.  This book [Ed holds up his Bible], not this book [Ed holds us the Beckett], tells me that I am worth the blood of Jesus.  I’m worth a lot.  I’m worth the blood of Jesus.  Jesus loved me so much that he died on the cross.  My sins nailed him to that cross.  He lived a pristine life just for you and me.  He rose again, and if I bow to that, defer to that and receive that, then I am a new person.  I have a purpose for living.  I have victory over sin.  I know my home, my space, in heaven is secure.

Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”

What’s God’s glorious standard?  Perfection.  His standard is perfection for your life and mine.  We are in rubble trouble.  This is God, now.  He’s holy.  He’s perfect.

But check out Verse 24, “Yet now God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty.”

What’s up with that?  He’s done this through Christ, Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins.  So, it’s time that we put down the hammer and the nails.  It’s time that we go with God’s plan.   If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, you only believe half of the Gospel.  The other half is this.  Not only did Christ die on the cross for our sins, but Jesus lived a perfectly righteous life.  He was 100% righteous.  He met God’s standard.  If Christ had been 89.7% righteous, he wouldn’t have met God’s standard.  If he had been 75% righteous, he wouldn’t have met God’s standard.  He was 100% righteous.  So, watch this now, on the cross, God treated Jesus as if he were you and me.  He did that so that he could turn around and treat you and me as if we are Jesus.

The moment I open the door of my life and put out the welcome mat, the moment I drop the hammer and the nails and abandon the self-construction plan, the moment I say, “God, I am in rubble trouble,” the moment I say, “Jesus Christ, come into my life,” what happens?  A trading of spaces takes place.  I trade my failures for forgiveness.  I trade my guilt for God’s grace.  I trade my sin for a Savior.  So now, when God looks at you and me, he does not see Ed Young, the sinner; he does not see you, the sinner.  He sees the righteousness of Christ.  We have applied what Jesus did for us on the cross.  The righteousness has been imputed into our lives.  So, we are before God, 100% righteous and the resurrection gives rank and file people like you and me the opportunity to have victory over sin and the victory over the grave.

2 Corinthians 5:21 hammers this once again.  “For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.”

I have a very simple question for you.  What plan are you on?  Are you on the colossal human construction plan?  Are you trying to build your way to God, or have you put down the hammer and the nails?  Have you admitted your rubble trouble and said, “God, I want to go with your grace construction plan.”

How do we look in the eyes of God, when we are standing here in this dwelling place that we totally demolished by our sin?  How do we look before God when we say, “God, I can rebuild it.  I’m okay.  Everything is cool in my life.”

As he looks at your life and mine, he sees the rubble trouble that we are in.  At this point, a lot of us understand the fact that God sent the carpenter, Jesus Christ, to reconstruct our lives, to die on the cross for our sins, and to burst forth with resurrected power.  But many of us say, “Well, first of all, let me go ahead and clean this life up myself.  I can clean this life up and I can make it because, surely, I have done enough good things to stack up enough bricks to work my way back into heaven — to build the perfect structure.”

But we don’t have the tools to do it.  We cannot do it.  Yet, Jesus, in his love, does this.  In Revelations 3:20, here is what Jesus says.  [A video clip begins on the side screens with Ed standing at the door of the demolished house. The rest of the message is played on the video.]  He says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.”

Even if your house is trashed, like this one is, even if your house is all messed up, (look at this — all the wiring and everything) Christ still wants to enter into your life.  But the deal is this — we control the doorknob.  We have a choice.  The choice that we have is all about our heart, because our heart is that spiritual square footage that our attitudes, actions and abilities come from.  So, I want to challenge you to open the door of your life and let Christ in.  Because once Christ comes in, he can take a house that’s trashed, a house that’s full of rubble, and turn it into something beautiful.  That is the story of Easter.  That is what we are going to talk about over the next several weeks as we talk about renovation of the heart.  If your heart is going to get renovated, you have got to understand what it means to get involved with trading spaces.  Let’s bow for prayer together.

Uncertainty: Part 1 – Certain 3’s


Certain 3’s

Ed Young

August 11, 2002

I was sitting in a quaint café reading a newspaper when suddenly a four-word headline jumped off the page and caught my eye.  It read, “Uncertainty Plagues the Nation.”  I decided right then and there over a bagel and a cup of coffee to begin a brand new series of talks on this subject matter.  All you have to do is take a quick panoramic view of our culture and you see that uncertainty is everywhere.

We are uncertain over security, with daily doses of suicide bombers, child kidnappings and intelligence failures.  It sends a lot of us over the edge.  It leads a lot of us to great areas of panic and anxiety.  So we have some serious uncertainty over security issues.  We have uncertainty over morality issues.  We also are uncertain about religious matters, about spirituality.  Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, Scientology, Christianity.  Which one is right which one is wrong?  Are they kind of the same sort of stuff leading to the same destination?  I’m not sure; I’m uncertain.

Well, we have heard from the armchair experts for far too long.  We’ve heard form the talking heads for far too long about uncertainty.  Let’s see what God says about this topic.  So over the next several weeks I’m going to examine different sectors of uncertainty and we’re going to look at the certainties of God.  Well, today in this opening session we are going to talk about some uncertainties that all of us are familiar with.  Specifically I want to talk about and address the issue of Economic Uncertainty.

If you haven’t noticed lately the Bear has mauled the Bull.  If you haven’t noticed lately most of our retirement nest eggs have been scrambled, poached, cracked, but they are definitely not sunny side up.  Our portfolios are puttering along.  Layoffs are looming larger than life.  And we’re looking at all the economic indicators and we feel large levels of uncertainty.  Uncertainty.

Jesus addressed this issue a long time ago in the book of Luke, Chapter 12.  Listen to his story: “The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop.  He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’  Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do.  I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones and there I will store all of my grain and my goods and I will say to myself: You have plenty of good things laid up for many years.  Take life easy.  Eat, drink, and be merry.’  But God said to him, ‘You fool, this very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?  This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself, but is not rich toward God.”

Now some of you while I read that are saying to yourself, “Ed, man, that does not relate to me.  Ehhh, irrelevant.  I guess I’ll turn you off, Ed, because I am not rich…”  I hope you’re not saying that.  Because I am going to blow your definition of wealth out of this world.  Are you ready?  The annual household incomes for other parts of the world (in U.S. dollars).  Nigeria: $960, Cambodia: $700, that’s dollars, Ethiopia: $560, Sierra Leon: $530 dollars a year.  Suddenly I think our definition of being wealthy and rich might be changing.  Look at 2000 US Annual Income Poverty Levels:

Independent Single Adult:             $8,416.40

Married Couple:                              $11, 339.80

Family of Three:                               $14, 263.20

Family of Four:                                 $17,186.60

Family of Five:                                  $20,110.00

We might have two or three who fall into these annual poverty levels but even if you do against the backdrop of a downtrodden and destitute world you are rich.  We are all rich.  If we have more than a couple of changes of clothes we are wealthy compared to the world.  What does it mean to be wealthy?  It means to have discretionary dollars, and last time I checked all of us have got discretionary dollars.  So, I’m rich baby.  I’m rich.  So Luke 12 relates to me.  I am rich; I am wealthy. I had better pay attention.

What was going on here in this situation?  This farmer did the Barn House Bust.  This farmer put his stock in stuff.  This farmer bowed to the god of gain, a god that many of us are bowing down to right now.  Because most of us are so worried and freaked out and so uncertain about the economic indicators, we are missing what life is all about.


If we have the mentality of the farmer, and it’s very easy to have this mentality, we will sign up for something that I call the Uncertain 3’s.  No, I didn’t misspeak.  I said the Uncertain 3’s.  I want you to notice three things that will occur in your life and in my life just like it occurred in the farmer’s life when we are too mesmerized by economic issues.


Number one, the first of the Uncertain 3’s, we will become self-absorbed.  SELF-ABSORBED.  Most of us own sponges.  A sponge is a pretty cool thing because when it is dry, it’s dry but when you put that sponge on some kind of liquid it sucks the liquid up.  It absorbs it.  And this rich farmer was absorbing all the stuff just for himself.  He thought life was putting more zeros and more decimal points and more zeros and more decimal points and stacking up more and more junk in barns tearing those barns down and building bigger barns.  He thought that was the sum total of his existence.  But Jesus said no, no, no; it should not be.  This guy was self-absorbed.  Look at Verses 17 and 18.  “‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’  Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do.  I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones and there I will store all of my grain and my goods.’”  

Some of you right now are saying to yourselves, “That is good business!  That guy is a good businessman.  He’s saving his money, he’s stacking it away.  That’s a good thing.”  Well, Jesus saw right through that bunk.  He saw selfishness.  He had a read on this man’s greed.  The Bible talks about the importance of saving.  The Bible talks about the importance of having good business practices.  But the Bible says when we have ownership, the stuff should not own us.  And in this case the stuff owned this guy.  He was self-absorbed.

My mother told me a long time ago, “Ed, one of  the first words you ever learned as a child was the word ‘MINE.’”  Mine.  And you know what?  I’m 41 years of age and I’ve been struggling with that word my entire life.  And if you’re honest with yourself so have you.  One of the first words we learned as kids?  Mine!  And we’re still struggling with it.  Oh that’s mine.  I want to absorb everything into myself.  The farmer did that and he was a part of the Uncertain 3’s.


But look at the second of the Uncertain 3’s.  Not only was he self-absorbed he was also SELF-CENTERED.  He was self-centered.  This farmer saw himself as a little demigod sovereignly ruling over his little universe.  He was calling the shots.  He was doing the deal.  It was his portfolio.  It was his stuff.  It was his crops.  It was his business.  It was his creativity.  HE was the man.

Our lives are made for Christ to sit on the throne.  Our dating relationships, singles, are made for Christ to sit on the throne.  Our families and our marriages are made for Christ to sit on the throne.  Our businesses are made for Christ to sit on the throne.  Our finances are made for Christ to sit on the throne.  Well, this rich foolish farmer who had no wisdom messed up.  He was self-centered.  It was all about him.  Let’s play a game right now.  (Humming the Jeopardy! Tune.)  It’s called find the personal pronouns.  I’m going to read you a couple of verses of Scripture and the object of the game is to see how many personal pronouns you discover.  One, two, three, go: (reading Luke 12:17-19):

“What shall I do?  I have no place to store my crops.  This is what I’ll do.  I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones and there I will store all of my grain and my goods and I’ll say to myself you have plenty of good things laid up for many years.”

There are some serious personal pronouns there.  I think there are about 11.  Don’t quote me on that.  I didn’t do very well in English but I think about 11 personal pronouns.  This guy sounds like a professional athlete being interviewed on Sports Center.  I, I, I, me, me, me, my, my my, I, I, I, me, me, me, my, my, my.  He sounds like an entertainer, a singer, an actor or actress being interviewed.  My, my, my, me, me, me, I, I, I.  This guy had Personal Pronounitis.

God is made for the throne of our lives.  God should call the shots.  God is made to be Lord.  He is made to be ruler.  That’s one of the reasons that your life is not clicking right now.  That’s one of the reasons that you are not hitting on all cylinders, because you are self-centered.

I have always messed up in my life when I said, “Okay, Jesus, let me drive the car.  Thank you very much.  I know what Ed Young should do.  You see, I have a lot of experience.  You just sit there in the co-pilot seat.  Let me be little demigod, sovereignly ruling over a universe called Ed.”

I’ve always messed up.  For a while, it will work.  But after a while, I fall into something that we will talk about in a couple of moments.  So self-absorbed.  That is the first of the uncertain 3’s.

Self-centered.  That’s the second of the uncertain 3’s.


Now, the third of the uncertain 3’s, he was SELF-RELIANT.  We run into problems when we are self-reliant.  Check out what Jesus said.  I hope you didn’t miss it.  In Luke 12:16, Jesus said, “The ground of a certain rich man had produced a good crop.”  He didn’t say the rich man produced it.  What did Jesus say?  The ground produced it.

I always laugh when I hear people say, “Yes, I’m a self-made man.  I’m a self-made woman.”  I think, “Really?  That is hilarious.  That is so funny.  Who put you in your family?  Who gave you that laugh?  Who gave you the voice?  Who gave you the ingenuity?  Who gave you the discipline?  Who put you with that group of people?  Who made you that money?  Who?”  The ground; God.  You didn’t do it.  You are not that smart.  You are not that sharp.  God did it and he did it for a reason because he loves you and because he blesses you.  But we will never understand God’s blessings, never appropriate God’s blessings until we put him at the center of our lives, until we make him Lord, until we rely on him, until we allow him to absorb everything that we are about, everything.

Jesus said to this rich guy in this story, he said this rich guy was worried about his barns but God was talking about a burial.  This rich guy was worrying about stock and accounting principles yet God was talking about giving an account of your life before me.  This guy was talking about the here and now, and God was talking about the forever.  A lot of us have our stuff stacked up and we’re tearing down barns, and building bigger barns and we score an A+, 100 on investment and portfolios.  We look at the economic indicators but we are missing the most important stuff.  We are missing the spiritual indicators and we are not ready for life because we are not ready for death.

You could say, “Well, man, must be nice.  This guy had more stuff than he knew what to do with.  Must be nice.”

Well, we all have more stuff than we know what to do with.  Must be nice.  If you are saying, must be nice, or man, I sure wish I had that problem, you probably struggle with greed and materialism.  Is God right now getting a read on your greed?  Is God right now saying to you, “You know, the economy means too much to you.  There is more to life than stacking up stuff.”

Let’s say you stack up a bunch of stuff.  Let’s say you tear down barns and build bigger barns.  If you make a lot of money and you have a lot of stuff, you only have about thirty years to spend it and do stuff with it.  Most of us will get sick and only have about twenty years to do it anyway.  This mentality will mess you up.

Here is what Jesus said in Luke 12:21, “This is how it will be for anyone that stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.”

Are you bowing to the god of gain?  Are you into the economy?  Are you putting your stock in stock instead of your stock in the Savior?  If we put our stock in stock, here is what happens.  Here is what we sign up for if we are a part of the uncertain 3’s, if we are self-absorbed, self-centered, and self-reliant.  We sign up for worry.  We take a downward spiral into the pit of worry.

Worry is Destructive

Do you know what the word “worry” means?  It comes from an Anglo Saxon word which means to strangle.  Whenever I put my emphasis, my spotlight, my mission on stuff and on things, it is just a matter of seconds before I end up worrying.  Because worrying is what?  It’s destructive.  A lot of us are worrying right now.  “The bear mauled the bull.  The .com crashed.  Alan Greenspan.  The sky is falling.  My retirement nest egg.”  Worrying is destructive.  That’s what Jesus said.

Look at Verse 25, of Luke 12.  Isn’t it ironic that he is talking about the barnyard and barn house bust of this rich foolish farmer then, bam, he is talking about worry.  “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”  In the literal language it means, who of you by worrying can add a single inch to your height?

“Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”

Worry is destructive.  What happens when we worry?  It leads to panic attacks.  It leads to missed opportunities.  It can lead to the hospital and, ultimately, the grave.  It’s destructive.

Worry is a Distraction

Worry is also a distraction.  Luke 12:24, Jesus said, “Consider the ravens.”  Then later on he talks about the lilies.  Christ is arguing here from the lesser to the greater.  He is saying to think about the ravens.  Think about the lilies.  Because they are ravens, “they do not sow or reap.”  In other words, they don’t go to the office.  “They have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them.  And how much more valuable you are than birds!”  The lesser to the greater.

God is going to take care of his creatures and he is going to take care of you and me.  The only thing that will free us from anxiety and worry is pure faith.  That’s the only thing.  Faith in the right place.  Not faith in things.  Not faith in the economy.  Faith in God.  Isn’t it funny that we put our faith in something we think is so certain, but in reality is so uncertain?  I think that is really interesting about human beings.

Worry is a Distortion

So, worry is destructive.  It’s a distraction.  It’s also a distortion.  Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

The evil one loves to distort the truth.  He’s the master counterfeiter, the father of lies.  He loves to tell big ones to you and to me.  He loves to distort the truth.  Sometimes, we can get to the point where we think that worry is a beautiful thing.  I’ve been there before.

I think, “Well, I better start worrying about that because it’s beneficial.  It’s good.”

So I just worry and worry.  That’s crazy.  In essence, worry is a sin before God.  It’s a sin.  It’s spending an inordinate amount of time, energy and effort on something that may or may not happen and most of the time, it doesn’t happen.  Yet, we worry.  Why?  Because we are self-absorbed and we are self-centered and we are self-reliant.  That’s the uncertain 3’s.  It will lead to worry.


But, let’s talk about the certain 3’s.  I love this and you are going to love it too.  If we come to the point in our lives where we say, “You know what?  I’m tired of worrying. I’m tired of the uncertain 3’s. I want the certain 3’s.”  Here is what we have to do.  We have to ask God, “God, I want you to envelop me with your grace to wash me clean.  I want to take self out and put Christ in.  I don’t want to be self-absorbed.  I want to be Christ-absorbed.”


That’s the first of the certain 3’s, becoming Christ-absorbed.  Two weeks ago, I was in a third world country.  I met several sponge divers.  These guys spend most of their lives with little masks and snorkels diving in 18-22 feet of water collecting sponges.  One of them told me he can hold his breath for like five minutes under water.  Is that unbelievable?  Wow.  Anyway, they were telling me about the process of collecting sponges and drying sponges out and they said, “Come here.  I’ll show you some sponges that are drying out.”

I walked over toward the sponges.  As you know, my family and I have four dogs.  The kind of funny thing about dogs is dogs warn you before they get sick.  Dogs kind of go, (makes gutteral sound) and they give you that warning and you better pick them up and get them out.  In my case, I have to drag them.  I can’t pick them up.  When I smelled those sponges drying, it was the worst odor.  I am talking about an odor that will knock you flat and make you sick like a dog.  It was unbelievable.  Horrible.  Those sponges were drying out.

When we come to the point in our lives where we say, “Jesus, dry me out.  I’m tired of being self-absorbed.  I want to take self out by your power and put you in.”  During that process, Satan will make sure that we stink up the place.  Because my self, Ed Young, my ego, my deal, stinks in the eyes of God.  At the end of my best day, I am a miserable sinner and so are you.  Go through the wave of odor.  Don’t say, “Well, it smells.  It’s going to be tough.  I don’t know, God, if you have the power to take self out and put you in.  I better not because it stinks too much.”

No, it doesn’t.  He specializes in taking sin-stained people like you and me, self-absorbed people like you and me, and putting himself there.  Once we allow Jesus Christ to come into our lives, once we soak up the water of life, we can be that sponge.  We shouldn’t get water logged and heavy.  We can be that sponge because we can give the water of life to every person, every interchange, every business deal, every conversation, every interchange at school, at the office, in our marriage or whatever.  We can do that, giving out the water of life.  We need to become Christ-absorbed.

1 Timothy 6:17, tells us this, “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope (that’s being Christ-absorbed) in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”  Don’t feel guilty when you are blessed.  God has blessed you.  Enjoy it.  It puts a smile on God’s face when we enjoy what he has given us.  But we have got to realize God has given us what we have and we are to leverage it for others and for God.  When we do that, we can bring up channels of God’s grace as stuff flows from God to us, through us, and to others.


We need to also become Christ-centered.  Take self off the throne and become Christ-centered.  I talked about it a second ago.  Look at 1 Timothy 6:18, “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds.”  Once we allow Jesus Christ to take residence in our life, once we give him everything we are, then we become Christ-centered.  We live a Christo-centric life.

Jesus says, go here, go there, live by my word, act like this, speak like this, talk like this, walk like this.  Then suddenly, we take the spotlight off of ourselves and put it on God.  When we put it on God, we get outside of ourselves and we don’t worry about poor pitiful me.  I had a tough background.  My diapers were put on too tight.  My parents were too mean to me.  This situation is the way I am.  No, we have taken it off ourselves and put it on God.  We have gone through that healing.  We have been saved and sanctified and, now, we get outside of ourselves and we serve one another, we encourage one another, we pray for one another and we see the true indicators are not economic.  They are spiritual.


So, we become Christ-absorbed, Christ-centered.  He runs the show.  And also, Christ-reliant.  Not self-reliant.  Christ-reliant.  We realize Christ gave it to us.

Look at 1 Timothy 6:18-19, it says “To be generous and to be willing to share.”  I like that, to be generous.  The essence of the Christian life is generosity.  I like this too, willing to share.  It doesn’t say share; willing to share.  If I am Christ-reliant and Christ-centered, all I have got to do is be willing to share.  God is not concerned about my ability.  He wants my availability.  If I say, “God, I’m willing to share,” he’s going to give me things and show me how to leverage my stuff.  It will work from God to me, through me, to others.

When my kids were really small, they had a hard time sharing.  I wrote a song about sharing that I have shared one time but I will share it again because it is an incredible song.  The lyrics are very deep so be ready.  If my children had something that they were being selfish with, let’s say Laurie had it.  I would say, “Laurie, sing this song with me.  ‘Share, share, share.  Laurie likes to share.’  Then I would ask Laurie to hand the object to her sister.  ‘Share, share, share.  Shaaaarrrre!’”  Let’s sing it together.  No, I’m just kidding.

That’s what Jesus says to us, share, share, share.  If you are a believer, everyone likes to share.  That’s what God did.  If God didn’t share, we would be in a heap of eternal trouble.  We are to share, be willing to share.

Check out Verse 19, “In this way, they will lay up treasure for themselves.”  I can lay up treasure for myself in heaven.  How do I do it?  I invest my time, talent and resources into people who are going there “as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”  I want some of that, the life that is truly life.

Uncertainty.  Uncertainty over the economy, over stuff.  Maybe you can connect with the farmer. Maybe you are saying, “Ed, I have this gnawing low-grade sensation of being uncertain right now.  I am uncertain, like that rich farmer, about my eternity.  I’m uncertain about where I stand before God.”  If you are, think about what I have talked about.  Think about those Certain 3’s.  Think about being Christ-absorbed.  Jesus absorbed the penalty and the pain and the torment and the punishment for your sins on the cross.  We deserved it.  But right when we were going to get it, what did Jesus do?  He stepped in front of us and said, “I’ll take the licks for him.  I’ll take the licks for her.”  That’s called grace.  We don’t merit it.  We can’t work for it.  He just did it because of his awesome love.  He absorbed our sin so we could know God personally, so we could know him.

How about Christ-centered?  Are you trying to be a little demigod, sovereignly ruling over your universe?  Are you saying you know the best thing to do, you know what you should do for a living, you know where you should take this relationship, you know, and you know.  You are going to do what makes you look good, what gives you that buzz, that pleasure?  You might do a pretty good job of it for about 2, 3, 4, or even sometimes 20 years, but you are going to live in the pit of worry.  One day, you will end up like the foolish farmer because your soul will be required, because you are just one germ away from the afterlife.  And God will say, “You messed up.  You got so involved in this and that, that you missed the most important thing.”

So, why don’t you just take yourself off the throne and allow Jesus to rule and to be Lord of your life, become Christ-centered.  Once we become Christ-centered, once we are absorbed by him, what happens?  We can become Christ-reliant because the Holy Spirit inside of our lives will show us how to live as we defer to him.  As we open ourselves up to him, he will give us leadings through his word, through Christian friends, through teaching, through song, through drama, through whatever, to show us the life that is truly life.

How about it?  You are just one prayer away from changing uncertainty to certainty.  Won’t you take care of that business right now?  Won’t you prayer the prayer right now?  What’s holding you back?  Don’t let anything.  Go for it.

The Untouchables: Part 3 – Homosexuality



DECEMBER 13, 1998


I know that many of you have walked into today’s service with a myriad of mindsets regarding the topic.  Some of you are secretly hoping that I will unleash holy hatred on the homosexual community.  You kind of want me to abuse them, point them out and banish them to the uttermost, darkest and hellish areas of the supernatural.  I know some of you are secretly thinking along those lines.

Others here, because of a gay friend or a family member, are sort of poised to pounce on any word that I say.  You want to selectively listen, to take something out of context and to quickly conclude as you leave Fellowship Church that the God of the Bible, Christians and this church are homophobic, hard-hearted and intolerant.  You want to do that.  Others here are apathetic.  You don’t really care that much about the issue.  You want some information on it and are not really sure where you stand.

I know there are a percentage here who are involved in the homosexual lifestyle.  I want you to know something from my heart.  I know when you walked into the doors of this worship center that you knew what subject matter was on the plate, yet you showed up.  I know it took a lot of courage and I really respect that.  I want you to know something; in fact, I want every group here to know something. You are outrageously loved by the God of the universe.  Isn’t that wonderful news?  We are loved so much we can’t really comprehend it.  In fact, we would blow a fuse if we could realize the depth and the breadth of the love that God has for us.  However, part of love is hearing and articulating the truth.  The Bible says to speak the truth in love.  And the truth is not always pleasant, fun or an easy thing.  Sometimes it hurts.  Sometimes it challenges.  Sometimes it confronts.  So I want to confront you and challenge you, no matter what group you find yourself in, to take your prejudices and your presuppositions and put them aside.  Back burner them right now.  And I am going to ask you to open up your heart, your mind and your hands to God and to hear what He has to say about this issue which He talks about so frequently in His book.

So as we prepare to listen and to do business with God, let us pray together.  God, right now, as we open Your book I ask that you would open our lives.  I ask, Lord that you would deposit your truth in our lives and also I ask that because of this service, we will never, ever look at our lives, at walking with you, or relationships the same way as before.  I thank you now for what is going to happen as a result of this time together.  For Christ’s sake, Amen.

If you just mention the word homosexuality, people get tense.  Look around right now.  Sadly, what we know about homosexuality comes from slang terms or off-color jokes.  Most of us don’t know the truth about it.  I lovingly and firmly refuse to accept the fact that homosexuality falls in line with God’s model and God’s math of sex.  God says it time and time again in His word.  Sexual intercourse is for one woman and one man in the context of a mutually satisfying, lifelong commitment called marriage.  In other words, homosexuality is a sin.

Seven times in the Bible it is called a sin, four in the Old Testament and three in the New Testament.  I cannot accept the fact, biblically speaking, that homosexuality is a normal, status quo way to go.  A lot of us here have trusted Christ.  And when we have made this decision to trust Christ, we also trust Him relationally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.  And we trust His wisdom concerning sexuality.  So I want us to ask and answer some popular questions about homosexuality.  To do this we are going to use the same grid that we used last weekend when I began this easy series called THE UNTOUCHABLES.  Last weekend we talked about racism, now homosexuality and we will wrap up next weekend with abortion.  Easy preaching, easy teaching.

Let’s start with the first question.  Why?  Why would someone engage in homosexual activity?  That is a very important question.  In all of my research over the years of my ministry and over the last several weeks, I have pinpointed several major influences.  Researchers cite these influences time and time again in books, articles and interviews.  Here is why a lot of people choose the homosexual lifestyle.

The first influencer is environmental.  It goes something like this.  Let’s say that a young guy was born into a family that is out of balance and out of whack.  There is a mismatch going on.  Let’s just say for illustrative purposes that the mother takes the reins of the family team.  Let’s just say that she becomes the domineering and controlling coach.  She has got the whistle around her neck and she is all over this little boy.  Dad is distant.  Dad is over there in the bleachers.  He is off the playing field.  This little guy wants to exhibit his masculinity, he wants to see what being a man is all about but coach mom will not let him.  She is on top of him, screaming at him, yelling at him and one day this little guy just yells for masculinity.  He yells for affection.  He turns to his father and say, “Dad, I want to love you.  Dad, I want to know you.  Dad, show me what it means to be a man.”  But his cries fall on deaf ears because his mom is yelling and screaming and dominating him to such a degree that the dad can never hear him. You bring a little guy into a situation like this and you have vulnerability going on and you open the door for homosexuality.  I read this past week that most gay men and women go back to the mismatch in the family dynamics that were destructive and led to their lifestyle choice.  Environmental, that is a major influencer of homosexuality.

Now the next influencer that I want to talk about is the most popular, especially with the gay activists and the media spin-doctors.  It is the genetic influencer.  Homosexuals say, “I was born this way, let me live this way.  I cannot change.  Genetics, I was just born this way like blue eyes or brown eyes, left handed or right handed.  I just have this gay gene.”  Friends, there is no conclusive, medical evidence that supports this.  Granted, there could be some genetic disposition going on in certain cases but there is no such thing as a genetic gene.

Dr. Geoffrey Satanover from MIT and Harvard says this.  “What the majority of respected scientists now believe is that homosexuality is attributable to a combination of psychological, social and biological factors.”  These researchers, especially Satanover, brings up basketball to illustrate the point of how ludicrous it is to say that there is a gay gene.  Satanover says, “Well, what if you said there was a basketball gene.  You won’t find one.  You will have some predisposition toward height and muscularity and toward quickness and toward a vertical jump, but just because you have this predisposition does not mean that you are forced to become a basketball player.  It is a choice.”  Let’s say there was a gay gene.  You aren’t forced to engage in the homosexual lifestyle.  It is a choice.  Let’s say you are predisposed to chronic headaches or PMS.  Would that give you a license to engage in socially unacceptable behavior?  Well, I just don’t have a choice.

What if I was predisposed to anger and alcoholism?  What if I said to myself that I have just got to rage at everybody I see and I have got to drink a fifth a day?  I don’t have a choice.  I have just got to do it.  Interwoven and given to human beings is the freedom of choice.  Yet this is a very popular excuse.  It is an excuse for the homosexual community to ease its guilt and remove responsibility.  It sounds really good.  And it sounds good for a lot of sinfulness.  This condition, like racism, is not genetic, it is sinetic.

The third influencer that I want to hit is one that I would say is the most prominent as far as causing and leading someone into the gay lifestyle.  It is the experiential influencer.  Take what we talked about already.  Take the other influencers.  Then take a young man or a young woman testing the waters of puberty, testing their masculinity or femininity.  Put into the mix an abusive same-sex parent.  Put into the mix a trusted friend or relative.  Put into the mix a homosexual act and then you have that yearning and burning desire for masculine or feminine affection.  Then you have the desire for the person to leave the out of balance family dynamic and you have got someone whose sexuality is up for grabs.  Read the reports.  Talk to the people as I have.  And they will tell you that this experiential influencer is the major cause.  One study that I read said that 85% of gays say it was the early childhood experience that led them into the gay lifestyle.

Why do people engage in homosexual activity?  I touched on three influencers.  Now, let’s go a little deeper and answer another question.  What activities do homosexuals engage in?  What activities do they practice?  You are not going to hear this from the gay activists or the media spin-doctors because they want us to believe that homosexuals live a monogamous, happy life that mirrors the lifestyle of the heterosexual community.  But that is not true.

A Bellin-Wineburg study states that 2% of homosexuals would be called relatively monogamous.  We are talking about 98% being promiscuous, and I mean promiscuous.  Have you seen the side screens?  It is estimated that 43% of gay men have sex with over 500 or more different partners, 75% with over 100 or more partners.  Now the Bellin-Weinberg study was a study on human sexuality done by two people who were not Christ-followers.  This is not biased stuff here.  They found that 28% estimated over 1,000 partners.  Oftentimes people will say that lesbians are not as prolific, but they found that 41% of lesbians admitted to having sex with 10 to 500 lifetime partners.  So what we are talking about here is disturbing stuff.

The media will try to portray homosexuals as some guys or girls holding hands walking down Main Street in bright clothing and that’s it.  But that is not really the case.  Granted, there are some monogamous homosexuals.  But at the most it is a little over 2%.

Right now I want to prepare you for something.  We need to know what deviant behavior homosexuals are involved in.  I am not going to tell you, but I am going to allow a physician to tell you.  This physician has studied homosexual activity for the last 20 years.  This video I showed about four years ago.  It is extremely, extremely graphic but you need to know what goes on in actuality.  This is Dr. Stanley Montief as he talks about some of the homosexual acts that are practiced.

“One hundred percent of homosexuals engage in fellatio which is either insertive or receptive oral sex.  About 93% engage in rectal sex, which is anal intercourse.  And, of course, the rectum was not built for intercourse and so when you carry out anal intercourse you manage to tear the rectum because the sphincters are expanded in many instances.  It is not a healthy activity.  And it is because you tear the rectum that there is such a high incidence of disease in these cases.

About 92% of the homosexuals engage in something called rimming.  Rimming is simply licking in and around your partner’s anus.  It involved actually placing your tongue into the anus.  You couldn’t do this without some ingestion of feces.  Then you have something called fisting.  Fisting involved about 47% of homosexuals.  It involved taking your fist and your arm and inserting it into a man’s rectum so that he would have sexual pleasure and you would have pleasure by inflicting this upon him.

Then 29% engaged in something called golden showers.  What are golden showers?  A man lays on the ground naked and other men stand around him and urinate on him.  Then there is something called scat.  About 17% of homosexuals engaged in that.  That was actively eating human feces or rubbing feces on your skin or rolling around on the floor on feces which is called mud rolling.”

Disturbing activity, to say the least.  And against the backdrop of what you just heard, I want to talk to you about the published activities and the propaganda and the agenda of gay activists.  We need to know what they are doing and what demands they are trying to place on our society, our world, our government and even the local church.

Again, look to the side screens.  The first demand is that the sex lives of homosexuals and heterosexuals are similar and conventional.  Now I ask you, the acts described by Dr. Monteif, would you call those similar and conventional sexual acts?  I don’t think so.  A second demand is for homosexuals to be able to marry and adopt children and become established as families.  I pose to you, Fellowship Church, how do you think it would be for little boys and little girls to grow up in homes that are practicing the things you have just heard.  Yet they are trying to force this agenda in our public school system and they are trying to force hiring quotas even on local churches.

Let me hit one more of these demands.  Homosexuals want to be awarded full minority status.  I don’t think that there is a person here who wants to deny anybody his or her basic civil rights.  But think about this.  They are saying that they should be awarded full minority status due to sexual behavior.  If that were the case, why don’t we have minority status for adulterers, sado-masochists, or rapists.  It is ludicrous, deceiving, demanding.  But we are talking about a well-organized and affluent political ship.

So that brings us to the third major question.  What should our response be to all of this?  What should we do?  I want to speak first of all to those here who are involved in the homosexual lifestyle.  Here is the great news.  Three words.  You can change.  I will say it one more time.  You can change.  God can transform you, He can remake you, He can renew you.  You can change.

The Bible says in I Corinthians 6:9-11 some powerful and life-changing words.  It says,  “Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor the drunkards nor the slanderers nor the swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God…”  I love this next line,  “…And that is what some of you were.”  The Apostle Paul was saying, you were idolaters, you were adulterers, you were thieves, you were slanderers, you were homosexuals.  That’s right, the Corinthian Christians, that colossal group of moral foul-ups who made up this church, used to be all those things.  They were, but, Paul continues, “You were washed and you were sanctified and you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God.”  If it was just a genetic thing, no one could change.  Yet, thousands of lesbians, thousands of gay men leave the lifestyle, turn to Christ, get washed and sanctified and justified.  They marry and never get involved in the lifestyle again.

A friend of mine who I met a decade ago was named Victor.  Victor was affluent, articulate, young and a major leader in the gay community.  One day Victor got washed.  One day Victor bowed the knee to Christ.  One day he was sanctified and justified and he left the gay community.  And I watched Victor bring dozens and dozens of his friends from the gay community to the church and I watched him introduce them to Christ and I watched them leave the lifestyle.  One day, though, Victor told me some disturbing news.  He told me that he had AIDS and shortly thereafter Victor died.  I believe that Victor is watching us right now from heaven.  I believe that Victor is saying to a lot of people involved in the homosexual lifestyle, to a lot of people who are tempted by it, you can change.  It works.

Did you check out the songs that we did today, those sing-alongs?  Those sing-alongs were written by a homosexual man, Dennis Jernigen.  He came out of the homosexual and into a personal relationship with the living Lord.  You can talk all day about self-help groups.  You can talk all day about trying to stop the temptation.  You can talk all day about trying to leave the lifestyle but the only thing that works is being washed, being sanctified and being justified.  We are going to help you, homosexuals.  We are here to love you and we are here to encourage you.  And I want us to stand with fellow strugglers.  I don’t care if you are a liar.  I don’t care if you are a thief.  I don’t care if you are a homosexual.  I don’t care if you are an adulterer.  I don’t care if you are a fornicator.  I want to stand with you.  I am not too concerned about what you are involved in.  I want to stand with you, introduce you to Christ and show you what this lifestyle change can do in your life.

Remember, the Christian life is an event followed by a process.  But homosexuals, hey, you need help.  You need help.  H stands for hope.  True hope is found in knowing God.  E stands for encouragement.  You’ll find encouragement here with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  L stands for love.  Once the love of God assaults you and overtakes you, then and only then will you see life the way Christ wants you to see it.  And P stands for prayer.  It is going to take prayer.  And I will not broadbrush it.  Homosexuals, it will take more courage, more prayer, more endurance than you have ever had in your life.  This is going to be the most difficult obstacle you have ever crossed, but with the help of God you can do it.

And let me tell you why it is so difficult.  There is nothing like sexual sin.  Sexual sin is a multi-level and multi-faceted activity.  Whether you are involved in sex outside of marriage with the opposite sex, whether you are involved in adultery, or homosexuality, it is a multi-faceted thing.  And only a multi-faceted God can help you change.  Only He can do the work.

Also you are going to need a local body of believers.  You are going to need the church.  You are going to need people to come along side you and support you.  But I am going to tell you something.  You can do it.  Think about Victor.  Think about Dennis.  That is what I say to the homosexuals here.  You can change.  We love you.  You matter to God, but we love you enough to speak the truth and to tell you how to make the step.

Now let me say a word to the Fellowship Church.  What should we do?  Unleash holy hatred to the homosexual community?  No, that is not what Jesus did.  Should we be kind of apathetic?  Should we take things out of context?  What should we do?  We need to do two things.  We need to connect and challenge.  We need to connect, to build relationships with people who are involved in the gay lifestyle, around the neighborhood, at the workout facility, within this church, within every realm of life.  And we need to build relationships and connect with love.  I am talking about an outrageous amount of love.  Can you do that?  God tells you to do it.  God tells me to do it.  We are not to worry about what people are involved in, just to connect and love.  And then we have got to challenge.  We have got to say, lovingly and firmly, I love you but here is what the Bible says.  This is not an acceptable alternative to God’s sexual math or life.  You can’t make it work.  It doesn’t fit with God’s agenda.  So we have got to build those bridges and then we have got to challenge and confront.

We are not supposed to trade insult for insult, to call names and go back and forth.  Christ never did that.  We are never to do that.  But I will say this.  Sometimes you will have to take some accusations.  Sometimes you will have to take people spreading false rumors about you.  Sometimes you will have to take that.  That is what happens when you connect and challenge.  But if you hold true in love and stand on this Word, God is going to take care of you and He will show you what to do.

So the information has been given about this untouchable subject.  I don’t know about you, but as I said last weekend, part of walking with Christ is asking the tough questions and being ready for the raw answers, then processing the information and living it out.  Live it out.  Do what the Bible says.  And God will be glorified and many, many people that you’ll see will change.  They will change.

Thee End: Part 3 – Trial and Terror



NOVEMBER 22, 1998


Judgment.  The word sounds so biting, capricious and cruel in our stripped-down, value-forgotten society.  Yet our culture says, who am I to judge?  Don’t judge me, I am not going to judge you.  I am not going to even go there, we say.  All lot of us have decaffeinated the term.  And this mentality has so monopolized us and mezerized us that large blocks of us have removed this character trait from the nature of God.  We boldly say, my God is a God of love, not a God of judgement.  But, the judgement of God is painted some 600 times over the canvas of scripture.  It looms large.  It is everywhere we turn.  We can’t get away from the judgment of God.  And the judgement of God is going to be for believers and nonbelievers alike.

One day the Lord, Himself, will do an audit.  He will look at our life ledger and He will assess penalties and give rewards.  Now we love to talk about the fact that God is a God of forgiveness, a God of grace and a God of compassion.  And we love to articulate that and sing about that and meditate on that.  However, God is also a God of conviction, a God of wrath and a God of judgment.  I love to talk about the fact that God is a God of judgment.  I love to talk and to teach and to preach about the reality that God is a God of judgment.  Why?  Am I a closet hell fire and brimstone preacher who likes to dangle you over the sulfur and the smoke?  No.  I am not.  I like to talk about this subject matter because of what it produces.  When you talk about the judgment of God, it produces some incredible and supernatural benefits in your life and mine.  And the judgment of God is intrinsically woven into God’s thoughts and His concepts and His words concerning the end.

This weekend I am concluding a series called Thee End, which I am preaching because God is in control of the end.  With Y2K looming large out there, with the political and economic developments of our day, people are thinking about the final things.  They are thinking about that moment in history when the curtain will finally close on life as we know it.  And God has a lot to say about the end.  When you talk about the end, you have got to talk about the judgment of God.

I believe today’s session will build beautiful benefits into your life and into mine.  If you missed either of the first two messages, please pick one up because each builds on the one that proceeds it.  And at the end I am going to give you a readying list for you to read and study.  There are so many details that I can’t get into.  I could easily spend three years on this material, instead of three weeks.

After the Rapture, after that sudden and instantaneous act of God in which He moves Christ followers from this planet into eternity, something happens.  I am talking to just Christians, now.  We face the judgment seat of Christ.  That’s right.  Christians face the judgment seat of Christ.  I am not talking about being judged for our sinfulness.  That was taken care of on the cross 2,000 years ago.  I am talking about our awards, our trophies, the things that God wants to give you and me for what we have done with what He has given us.  It has nothing to do with whether or not we will spend eternity with Christ.  If we know Him personally, we are going to spend forever in a place called heaven, forever in a place that is so awesome words cannot do it justice.

But we do have to fact the judgment seat, the blazing eyes of Christ Himself as we come clean, as we give an account, as He measures our lives as Christians regarding what we have done with what He has given us.  The Bible describes this in I Corinthians 4:5.  “The Lord will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts.”  At the Greek games, the judge had the best seat in the house.  He had an unencumbered view of every event from start to finish.  The Lord, Himself, on the judgment seat will have this unencumbered view of every one of our lives.  He will check us out.  He will look at our life ledger and He will look and see how we developed those talents, abilities and aptitudes that He gave us.

Now a lot of Christians do not like to think about the judgment seat of Christ.  The judgment seat of Christ for some believers will be a time of triumph, a time of high fives and smiles.  But for others, it will be a time of trauma, a time of tears.  The Bible says that heaven will be a place where we shed no tears.  But the judgment seat will be a place where some of us do indeed shed tears because we will realize the opportunities we had, the circumstances that were presented to us, the times when we had to serve Christ and to develop our aptitudes, abilities and gifts.  And a lot of us will have dropped heads, teary eyes and sick stomachs.

Let’s say a wealthy believer goes before the judgment seat who is known for his or her “generosity” to the local church.  But at the judgment seat this person will be seen as just throwing pocket change to the cause of Christ because the gifts of this person were just a mere slice of his or her financial pot.  Other believers who kind of cruise control with their abilities will be seen as wasteful and neglectful because they didn’t do anything with what Christ gave them.  Yes, they bowed the knee to Jesus but that was about it.  It stopped there.  Some believers here have a lack of purity in their lives.  Let me say something about the lack of purity.  It breaks the heart of God to have believers living together before marriage.  It breaks the heart of God to have businessmen and women exaggerating and fudging numbers.  It breaks the heart of God for us to get into situations that cause us to compromise.  And many are in situations like that right now and it is going to keep you from receiving the incredible benefits and trophies and awards and rewards that God wants to give you.

You see, God is cheering you on.  He is cheering me on.  He knows that we are going to mess up.  He knows that we are going to foul up.  He knows that we are going to fall short.  But He has a phenomenal pile of trophies that He wants to give you and give me.  And for many, He will give us high fives and smiles and eternal awards.  I am not talking about the Heisman, the Grammy or the Emmy.  I am talking about something that does not tarnish, that will not rot or rust.  I am talking about ultimate awards.  And many will receive them.  But for others He will say, “I put you in that situation, around that church, around that group of people and I have all this stuff for you but I can’t give it out because you were wasteful, neglectful, greedy and selfish.”

Now following the judgment seat, yes, we live in heaven forever.  But I have got to tell you again, believers, one day we will do this life ledger thing before the blazing eyes of the Lord.  And Jesus will make the IRS appear like generalists.  He is going to get specific.  So that should motivate you and me to think about every word, every thought, every place we go because if we know Christ, we are an advertisement for Him.

Children love trophies, don’t they?  It never ceases to amaze me how little kids love those trophies.  I will never forget the first trophy I ever received.  It was in the third grade.  I played football for the Brookwood Forest Bulldogs.  And when they called my name, and when I paraded across that stage, I was so focused on the trophy that I grabbed the trophy out of my coach’s hand.  And everybody kind of laughed.  “Oh, Ed, he is so aggressive.  He just loves that trophy.”  And, parents, we love to watch our children get awards and rewards and certificates and ribbons, don’t we?  We get a little misty-eyed.  We love it.  Most adults dismiss this as a childhood thing.  It is not a childhood thing.  I think adults like awards and rewards and certificates and trophies just as much as children.  Have you ever watched a foursome win a little golf scramble and for their trophy they get a set of golf balls from the local country club.  Grown men and women cheer.  Yea, we won.  It is incredible.

I ran a marathon a few years ago and a lady pushing her two-year-old son in a jogging stroller finished five minutes ahead of me.  And when she flew over the finish line, she was hugging her friends who were giving her a race T-shirt.  We love awards and trophies.  And most of us have an ego wall, don’t we?  Adults, we are more sophisticated than our children.  We don’t just show the trophies on the dresser and the windowsill.  “This is a picture of me with……  This is a trophy which I didn’t really mean to have it out.  And this is a football which….and a baseball which.”  And that is fine.  There is no problem with that.  Why, though, do we have this desire?  Why are we reward and trophy driven?  I believe this desire is a microcosm of the ultimate desire put there by God to run the Christian race, to live the life, to develop the skills and abilities and aptitudes.  And one day, when we face the judgment seat of Christ our longings for the trophies and the rewards, if we have developed them, will be satisfied.  That is why I truly believe that we have that desire.

So, yes.  The judgment seat of Christ will be a time of trauma and a time of tears for some but for others it will be a time of triumph, a time of smiles and high fives, a time when Jesus will say, well done, my good and faithful servant.

You might be asking what kind of stuff will be given out.  Let me describe to you some of these trophies.  They are talked about in the Bible as crowns.  The first crown that believers will receive is called the crown of glory.  The Bible says in I Peter 5:4, “And when the chief shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.”  The crown of glory, the trophy of glory will be bestowed upon those who have taught the scripture.  Maybe you have taught the Bible before an entire church.  Maybe you teach the Bible in a small group, or in men’s ministry or women’s ministry.  Maybe you teach the Bible in Children’s Church or in our student ministry.  I don’t know.  But Jesus said, “I am going to give you this trophy, the crown of glory, this I Peter 5:4 award.”  Isn’t that cool?

There is another trophy.  It is found in II Timothy 4:8.  It is called the crown of righteousness.  “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord will award to me on that day and also to all who long for His appearing.”  For those believers who have waited anxiously for the appearing of Christ, for the second coming of the Lord, we will receive this trophy of righteousness.

But the trophies keep coming.  There is also a trophy or crown of rejoicing.  That is found in I Thessalonians 2:19-20.  “For what is our hope, our joy or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when He comes.  Indeed, you are our glory and our joy.”  For Christ followers who have articulated their faith, who have shared their faith, verbalized their faith, they will have this trophy of rejoicing.  Christianity is not just a private thing.  Yes, we make a private, personal decision to receive Christ but once we go private we are to go public.  Now I am not saying, nor is the Bible inferring, that we take the Bible and wop people upside the head with it.  The Bible does not say that we take scripture and force it down someone’s throat.  It does not say that we take a Biblical Uzi and shoot people down with the gospel gun.  No.  It says that we are to build relationships of integrity and when the time appears, God will give us the words to say and we stand up publicly for what has occurred privately.  Some of us will have these trophies of rejoicing.

There is another trophy, the trophy or crown of incorruption.

I Corinthians 9:25-26.  “Everyone who competes in the game goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.  Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly.  I do not fight like a man beating the air.  The crown of incorruption is reserved for those believers who have lived a disciplined life.”  People are always wondering how they grow in their faith, develop spiritually, increase their commitment quotient.  It is through the D word, discipline.  It is through daily prayer which is communication with God.  It is through daily Bible study.  It is feeding on His principles and precepts.  It is involving ourselves within the context of the church.  Many will receive this crown of incorruption.

There is a final crown, the crown of life.    The crown of life is described in James 1:12.  The half brother of Jesus wrote these words.  “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life.”  This crown of life is for those who have endured trials and troubles and tribulations.

You see, we live in a flawed world, a sin-stained planet.  And bad things happen to good people.  Difficult things happen to good people.  Horrible things happen to good people.  And the Lord will work through difficult things and great things, average things and super fantastic things.  He will work through all of those things and make them good for those of us who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  Not that all things are good.  Not that all things are peachy keen.  But He will use those different things for good if we follow Him.  So a lot of people who are going through tragedy right now, I believe will receive the crown of life.

I just want to thank God for being a God of strategy, a God who is so intentional about things.  Think about it.  God has given us the Holy Spirit to work from the inside out to develop these gifts.  Think about it.  He provides the church for us to learn and understand how to use these abilities.  He has given us opportunity after opportunity in life itself to do His work.  And He is cheering us on.  He cannot wait to give us these awards and rewards.

But I have got to stop and ask you this sobering question, the question that I have been asking myself recently.  What if the judgment seat occurred tonight in your life and in mine?  Would you be ready for it?  Would you be fired up for it?  Would you receive high fives and smiles and trophies and awards and certificates of eternity?  Or, would it be a time of trauma and tears and missed opportunities because you spend so much time churning and burning after careers and corner offices and clothes and cars and all the trophies that this world has to offer?  What would it be for you?  The great news is, it is never, ever too late to start.

Once the Rapture takes place, that sudden instantaneous act of God that moves us from this planet to eternity, we face the judgment seat.  Now I have got to ask you this question because it is a question that I ask myself.  Why, why, why does Jesus wait until the Rapture to judge all of the believers?  That’s a pretty good question, isn’t it?  Why does He allow all this stuff to pile up, this gridlock to take place?  Why doesn’t He do the judgment seat thing the moment we die?  I will tell you why.  The moment we die we are going to eternity.  But when the Rapture occurs we will face the judgment seat.  He lets everything pile up because your legacy, my legacy does not end in the casket.  It continues to develop even when we are long gone, if we die before the Rapture.

Case in point would be my father-in-law.  Mendel Lee was a great man, a wonderful believer.  His legacy is still living on through the influence he had on my wife, on my children, on every single person he touched.  So in a real way those things of influence, that legacy is still continuing so Jesus will not have a full read on Mendel’s life ledger until the Rapture takes place.  That happens to be my personal opinion of why Christ lets everything pile up.  So when all of this is taking place, at the judgment seat, let me tell you what is taking place on the earth.  The earth is going through a 7-year period of pandemonium, hell on earth, called the Tribulation.

Let’s review the diagram on the side screen.  We will move from left to right.  We have Christ’ death, burial and resurrection.  Two thousand years ago, Jesus did something that we don’t deserve.  He died on the cross for all of our sins, past, present and future and rose again.  So the work has been done.  We do not work our way into heaven.  We are saved by grace through faith.  Now once we have received this work, the Holy Spirit works within us good works.  From there we have this present age or the church age or the age of grace.

Then one day the Rapture will occur, that sudden, instantaneous act of God that will move believers from this planet into the next.  One day in a nanosecond, millions of conversations will end in mid-sentence.  A pilot will be taxiing his plane down the runway, look to his right expecting to carry on a conversation with the co-pilot and all he will see will be a leather seat.  A quarterback will go back to pass, look over to his high school coach, look to his primary receiver and the primary receiver will be gone.  The Rapture.  It is going to freak everybody out.

After the Rapture we face the judgment seat of Christ that I just talked about, tears of trauma for some, high fives and smiles for others.   Then to begin this 7-year period of pandemonium, the Antichrist appears, this charismatic world leader who will conquer this planet without violence, without force.  Then as the Tribulation gets worse and worse and worse, you get the 144,000 Jewish Billy Graham type evangelists preaching and teaching the word.  This period is culminated with the battle of Armageddon, the mother of all wars.  Our finite and feeble minds cannot even grasp what will happen during the battle of Armageddon, described to us in the book of Revelation and other texts.

Following that we have the glorious Second Coming of Jesus.  Christ will return.  We will return with Him.  And when those of us who have been raptured return with Christ, He will gather together all the other believers who have endured this 7 year period of pandemonium, the 144,000 Jewish evangelists and those who have followed Christ during that time.  And then, you have got to love this, we will begin the millennium.  One thousand years we will rule and reign with Christ on this planet.  Let me press the pause button and talk about the millennium.  I want to talk to you about the quality of life.  Talk about incredible living.  There will be peace in the millennium.  I am not talking about a phony, drug-induced John Lennon peace.  I am talking about real peace, tranquility of soul, peace like we have never, ever seen it.  We will have peace.  And it will be such a Nirvana, such a great deal that even the media will report only good news.  Can you believe it?  No fights on Jerry Springer.  Sam Donaldson with a perpetual smile.  Dan Rather with charisma.  It will be unbelievable.

How about wild animals, snakes and scorpions and crocodiles?  They will all be our friends.  There will be no zoos or animal parks.  We will all be like Steve Irwin, the crocodile man.  Have you ever seen him?  He’s got the short shorts.  “Oh, look at that crocodile, beautiful crocodile.  Let me give her a kiss.  Now I’ll kiss my wife, Terry.”  We will all be like that.  It will be a time of great prosperity.  It will be a time when relational harmony is happening.  It is going to be phenonomal.  Words can’t describe it.  During this time, and it is hard to accept because we know how great it is going to be, people still will turn their backs on God.  The reason the millenium is going to be so awesome is because Satan will be incarcerated during this time period.

After the 1,000 years is up, Satan is let loose one last time and then he is finally done away with.  He is thrown away, totally wasted, in a reservoir or lake of fire and sulfur.  It is history for the evil one.  Then, though, we have the white throne judgment.  The white throne judgment is different from the judgment seat.  The judgment seat is for those of us who know Christ personally.  The white throne judgment is reserved for the irreligious, for the rejecters, for the people who had opportunity after opportunity after opportunity to follow Christ but they turned their backs on Him and went their own way.  This white throne judgment for nonbelievers is going to be a courtroom scene like you have never experienced in your life.  Johnny Cochran, F. Lee Bailey and Jerry Spitz will not be there to argue a person’s case.  Jesus will act as judge.

The Bible says that God is patient.  He doesn’t want anyone to perish.  He doesn’t want anyone to live eternally in hell.  That is why He is delaying His coming.  That is why He is delaying the Rapture, because He wants everyone to take this step.  He wants everyone to bow the knee.  But one day the curtain will close.  One day the Rapture will occur.  One day the judgment seat will occur.  One day the white throne judgment will take place.  And it is going to be a time of true reckoning.   Jesus will look at the Book of Life.  The Book of Life has every single name of every single person who has ever been born on this planet.  Talk about a database!  And if someone has not bowed the knee to Christ during his or her lifetime, they will be erased off the screen.  And they will spend forever in a place called hell.  I do not enjoy talking about hell.  But Jesus talked about it time and time again.  You can’t get away from it.  Hell is described as a place of utter isolation, a place reserved for those people who went their own way on this planet.  Basically I believe that Christ will say, “You went your own way on earth, now have your own way in eternity.”  Hell will be a place of constant pain.  The picture the Bible uses is one of stinging scorpions.  Some people tell me that they are going to party in hell with all of their friends.  But the Bible says that even if your friends are there, you won’t know it.  Hell is defined as a place where you can do anything and everything you have always wanted to do but alone.  And you will have this forever knowledge of knowing that you had an opportunity to turn to Christ.  You had an opportunity to bow the knee.  You had an opportunity to respond to God’s awesome love, but you didn’t do it.  And this judgment, one more time, is only reserved for those who are outside the family of God.

After that takes place, you have a new heaven and a new earth and we live forever and ever and ever with the Lord in heaven.  Heaven is not a place where we lie around and eat grapes and listen to harp music.  It is a place of action and vitality and activity.  We continue to develop God’s great and wonderful plan that He has for us in a supernatural way, a way that we can’t even get with our finite and feeble minds.  But is it going to be a place where we are reunited with our loved ones who are Christ followers, a place of constant worship, a place of excitement, a place of adventure.  That is heaven.

During this series I have said one thing repeatedly.  I have said studying the end times, studying prophecy, studying the final frontier is wonderful information.  But if we stop at just the information thing, it’s useless.  God did not write one word in His word just for information.  God wants us to take information and let it live out and play out in our lives and cause transformation.  He wants us to take information and let it live out and play out in our lives and cause transformation.  He wants it to cause life change.  He wants Ed Young’s life to never be the same because he studied this.  He wants your life to never be the same because you have studied it.  He wants your life to never be the same because you have heard the series.

During my opening statement I said that this stuff would produce beautiful and supernatural benefits in our lives.  I want to talk to you about a couple of benefits.  First, a benefit of this study makes me keenly aware of my accountability and responsibility.  Everything, I am talking to believers now, I do and say from the moment I bow the knee to Christ until I face the Lord either withdraws or accrues in my eternal account.  It is on my life ledger.  Again, I am referring to using and developing my gifts and abilities.  That is a heavy thought.  Everything I do, everything I say, every place I go, I am mirroring my Maker.  It is my responsibility to live my life as an example because I respond to the unfathomable and awesome life of Jesus.  That is why I want to live this way.  That is why I want to receive these eternal rewards.

So it has been my prayer that we become keenly aware of our accountability and our responsibility.  We have each influence on unique people groups that no one else has.  And we have unique gifts that no one else has.  I sincerely believe that there is a giant warehouse in heaven with all these trophies and awards and ribbons and certificates that Christ wanted to give out but will be unable to because many of us have squandered what we were given.  I don’t want that to happen in my life or your life.

This study should also do something else.  I think this study will help us understand the eternal implications of all of humanity.  The writer of the book of Ecclestices said it best.  “God has set eternity in the hearts of men.”  Why are we so infatuated with the supernatural, the paranormal, death, the end and life beyond the grave?  I will tell you why.  It is a God thing.  God has put it there.  He has set eternity in the hearts of men and in the hearts of women.  Is you eternity secure?  Because God wants it to be.  Remember, God is patient not wanting anyone to perish.  Hey, Christ followers, how long did you test the patience of God?  A month?  A year?  Ten years?  Just say a quick prayer of thanks to God that He was patient with you.

How about seekers and skeptics, because we have many here who are just checking out the Christianity thing.  How long have you been testing the patience of God?  A month?  A year?  Five years?  Twenty-five years?  Maybe you are a seeker or a skeptic.  Maybe you feel that life has knocked you down on one knee.  Maybe you feel staggered a little bit due to difficulty in a marriage, due to a financial setback, due to some career questioning, due to a habit you can’t get a handle on.  I want to challenge you to put down the other knee today and unclench you fist and say to Jesus, “Have Your way with me.  I want to bow the knee to You.  I want to go with You.  I want to give the whole deal to You.  I want to receive what you did for me 2,000 years ago.  Come into my life, Christ.”

I pray, oh how I pray, that you make that commitment.  When you do you will never, ever, ever have to entertain the thought of facing trial and terror.  Trial and terror.

Thee End: Part 2 – At Thee End of Your Hope



NOVEMBER 15, 1998


Millions of conversations will end in mid-sentence.  A husband will turn to embrace his wife and she will be gone.  A young mother will reach into a bassinet expecting to cradle her newborn, yet all she will feel is warm sheets.  A pilot will turn to his co-pilot while taxiing down the runway expecting to carry on a conversation with him, yet all he will view is an empty leather seat.  These situations I just described to you are events that will take place during the rapture, an instantaneous act of God which will move His followers from this planet into eternity.  And on the heels of the rapture, the Bible describes our world as a panic-stricken world, a pandemonium-laden planet, and a planet where horror and pain and sorrow are rampant.  And this will usher in a seven-year period of hell on earth known as the Tribulation.

I am in the second part of a series called “Thee End – Facing The Final Frontier”.  If you missed last weekend, please pick up the tape because each message builds on the one that precedes it.  Volumes of books, reams of articles and thousands of lectures have been churned out concerning the end.  Everybody is talking about it these days; even Hollywood is getting into the act.  Movies like Contact, Armageddon and others focus on the future.  Why is there preoccupation with the future?  Why is everyone worried about what will happen next?  Why are we thinking about the end time?

The Bible comes along and says in Ecclesiastics 11 that God has set eternity in the hearts of men.  It is almost like reading a suspenseful novel.  You begin to freak out a little bit.  And although you don’t tell a lot of people, now and then you turn and read the last couple of pages so you will know the end.  You say to yourself, oh, they do fall in love.  Oh, they do live happily every after.  That is why God has gone through detail after detail regarding the final days.  He can give us comfort and hope as we read the last couple of pages.

The bottom line for all of us who know Christ is – we win.  We have the victory.  We are on the winning team.  And that is so great.  It gives me such confidence.  It gives believers a hope beyond hope.  I will say it one more time.  The rapture will occur without warning, an instantaneous act of God moving us from this life to the next.  Are you rapture ready?

You see, the rapture is nothing hard for God.  He doesn’t have to work at it; it is effortless for Him.  It is as easy for God as it is for Michael Jordan to shoot a free throw.  It is no problem.  You can look throughout the pages of scripture and see how God moved people from this existence to the next.  Consider a couple of Old Testament characters.  In Genesis 5, Enoch was transferred in a nanosecond from this life to eternity.  In II Kings 2, Elijah was transferred from this life into eternity.  And it will be no problem for God to do the same for you and for me if we know Him personally.  Believers have had in their minds a hope beyond hope, a vision in their minds of how at any time during their existence they could be raptured.

And what we are talking about today is the second most prominent theme in scripture.  Do you realize that there are eight times more predictions of the Second Coming of Christ than His first?  So we wait expectantly, we wait with urgency because we as Christ followers are into living together forever with the Lord, Himself.  But I have got to be honest with you.  There was a time in my life when I wanted Jesus to delay the rapture for just a little while.  I will tell you what happened.  It was ten days before my wedding.  And I talked to a theologian friend of mine, Dr. James R. DeLoach.  Dr. DeLoach had spent most of his life studying eschatology, end times, the book of Daniel and Revelation.  He had a good grip on this subject.  I asked him if he thought that the rapture would occur between then and my wedding night.  He smiled and answered that he didn’t think that would happen.  I was glad to hear that news because Lisa and I had remained pure for seven years and we were really looking forward to going to Hawaii together for the act of marriage, if you know what I mean.

Jesus also said that we will be able to discern the time, that we will be able to check out some things and thatthese signs will point us to the end.  A lot of signs are out there these days.  One sign in particular I believe points to the end times as coming very, very soon is.  When a group of citizens electing a former professional wrestler, Jessie, the Body Ventura, as the governor, you know that the rapture could take place any day.  Kidding, just kidding.

I want to explain to you today, though, some events, a succession of events, that will take place regarding the rapture, this instantaneous act of God where He moves Christ followers from this life to the next.  I also want to explain to you the Tribulation, how this seven-year period of pandemonium will play out in your life and mine.  Will we be there?  Will we experience it?  Let’s see what the Bible has to say about it.

Let’s start with the word why.  Why the rapture?  Why does this deal take place?  Why does Jesus have to collect His followers from the earth?  As we learned from the last series, “On Purpose”, the church is known as the bride of Christ.  If we are the bride of Christ, then Jesus is the bridegroom.  Think about a bride, how eagerly she a waits being joined together with her groom.  She is counting the days, the minutes until two become one.  The church, those of us who know Christ personally, should be waiting eagerly and expectantly for this union.  One day the bridegroom, Jesus, will take His followers, the church, to eternity.  And in eternity, two shall become one.  A marriage shall occur between the church and Christ.  So that is why Christ has to come back.  That is why He has to rapture us, so that the marriage can take place and eternity can begin.  Why the rapture?  Because we matter to God that much.

When?  When will this deal take place?  Will the rapture take place prior to the seven-year period of pandemonium, prior to hell on earth?  Or will we experience it?  There is great debate on this issue.  Many scholars and many theologians feel like it will occur before the Tribulation, some think it will occur in the middle of the Tribulation and a few think that we will actually endure the Tribulation.  If you believe one of those three views, that is fine, that is cool.  The good news is, remember, we have read the last couple of pages.  We have read the final chapter.  We win.  We are going to take the victory lap.  So the end is incredible no matter what.  However, I do want to share with you my view on the end and exactly when this will take place.

Most of the scholars and Bible students that I know, like myself, believe that the rapture will take place before the tribulation, before the seven year period of pandemonium, before hell on earth.  The Bible says this in Romans 8:1, “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  In other words, once I take that step of faith, once I ask Christ into my life, it says that there is no condemnation for me.  Consider Romans 5:9.  “Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him.”  See the verse?  Are we saved from wrath or not?  Are we saved from condemnation or not?  When Jesus died on the cross for your sins and mine, God exacted from Him everything.  Right before Jesus breathed His last breath He said, It is finished.  My job is complete; the work has been done.  Now do we owe God anything more if we have applied this gift of salvation to our lives?  Do we have anything out there hanging in the balance?  No.  And to add something to salvation, to add going through the Tribulation, to add the condemnation and the wrath of God and the judgment of God on top of salvation is adding something, I believe, that is not in the Bible, that is not a part of the doctrine of salvation.

This is God’s agenda.  This is God’s flow throughout the Bible.  Remember when God was going to rain fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah?  What did God do before the judgment?  God reached in and spared Lot and his household.  What did our Lord do right before He was to obliterate Jericho?  He reached down and saved Rehab and her household.  This is God’s pattern, taking us out.  And I believe He will take us out prior to the Tribulation.

The Book of Revelation talks a lot about the end times.  The Book of Revelation confuses a lot of people.  It has some symbolic language, but basically the Book of Revelation is easy to understand.  You get information from John, the writer, and then he gives you the interpretation.  The first three chapters of Revelation deal with the seven churches and their future.  The word church is used 17 times.  Turn to your neighbor and say, that is a big 17.  Now stay with me.  Revelation 6-18 deals in detail with the Tribulation.  But there is something interesting about chapters 6-18, there is something missing. There is a word that is not there.  What do you think the word is?  Church.  The word church is not found in Revelations 6-18.  Why?  Because we are out of here Jack, we are history.  We have been transferred from this life to the next.  We have done the Enoch thing.  We have done the Elijah thing.  We are now joined together forever with Jesus in heaven.  It is the groom and the bride in union.  That is why I believe that we will be raptured prior to the Tribulation.

The event I am describing, known as the Tribulation, is a hellish time on the planet.  You multiply all the wars, all the disease, all of the pain and all of the sorrow that you have seen in your life exponentially and it falls miserably short of what the Tribulation has in store for those who have to endure it.

The Tribulation will be ushered in by a charismatic figure who will conquer the world without violence and he will be known as the Antichrist.  The Antichrist will be a man so alluring, so inviting that people will follow him, worship him and take his mark.  There is a great chance that the Antichrist is alive and well on our planet today.

Each day that ticks off the clock in the Tribulation escalates the horrors, the unimaginable things that will come down.  For example, the Bible says that the Tribulation will be a time when famine rocks our planet.  I am talking about hunger that we can’t even comprehend, hunger beyond our finite and feeble minds.  The Bible also describes the Tribulation as a time when economic disaster will hit.  Business people, I am not talking about a little downturn of the market.  I am not talking about a bear market.  I am talking about when the whole economic system is up for grabs.  The Bible also says that deadly diseases will be rampant, diseases that will make the AIDS virus seem like the common cold.  Mass killings will take place, killings that will make wachos like Jimmy Jones seem like Mr. Rogers.  We are talking about wheels off.  We are talking about stuff that we don’t even want to think about.  And the Bible says that people will try to kill themselves.  They will try to commit suicide but the guns won’t go off, the knives will be dulled, the poison will be diluted.  They will scream and beg for God to take their lives, but it will not happen.  They are going through the Tribulation.

Well, what does God do?  I’ll tell you what God does.  While we are in heaven, being united with Jesus, God is working.  God has to choose a bunch of people who can endure, people who can really articulate their faith.  And as God looks at different people groups, take a wild guess as who He picks to be His evangelists.  You guessed it, the Jews.  Have you ever met a converted Jew?  We have some in our church.  You talk about people who walk with God.  You talk about people who pray for others.  Jews have an incredible capacity for God and Christ once they bow the knee to Him.  Well, the Bible says that God will have 144,000 Jewish Billy Graham type evangelists and they will be talking the talk and walking the walk.  And many people will get saved because of their fire, because of their creativity, because they are communicating the Bible in a compelling and relevant way.  I also believe many will get saved when they experience the Rapture.  Suddenly they will be talking to a friend and reach to give him or her a pat on the back and the friend is gone.  Whoa.  They will try to remember a message or a Bible study that would apply and they may decide to get right with God.

But I have got to tell you this.  Don’t roll the dice.  Don’t even think about rolling the dice concerning the Tribulation because you don’t want to be here.  You don’t.

Next weekend the title of the message is “Trial and Terror”.  People ask, all the time, if Christians are judged.  They ask what happens at the time of judgment.  We talk about that next weekend.  Let’s talk, now, about the chart on the side screen.  We have Christ’s death, burial and resurrection 2,000 years ago which I mentioned earlier was the total package, the work being done, finished and complete.  Now we have this present age called the church age or the age of grace.  Then occurs the Rapture of Christ’s followers.  And I believe that the Rapture will occur before the seven-year period of pandemonium.  Then the Antichrist appears, this charismatic figure who brings everybody together.  Then you have the hell on earth taking place.  Then Armageddon.  Armageddon is a battle of all battles.  It is the mother of all wars.  Our little bitty brains can’t even understand the supernatural event that will take place in this battle.

A couple of years ago we took about 40 people from our church to Israel and we all stood over the valley of Jezereel, over the place where this battle will culminate.  It was an awesome experience to know that one day everything would play out at that place.   And just kind of a sidebar here, we are considering taking another trip to Israel, not this December but next December for Y2K.  So if you are a risk taker and the trip holds up and we decide to do it, sign up and we will have a great time.  But I can promise you, we will not be flying on January 1.  We will be on the ground.  We will probably return on about January 5 of the year 2,000.

Then after Armageddon, what happens?  Christ returns.  You see, the Rapture will be an invisible thing but Christ’s glorious returning will be a visible thing.  When Christ returns at the end of the mother of all battles, all of us who have been raptured will come back with Him.  All of the 144,000 Jewish Billy Graham evangelists on steroids and people who have come to know Christ during that time will be together.  We will rule and reign for 1,000 years on this earth.

And I will stop right there because next weekend we will continue with what happens after the 1,000-year reign.  But I can tell you this.  Satan does a one-two punch, which does not affect Him, and Jesus takes Satan and puts him into that lake of fire for eternity.  But then that is next weekend.

I have said throughout this series one thing and I want you to remember this.  Information is good.  It is important.  It is vital for us to understand the Rapture and the Tribulation.  But information is useless unless there is transformation, unless there is life change.  So it is fine and dandy to study this stuff and to know it but information must bring about transformation.

I want to share four things that you need to do because of the Rapture and the Tribulation.  Now the first three are reserved for those of us who know Christ.  If you are a Christ follower, pay attention to the first three.  The last one is for seekers, skeptics and Christ followers.  If you are a seeker and skeptic pay attention to all of them but really concentrate on the last one.

The first thing is that the Rapture and the Tribulation should give me an infusion of hope.  What is the hope?  Well, the Bible says in Titus 2:13 that it is a blessed hope.  Paul referred to the coming of Christ as a blessed hope.  And this word blessed does not mean…well I hope so, maybe it will pan out.  No.  No.  No.  It means a future event, something special to anticipate.  Christians should be hope driven.  We should have that confident anticipation of how things are going to turn out, that we win and that we have taken the victory lap.  What kind of hope shall I have?  First, I should have a hope that I am not going to endure the Tribulation.  Isn’t that great news?  I believe the Bible backs it up.  I am not going to endure the Tribulation, if I am a Christ follower.

Also, I know that I am going to heaven.  Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you and He is preparing a mansion for every single Christ follower here.  And I will explain that to a greater degree next weekend.  Also it should give me a confidence for living.  I have a confidence to face difficulties, times when my faith is really stretched.  Why?  Because I have this blessed hope.  So this should drive us to have a hope, beyond hope.  It should give us an infusion of hope.

The second thing the study does is help us see the temporary contrasted with the eternal.  People all the time these days are saying that we live in such a materialistic society.  Greed has such a vice grip on our lives.  How do you break the grip of greed and hold things lightly?  How do you give some glancing blows to the monster of materialism?  Contrast your possessions with what you possess.  Contrast the things of this world, the temporal things with the things of eternity.  Once we do that, things begin to change.  One of my favorite hymns is Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.  The words go something like this.  Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.  When I have an eternal perspective, it radically changes everything I do.  It changes the way I treat my spouse.  It changes the way I mark my children.  It changes the way I view my vocation.  It changes the way I steward my finances.  It changes my schedule to make it orbit around the purposes of the church.

But there is something else this study should do.  It compels me to pray for the irreligious.  The study of the Rapture and the Tribulation should compel me to talk to God about those people who are facing a Christless eternity, those who will be left behind.  It gives me an urgency.  And I have got to ask you, Christ followers, are you praying strategically and regularly and intentionally for those you rub shoulders with every day who are outside the family of God?  That is why this church is so white hot about evangelism.  That is why we are so into communicating the uncompromising message of Jesus Christ.  The stakes are sky high.  People without Christ are going to hell and we love them like Christ loves them.  We will do whatever it takes without compromise to reach them and teach them.  But it starts with prayer.  People all the time say that they want some adventure in their lives, some excitement.  So they go skiing, hunting, fishing, go on a trip, on an adventure.  All that is great, but there is nothing like praying for people who are outside the family of God.  There is nothing like building relationships of integrity with them.  There is nothing like inviting them to this church.  There is nothing like sharing your faith with them.  There is nothing like it.  And if you pray, watch out, hold on brother and sister, because God will give us the words to share Christ with them.

People say that they won’t know what to say, that they don’t know the Bible well enough.  Guess what?  Many times I don’t know what to say and there is a lot in the Bible that I need to learn but somehow God works through my stumbling and fumblings and stutterings and He will work through yours too, if you begin to pray strategically, intentionally and regularly for the irreligious.  Who has God put in your life, who you know who I don’t know, that He wants you to pray for?  You might be the only link for this person to spend eternity with Christ, for this person to be raptured, for this person not to go through the Tribulation.  Most of the people who will be left behind after the Rapture will not spend eternity with Christ because the forces will be too powerful and many won’t be able to take it.  So the time is now.

The following is for seekers, skeptics and Christ followers.  The study of the Rapture and the Tribulation should develop and bring about life alteration.  You could just say, good old life change.  This study should change our lives.  It should change the skeptic’s life.  It should change the seeker’s life.  It should change the Christ follower’s

life.  But a lot of people these days are not really tuned in to God’s word.  They are not tuned in to His voice.  They are kind of like the father that I met last weekend at my son’s soccer game.  It was Sunday afternoon about 2pm.  I rushed home from church, had a bowl of soup and cruised over to watch EJ go up and down the soccer field.

I saw a father about 15 feet away with gigantic headphones on.  He was watching his son play with headphones.  He was listening to the Dallas Cowboys while he was watching the soccer game.  Now you know that I have a loud voice.  I have always had a loud voice and a low voice.  My voice never really changed.  My Mom said that when I was about 8 months old in the church nursery, the workers would tickle me just to hear my deep laugh.  Anyway, I look down at him and we made eye contact.  I shouted, “Hey, how are you doing.”  I could tell that he had no idea that I was talking to him.  I called one more time, “How are you doing.”  He starts to cheer, “They scored a touchdown.”  He was tuned into something else and I was trying to communicate with him.  A lot of us are tuned into something else.  Even right now.  We are thinking about Monday morning at work.  We are thinking about that date.  We are thinking about that game.  We are thinking about that trip.  We are tuned into something else.  Yet God is trying to communicate with us.  Sometimes He is yelling at us but we are zoned out, oblivious.  We watch the game of life go up and down the field.

About 15 minutes later this man walked up to me, took the earphones off and put them around his neck.  “Hey, Ed, how are you doing?  I haven’t spoken to you today.”  Then we began to talk, to converse.  It has been my prayer this week for the seeker, the skeptic and the Christ follower that you would take off those earphones, put them around your neck and hear the voice of God.  I also pray that you would not only hear the voice of God but that you would respond to it and that you would respond to the information by transformation.  Because once you do, you will be at thee end of your hope.

Thee End: Part 1 – Ever Ready



NOVEMBER 8, 1998


Almost all of children’s literature from THE THREE LITTLE PIGS to the BERENSTEIN BEARS has a similar ending.  And they lived happily ever after.  They lived happily ever after.  We have that yearning, that desire to do the same thing, don’t we?  God’s literature, the Bible, sort of ends the same way.  In essence, it says, and they, being Christ followers, will live happily ever after.  But folks, it is impossible to live happily ever after unless we are Ever Ready.  Ready for Thee End.

Every moment that melts off the clock brings us closer and closer to the climax of human history, that time when the curtain will fall on life as we know it.  Scripture boldly states that Christ will come again.  It says time after time that Jesus will take from the earth those of us who know Him personally.  And this process is called the rapture.

The word rapture means snatch away.  Now when I just said that, I know what you are thinking.  Every time someone talks about the Second Coming of Christ, questions arise and doubts surface.  “What will happen to me?  What will occur in my life?  How about my loved ones?  How will this whole deal play out?”  Some skeptics, and I know we have some here and we welcome them, take a different line of approach.  “Well, Ed, Second Coming, being snatched up, being raptured, give me a massive break.  I have a hard time accepting this data in this rationalistic and relativistic culture.”

Hey, skeptic and seeker, listen to my words.  Truth is truth.  And truth is true whether we believe it or not.  For example, the law of gravity is true.  When I drop my Bible, the law of gravity brings it to the carpet.  Now the law of gravity will take place whether I believe it or disbelieve it.  So if you find yourself in this category, please, I challenge you, make every session in this series.

Others of us are not skeptics, not seekers, but Christ followers.  We are believers.  And some of us are saying, “Ed, I am on Christ’s team.  I am a part of the family.  I have got my home in heaven locked in, secured, man, why do I need to study thee end?  I mean, I have got it together.  I am so busy.  I have got deadlines to take care of, carpools to drive.  I know things will turn out OK, but studying the end of times.  You mean, I need to do that?”  Yes.  The Bible promises us that when we study prophecy, when we dissect the end of times, that God will pour out upon our lives, and collectively to this church, a huge amount of blessing.  Also, you need to be informed because this stuff can radically revolutionize and change your life.

But I have got to say this, too, right up front before we dive into this series, studying prophecy and the end times is useless unless it brings forth life change.  So if you just want to get the information thing down, that is not enough.  You are just half way home.  I pray, and our leadership team has been praying over the last several weeks, that this changes and impacts and revolutionizes your life and mine.

I really think that Christ could return in my lifetime.  I really believe that and maybe you do to.  I kind of equate it to reading a Grisham novel.  Do we have any John Grisham readers in the house?  I love John Grisham.  You know when you are reading one of his novels, you kind of tell when you are getting near the end, can’t you, by the story line, the character development and the number of pages read.  Well a lot of Biblical scholars, a lot of men and women who have walked with Christ for a long, long time sort of feel it.  They can see the end drawing near by the story line, by the character development, by the number of pages turned in human history.  They really feel it is right here upon us.  Thee end.

The Gallop group conducted a survey a couple of years ago.  They discovered that 62% of Americans believe in a literal Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  Well, a while after that survey was taken, they did another one.  They discovered that 40% of Americans would say that they are Christ followers, that they are born again.  Do you see the discrepancy here?  Don’t you see the paradox here in these two surveys?  At least 22% of the people we rub shoulders with every day believe in the second coming of Christ, but they are not prepared for it.  They are not ever ready.

One day Jesus was teaching a large group of people.  This group had a very diversified flavor and Jesus, as the master teacher, captured this teachable moment.  He used an illustration with which everyone could identify.  In this illustration He challenged people to do some things as they waited, as they got ever ready for his Second Coming.  The words that I want us to grasp now are the same words He told His listeners about 2,000 years ago.  I want to read to you His words from Luke 12.

“Be dressed in readiness and keep your lamps alight and be like men who are waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding feast so that they may immediately open the door to him when he comes and knocks.  If the head of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have allowed his house to be broken into.  You, too, be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.”

Well, right up front Christ told His listeners, and He tells us, to do several things.  First of all, He tells us to dress up.  He said, be dressed in readiness.  He tells us to dress up.  This is the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex, the land of malls and of fashion.  We are very conscious about our clothes.  We want to make the right statement and we spend a lot of time and a lot of energy and a lot of money on our wardrobe.  Well Jesus challenges us to make a fashion statement.  No, you cannot pick this outfit up at the Galleria or North Park Mall or Irving Mall.  No, it is an attitude.  It is a lifestyle.  He tells us to be ready.  He tells us to put on a wardrobe of readiness.  We are to be ready for his Second Coming.

Have you ever thought about how much time we spend getting ready?  We get ready for a trip by packing.  We get ready for a test by studying.  We had better get ready for the Second Coming by dressing.  Here is what Jesus did.  He talked about a wedding.  A wealthy homeowner had a bunch of servants working for him.  Jesus described the man going off to a wedding feast.  And while he was away at this feast, which might last 7 days in the Jewish culture, the head servant got all the other servants together.  He said, “Listen, guys.  We have got to get dressed in readiness.  We have got to be ready for our master’s return.”  So the Bible says that they girded their loins.  Back in Biblical times they wore long, flowing robes.  When people girded their loins they would take the back part of the robe and tuck it in their belt.  It kind of compares to us rolling up our sleeves.  They would get ready to work because they had no clue when the master would return.  But the chief guy said that they had to get ready for his return.

Now I have got to stop and ask you a question.  Are you dressed in readiness?  Are you really dressed in readiness?  Because I believe if Christ were to come again right now, some of us would be raptured.  Some of us would be snatched away but others, quite frankly, would be left behind.

Last week I was out of town.  Wednesday evening, late into the night, I found myself preparing and studying for this series.  I had my Bible open, my legal pad out since I am kind of computer unfriendly, and a big old mug of coffee.  I was in a quaint dining area just trying to write this stuff down.  A gentleman walked in who was employed at this place and he looked at me and the Bible and asked what I was doing.  I replied that I was studying for a talk that I was going to give about what God and the Bible says about the end times.  He replied that he did not believe in the God of the Bible but that what I was doing was fascinating.  I asked him to tell me about his worldview and about his life.  I asked whether he considered himself a skeptic or a seeker.  He said that he was kind of open.  I said that if he was I had a book to recommend for him.  MERE CHRISTIANITY by C.S. Lewis.  I told him that it is a little book that would rock him.  He asked if I minded sending him a copy and I promised to do that.

He walked over and sat down at a table about 10 feet away from me.  I continued to study.  I felt the Holy Spirit of God saying to me, “Isn’t it wild?  Here you are talking about the second coming of Christ and here you are ready but seated at a table 10 feet from you is a skeptic who is not ready.”  How many of you would consider living the rest of your life naked?  Any takers?  “I am just going to do life nude, at the office, at the golf course, the health club.  I don’t like clothes.”  That would be ridiculous.  That line of thinking would be crazy, yet we rub shoulders with so many people who are living life spiritually naked, without clothes on, without readiness.  And they are missing what the Lord has for them.

Jesus must have loved talking about weddings.  In Matthew 25 he used another illustration to talk about the end of times.  He used this wedding picture.  He said that there were ten bridesmaids waiting for a wedding parade.  Remember I said that sometimes wedding parties would last for about one week?  Well here is what would take place in the Jewish household.  The groom would make his way to the bride’s house and they would get married.  Sometimes the ceremony would last a pretty long time.  After the ceremony, perhaps after midnight, there would be a big parade from the bride’s house to the groom’s house.  Fathers, can you imagine paying for this one?

The ten bridesmaids were waiting for the parade.  They were getting tired.  They had been at the salon all day, getting hair and nails done.  Jesus said that five of these bridesmaids were smart because they brought with them lamps and oil for their lamps.  But five of the bridesmaids were unwise, let’s call them airheads.  They brought lamps but no oil.  All of them were waiting for the parade.  They must have had a long-winded pastor; they waited a long time.  Finally, finally, finally the parade starts.  The five bridesmaids who had oil said, “Oh, girl, it is going to be great.”  They were into it, following along; they were ready for it.  When they got to the groom’s house, they went in and had a great time at the party.

Well, the five airheads, said, “We have no oil!”  And they tried to make it to 7Eleven to buy some oil.  But all the stores were closed.   When they got to the groom’s house they said, “Sir, sir open the door for us.”  But he replied, “I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.”  Then Jesus said, “Be on alert then for you do not know the day nor the hour.”  One more time I ask you, are you dressed in readiness?  Are you ready?  Are you prepared for the rapture?

There is something that I have learned about getting dressed.  You have got to have adequate light to get dressed, don’t you?  Have you ever made the mistake of getting dressed in the dark?  I have.  You know I like to wear the color black.  And I have things that are blue and black.  Now when I get dressed in the dark, many times I will put on a black coat, blue pants, one black sock, one blue sock.  Well, Jesus knew that we need light to get dressed up.  He said we should dress up in readiness.  The second thing He said was to light up.  Dress up and then light up.

We go back to our text in Luke 12.  He said be dressed in readiness and keep your lamps alight.  Keep your lamps alight.  We just got into the lamp thing so let me explain it a little further.  Back then, you had a little boat of oil with a cotton wick.  You would light the wick, but you would need to keep the boat filled with oil.  Also you had to constantly trim and cut back the wick.  If you didn’t, the light would go out and the house would be dark.  Well the chief servant said to light up, light up, light up.  He was not talking about smoking cigarettes.  He was saying, keep your lamps going because you don’t know when the head of the household, the homeowner, will come back.  Light up.

Jesus often told us to be lights.  We are the light to the world.  Light dispels darkness.  So as I am dressed in readiness, I am also to light up.  I am to reflect Christ in everything that I do.

The word oil in scripture is used to describe the Holy Spirit of God.  Once Christ infiltrates our lives, he places the person of the Holy Spirit there.  And that is the oil.  And Jesus lives His life from the inside out.  And I should light up every conversation, every interchange, every activity, everything that I am about.  So when Christ comes back and looks at my life and your life, He should see that we are lighting up, that we have the light going on, dispelling darkness.  People who are living in the darkness are always drawn to light.

This was made very clear to me in a conversation I had a couple of weeks ago.  I was talking to a young man in his 20s and he had no idea that I was a pastor.  I love talking to people under those circumstances.  He began to tell me about his life and some of the problems that he had been having.  Then he began to get into all of the exploits that he had been having with the opposite sex.  He was using some off-color language.  I stopped him and said, “Ozzie, what do you think about church and God?  Where are you there.”  He said, “Well, I go to church now and then but I don’t like church because they talk in terms that I don’t understand.”  He asked me if I went to church.  I said yeah.  He asked, every Sunday?  I said yeah I go every Sunday.  He asked if my wife made me do that.  I said no.  Then he asked why I went every Sunday.  “Ozzie, I hate to rain on your parade but I am a minister.”  And you could see him press the rewind button.  All the damns and hells and the women he talked about!  It is kind of pastoral humor.  You know every line of work has its humor.  Doctor humor, attorney humor, construction worker humor.  That is pastoral humor, not telling people that you are a pastor and letting them make complete fools of themselves before you step in and say you are a pastor.

The really neat thing was that a friend I was with and I began to share with him.  Ozzie really heard the words that we were saying.  And immediately I thought about being a light.  Whatever we do, whatever we say, wherever we go, we are to light up things.  We never know when we will be raptured.

Historically, the instantaneous return of Christ has done two things to Christians in the church.  The first thing is that it has given Christians a real desire to live pure lives.  I am talking about purity, holiness.  I am not talking about some legalistic trip.  I am talking about purity that comes from Christ himself.  I want to live a pure life because I am reflecting Christ and His love and His grace in everything I do.  The Bible says in I John 3:3, “Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself just as He is pure.”

Take a look at your life, for example.  Is there anything, any activity, any attitude, any conversation, anything that you are involved in right now that would embarrass you if Christ were to return while you were involved in this particular activity?  Anything.  A movie.  A place you frequent.  A joke.  A story.  A conversation.  Vocabulary words.  If you begin to think about the things that might embarrass Christ, I want to challenge you to do something.  I want to challenge you to dispel the darkness, to cut back the wick, to fill your boat with oil, to turn your back on the sin and begin to light up every area of your existence with purity.  An instantaneous return of Christ always motivates us, I am talking to sincere Christ followers now, to purity.

It also does something else.  It motivates us for urgency.  Purity and urgency.  Why did I do a series a couple of weeks ago called “On Purpose”?  I will tell you why.  It is because I have an urgency.  At the Fellowship Church we have a sense of urgency for people to come to Christ.  We don’t want anybody to be left behind.  We want all of us to instantaneously be zapped from this planet to being with the Lord.  That is our desire.  That is our urgency.  And we believe that corporately, and also individually, as we rub shoulders with irreligious, hell-bound and hell-raising people.  We should get into strategic conversations with them and share slivers of Christ with them so they will know Him personally, so they will dress up and light up their world.

So Jesus said, dress up and light up.  But He also added something else.  He said, wait up.  Let’s go back to the story.  All the servants were waiting up for the master to return.  Yeah, they were ready.  Yeah, they were cutting back the wick and keeping the oil regulated but they were also waiting up.  They were standing right by the door because the owner could come back whenever he wanted to. After all, it was his house.  They knew that the wedding might go on for a week or so but they didn’t know when he was returning.  They were ready, they were serving and they were on point.  And when the master walked in, Jesus said that the house was clean and spotless.  These servants had put aside their desires and their agendas to serve the master.  And when the master walked in the door, he did something counter-cultural.    Jesus said that this wealthy man tucked his robe into his belt, he rolled up his sleeves, he told the servants to sit down at his table and he served them.  What was Christ doing here?  Jesus was looking past His death, past His burial, past His resurrection, past His ascension to His Second Coming.  One day when we meet our Savior face to face we will sit down at His table to dine with Him and live forever and ever and ever in a place that is beyond description.  But this place is reserved for those of us who have appropriated Christ’s sacrificial and atoning work on the cross into our lives.  That’s it.

Then Jesus throws out some paradoxical points.  He was always doing this.  He said that a thief would not walk up to someone who owns a cool house and say, “Hey, I am going to break into your house tomorrow at 2pm.  You be there waiting for me because I am going to come and take everything you have, Jack.”  He is not going to do that.  A thief comes when you least expect him or her.  You never know when a thief is going to strike.  And Jesus said that that was the way He is going to return.  It is kind of funny.  Every generation has a group of people who say they know when Christ will return.  The date locked in.  They don’t know.  If anyone says they know, they don’t.  Jesus said that no one knows but the Father.  And it is interesting to hear people say that He is going to come in the year 2,000, or whenever we fight again in the middle east, etc.  No one knows.  Christ said over and over and over again in the New Testament that no one knows.  So it is kind of funny people say they know.  We just don’t know the exact time.

Are you ever ready?  Are you ready for what is going to happen?  If you do know the Lord personally, you have an urgency about you.  You have a purity about you.  You have a readiness about you.  You have a light in you.  And that is good.  You are ready for the rapture.    Next weekend we are going to talk about the rapture.  The Bible says that something is going to take place that is going to be horrible, really beyond horrible, beyond chaos.  It is referred to as the Tribulation, a seven-year period of hell on earth.  The Bible predicts this and it talks about it regularly and in a very direct fashion.

As I talk about this topic next weekend, I want you to be ready to hear it.  I sincerely believe that these words can alter and transform your life in a positive and powerful way.  Now let me make you this promise though.  I am only going to be here if Christ continues to wait, because He can come back in the next minute, the next hour, the next day or the next week.  He really, really could.  Are you ever ready?

Words That Can Change Your Life: Part 1 – I Love You




NOVEMBER 2, 1997

Words!  They are so powerful and profound, aren’t they?  Words can hit us with an El Nino type force.  On the one hand, they can make us feel like we are on the top of the world.  On the other, they can scar and damage and even change our self-concept.  I believe that because of all of the television shows, talk shows, Email, pagers, paperbacks and the internet, we have more words at our fingertips, more words circulating and orbiting our planet than ever before.

Granted, we use words in wonderful and high tech ways but rarely do we allow the words to change our lives.  That is why I am in a brand new series called WORDS THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE.  Over the next four weeks we are going to look at some words that can transform your friendships, your marriage, your parenting skills and even your career.  Today we arguably look at the three most powerful words in our vocabulary.  I love you.

I love you.  Now just the articulation of that phrase brings to mind many vivid memories.  We think about songs, events, that special someone.  But we can’t really grasp this phrase until we understand that God, Himself, is the first one to ever coin this phrase.  The God of this universe showed His hand.  He came right out and said it.  God communicates creatively to you and to me that He loves us.  Then, He also boldly backs it up.  God communicates creatively that He loves us.    Saying it is a pretty high-risk pronouncement, isn’t it?

When Lisa and I were dating, I knew after awhile that she was a special lady.  I knew that I would have to say one day those words that are so difficult for me to say, I love you.  But I started out kind of testing the waters.  I said, “Lisa, I think about you all the time.”  I kind of threw it out there.  She returned it by saying, “Ed, I think about you all the time, too.”  Wow.  Then a little while later, I said, “Lisa, you are special.”  She said, “Ed, you are special too.”  Now in my mind I was building up to the moment, even though I knew that my love could be rejected, even though I knew what I was going to have to do to back it up.  One evening while sitting on her swing on her back porch, I knew it was the moment of truth, the defining moment.  I remember looking down at my bell bottoms and my platform shoes and I turned to her and said, “Lisa, I love you.”  It seemed like an eternity passed but she looked back at me and said, “Ed, I love you too.”  And in a nanosecond, our relationship moved to another level.  The whole thing was redefined.  There is something important, magic, supernatural about the words, I love you.  God tells us at every interchange, at every circumstance, almost in every chapter of the Bible that we matter to Him, that we are valuable.  God considers the implications of His statement.  God knows what it takes to back it up but He still comes right out and expresses it.  He really does.  And God expresses it in creative ways.

Have you ever told someone that you are not creative?  We have all said, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.”  That is a lie.  Any time that we say that we are making a mockery of God’s creative genius.  The Bible says that we were all made in the image of our creative Creator.  Thus, we are all creative creatures who yearn to be communicated to in a creative way.  And God creatively says, I love you.

In fact, I don’t care how you are wired up, there is some kind of word picture, some vivid illustration that communicates God’s love to you.  How many animal lovers do we have in the house?  I love animals.  In Matthew 10, Jesus compares His love for us against a backdrop of His love for a little insignificant sparrow.  Christ said that He knows when a sparrow drops out of the sky, and that we had better believe that He loves us billions of times more than He loves a bird.

How many of us here don’t really relate to animals, but we relate well to statistics?  Facts and figures?  Any accountants in the house?  The Bible says in Psalm 139:17-18, “How precious also are your thoughts to me, Oh God, how vast is the sum of them.  If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.”  All the people who love to crunch numbers and pick up their pocket calculators, this is the verse for you.

Maybe you don’t like animals and are not into statistics, maybe you are into flying.  Do we have any pilots or flight attendants here?  Any frequent flyers?  Then this kind of connects with you.  Psalm 103:11.  “As high as the heaven is above the earth,…”  And you thought that 30,000 feet was really high!  “…so great is God’s love toward those who fear him.”  Do you see all these word pictures?  If you are a father, Matthew 7 talks about the love of a father compared to the love of God.  If you are a mom, the Old Testament talks about a nursing mother.  All of us have hair, some of us more than others.  Jesus said that He loves us so much that He knows how many individual hairs we have on our head.  You see, we live in Texas and women are known for their big hair in Texas.  And guys, you sometimes laugh at that.  But I am here to tell you that I believe men are more concerned about their hair than women.  The next time you go to the hair stylist, think about the fact that God knows how many hairs you have.  That is how much you matter to God.

So God has made it obvious.  He communicates His love creatively to you and to me.  Now some of you are saying that maybe great but that talk is cheap.  It is cool to look through the Bible and find these neat illustrations about God’s love, but does He back it up?  Does He show it?  Well the answer is a resounding yes.  God boldly backs it up.  He says that He is going to show us how much He loves us.

Over the last two months we have been in a series called LISTEN TO THE MUSIC.  If you kind of press the rewind button, think about how we discussed the love of God as we examined many different Biblical characters.   In the first session we talked about Christ’s love-driven story concerning the Prodigal Son.  The story is about the grace and the forgiveness and the love of God.  Then we talked about the Rich Young Ruler.  We saw that Jesus looked at this brash, bold entrepreneur with love.  Then we talked about the E Train, old Elijah.  Elijah was God’s prophet having the pity party of the century and God lovingly picked him up and boldly said, “Elijah, I am not through with you yet, man.  I have more stuff for you to do, for you to accomplish.  Come on.”  Then we looked at Lot, wishy, washy Lot, fence-riding Lot who had trouble choosing between a life honoring God or a life spent in Sodom and Gomorrah .  God expressed His bold love to Lot and his family.  They deserved destruction, yet God provided a way of escape for them.  Then finally we looked at old Gideon, General Gideon.  God lovingly led him in an upset victory with huge implications.  Everywhere you turn, everywhere you look in God’s word, you see His bold love.  He backs it up.

We have to say that the best expression of God’s love is when He offered His precious Son as a sin sacrifice for non-deserving people like you and me.  The blood stained cross is the ultimate expression of God’s I love you.  Basically we have two responses to God’s love.  We either honor it, or we hydroplane right over it.  Many here have honored God’s love.  We have received Christ personally.  The Bible says that from the day we came out of the oven, God has been extending His love to us.  God has been guiding us in ways that we can’t understand.  He has been protecting us in ways that we can never comprehend.  And He offers salvation to us, a home in heaven, power, purpose, strength, a clear conscience and many of us have bowed the knee and honored this love.  We have asked Christ to infiltrate our lives.  We begin to worship Him and learn about Him.  We realize that life is a gift from God.  We honor Him with our finances, with our talents, with our abilities.  A lot of free-floating fears are gone.  We are living with Christ.  We know what it is to be a true Christ follower.  Many here have honored the love of the Lord.

Conversely, there are many here who have hydroplaned right over it, skimmed over it, yawned over it, saying that someday they will respond to the love of God.  Jesus says that there will be a someday.  On that someday, after you die, if you hydroplaned over His love, He will look at you and say, “I made you to be creative.  I communicated My love to you in unique ways.  I boldly backed it up.  I guided you, tried to speak to you, provided a home in heaven for you but you had your way on earth and, sadly, you will have to have your way in eternity, too.”  That is why many “good” people will spend eternity in hell, because they hydroplaned over the love and the grace and the mercy of God.  What is your response?  Is it going to be to receive it, to honor it or to reject it and hydroplane over it?  At the end of this message I am going to give you a chance to bow the knee and receive Christ into your life.  It is the best thing that you will ever do.  It is the only way you can ever truly know what love is all about.

Let’s say, for example, that everyone here in this place has honored Christ.  Let’s say that everyone here has received Jesus.  You know what God is saying to you and to me?  God is simply looking at us and saying, “I want you to share the love of Christ in your life with the people I have placed in your sphere of influence.”  And God tells us to communicate His love creatively and to boldly back it up.  That is what God says.  Isn’t that great?

Take out a pen or pencil, if you would.  I am going to ask you to jot down five words.  Write these words vertically.  The first word is hear.  The second is read.  The third is receive.  The fourth, feel.  The final word is know.  God looks at our lives.  He notices our needs.  We need to hear love.  We need to read about love.  We need to receive love.  We need to feel love and we need to know that we are loved.  These are our basic needs, our love needs.  And God says, right up front that people in your life need to hear it.  So what is our response?  What do we need to do?  Say it.  Say it, that is the first thing that we have to do if we are going to boldly and radically love others in our lives.  We have got to say it.

Several years ago we started this church.  After I had been here for a couple of months, someone invited me to the Byron Nelson Golf Classic.  I had never been to a golf tournament in my life.  It was amazing to see all the people, the professional golfers.  I had no idea that people could hit a golf ball that far.  Well, there was a group of people there that really intrigued me.  They had polyester outfits on, red pants and white shirts.  They were the marshals, the officials of the tournament.   I noticed that before the golfers would tee off, these marshals would stand there looking stern and just before the player would address the ball, they would hold up a little sign.  It had two words on it.  Quiet Please.  And sure enough, the gallery would get really quiet before John Dailey walked up and addressed the ball.  No one would say a word until the ball had left the tee box and then they would politely clap.  A few over zealous fans would should, “You’re the man, John.”  Like that really helped John Dailey.  I will never forget those marshals.

Oftentimes in my life I will see some people and know I should express my love for them.  I get this fired up feeling.  I begin to approach the edge.  I say to myself that today is the day.  I will tell them that I love them.  I get right there to the edge and then I begin to see a little man dressed in polyester in my mind stand up with a sign saying Quiet Please.  And I will say, “Whoa, I had better not say I love you to this person.  They might take it the wrong way.  Maybe I can’t back it up.”  So I will cower and throttle back.  Then I will say to myself that at least I felt those feelings.  That is a lot for a male, just to feel them.  But I really need to say it.  Who do you need to say I love you to?  Show me a loving family, a loving team, a loving company, a loving neighborhood, the love revolution always started with someone boldly stepping out and saying, I love you.  I love you.

The second word I told you to write down was the word read.  We are to write it.  For some of us just saying it is OK, but others need to see it in print.  Do you write it regularly to others?  Do you?  Words of encouragement.  Words of love can just radically transform our lives.

This past summer a friend of mine who pastors a church in Atlanta, Georgia wrote me this letter.  It really helped and inspired me.  “Dear Ed.  I just wanted to let you know how your ministry in church has impacted the kingdom.  One of our young men, John Clark, who is 34 years of age, died last week while out jogging.  He and his wife, Lee, were part of your ministry and he came to Christ in your church.  John and Lee had been growing in their faith here in Atlanta.  They have two precious daughters, ages four and one.  Sometimes it is hard to know when you are preaching the gospel in a large church who is actually being reached and I just wanted to let you know that you made an eternal difference in the life of John Clark.  Thank you for your leadership and your ministry.  May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you in a great way.”  Now this letter means a lot to me.  And if you don’t believe it, just come up and try to take it away from me.  This letter helped me.  This friend to me and told me how God is using me, a self-centered sinner, to communicate His message.  What can you do with a pen or pencil in your hand, or a computer keyboard in front of you?  Write those little messages.  People need to read them.

The next word I told you to write down is the word receive.  We need to receive love.  Our assignment should be to give little gifts; maybe toys, trinkets, or just special little things done for others.  The Bible says this in I John 3:18.  Don’t love in word only, but love in deeds as well.  The Bible says in James that faith without works is dead.  I believe that love without expression is dead.  Do you buy those little gifts for people?  When you do special things you are showing the person on the receiving end that you thought so much about them that you took some time to do something for them.  You are expressing your love in a tangible way.  It can make their day.

Now most of you if you hang around here very much know that I love to fish.  I am into it.  A year ago I was fishing with a friend of mine in a little lake which had, nonetheless, some very big bass.  Before I went to the lake I went to a tackle shop and bought some plastic lizards.  I had to buy these specific lizards because they were called Uncle Ed’s lizards.  I had never fished with an Uncle Ed before, but I hooked him up.  We were floating by a dock and I cast Uncle Ed in that direction.  I watched him sink in the coffee black water.  Then I saw that little jump in the line and I said to myself, “We’ve got some action.”  The line kind of moved off to the left and I reeled down and set the hook.  It felt like I had hooked a tractor trailer truck.  I saw the line slowly rise and to my disbelief a bass jumped out of the water with Uncle Ed embedded in her lips.  She weighed, conservatively, fifteen pounds.  Now you think that I am kidding you, but I have caught ten pound bass before.  This fish was a behemoth.  We are talking about a sow.  And when she hit the water, I still had her on.  I thought this is the bass of a lifetime, Jimmy Houston has not caught a fish this big ever.  I must confess that I am kind of an emotional fisherman.  I got her closer and closer and closer and she jumped one more time and when she shook her head, Uncle Ed dribbled out of our mouth.  I was devastated.  I sat down in the boat and put my head in my hands.  I couldn’t cast for the next ninety minutes.  My friend said, “Ed, is something wrong?  Are you OK?”

Later I drove home and shared the story with Lisa.  Lisa knows how much I love to fish and how sad I would be to lose the big, clunker bass.  I had a tough time sleeping that night.  I could not get it out of my mind.  I couldn’t take it.  I am a deep guy, you know.  Well the next morning I get up, go to work, walk into my office and on my desk are three chocolate bass and this card.  Listen to this card.  It has Sorry printed on it.  It says, “I love you.  Remember all of the joy you have had fishing.”  Now Lisa is writing this card and you should be told that our very first date was a fishing trip.  Anyway.  “I love you, honey and I am truly sorry for the loss that you are feeling.  Chocolate always takes away the pain.  Enjoy.  I love you.  Lisa.”

Now to you that might not mean so much, but to me it really meant a lot.  She took time out of her day to buy the chocolate bass, drive to the church, put them on my desk and write out the card.  And it probably only cost a couple of dollars.  Maybe there are some people right now that God is bringing to mind in your life who need something tangible from you.  Nothing high dollar.  Nothing extravagant.  Nothing from Neimans or Nordstroms.  Just a little something.  And when you give it to them, don’t just say, “Here, I think you know what it means.”  Say, “I love you” and write “I love you” out.

The next word I told you to write is feel.  We need to feel love.  Our response should be to appropriately touch others.  Appropriately touch others.  I am not talking about inappropriate touch.  Don’t even go there.

You know I am not a big hugger.  Some people I see these days are hugger muggers, looking for someone to hug.  Six years ago our church was brand new.  We had about 150 people showing up and I knew them all, even the names of their dogs and cats.  A young couple came by the church and I went over to their apartment to visit them.  We had great conversation.  As I was leaving I stuck my hand out with the intention of saying how much I had enjoyed the visit.  But both of them said, “Oh, no.  A handshake will not do, Ed.  We are huggers.”  And they grabbed me like a defensive lineman grabs Troy!  Appropriate touch.  Appropriate touch speaks volumes.  Jesus was the master of touching appropriately.  He picked up little children and told people to have faith like a little child.  He touched lepers before he healed them.  He was always touching people.  Just a touch can communicate so much power and so much love.

Now and then we will have special services at our church where the pastors will actually pray for someone who is sick or dealing with a difficult circumstance or situation.  We will lay hands on their head and pray for them.  There is something powerful about the touch.

The final word I told you to write is the word know.  We should identify with others.  We should dive deeply into their lives.  The Bible says in Romans 12:15 that we are to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.  It also says in Galatians 6:2 that we are to bear one another’s burdens.  In other words, as I join in deeply with you, as we do life together, I am going to be the first one there to express my love to you when things go well.  When you get the promotion, receive the windfall, have the baby, I am going to give you the high five and give you an appropriate hug and touch.  Also when things kind of go south, when you lose your job, experience a death in your family, I am going to be there to identify with you.

This past March our family were having dinner when we got the dreaded phone call, a phone call that we will all get one day.  Lisa’s father had suddenly died.  Lisa’s dad was like a second father to me.  After the call we had about an hour to get to DFW airport to catch the flight to Columbia, SC.  We didn’t even have time to get spending money from the bank.  We did throw some clothes into a suitcase.  Two friends of ours that we love dearly, a husband and wife team, heard about the situation and immediately drove over.  They were just there.  The words that they said were not that important.  They were just there.  They took us to the airport and offered us money to use on the trip.  And I will never, ever forget them for being there.  They identified with us.

I ask you.  I ask you, who do you need to say I love you to in your life.  Communicate it creatively and boldly back it up because these three words are words that can change your life.

Virtuous Reality: Part 5 – The Parent Trap




OCTOBER 22, 1995

The eyes of our nation are focused on men these days, from Promise Keepers conferences to Million Men Marches in Washington, DC, from men’s tribal retreats to the militia movement.  Everyone is talking about men.  Men want to make a difference.  We want role models who model to us authenticity, integrity and compassion.  Years ago, the eyes of an entire nation were focused on one man and this one man was the sole role model of the nation of Israel.  His name was David.  We have been talking about David for the last couple of weeks.  All the Israelites looked to David for an example and they wanted David to model authenticity, integrity and compassion.  And in many areas he did model these great character qualities, however, in some areas he failed miserably.

Today we are going to look at an area where David messed up, where he fumbled the ball.  We have called this message, The Parent Trap.  We are going to learn from David, not by following his example but by learning from his example.  King David, the parent, was the major problem.  We have three goals in today’s message.  First of all I want to encourage you, not discourage you.  Secondly, I want to stand along side you, not above you.  I am a fellow struggler with this whole parental thing.  And thirdly, I want to challenge you and motivate you and stimulate you, especially the men here, to be the kind of parents that God wants you to be.  I know we have many, many singles who are listening to my voice.  Most of your single men will one day be married and ultimately you will become parents.  Now is the time to learn, now is the time to start this whole process in your mind, so you can be a great Dad, a great leader in your family.  So sit back and relax and listen to the story of David and his children.  David’s kids would give Beeves and Buthead a run for their money, if you know what I mean.

In I Samuel 13, David’s oldest son, Amnon, was playing a trick that is ancient, he faked illness.  Amnon had a sexual drive that was out of control.  He called his father into his bedroom and said, “Dad, I am really feeling bad and there is only one person who can make me feel better, who can cook for me and care for me and that is my half-sister, Tamar.”  And Tamar was probably Jr. Miss Palestine.  David promised he would send Tamar to nurse him back to health.  She walked into Amnon’s room.  Amnon raped his half-sister, Tamar.  David found out about it and he didn’t do one thing.  The Bible says that he got angry but he didn’t slap him on the wrist, he didn’t put him on restriction, he didn’t take care of the situation, he just backed off.

The next to the oldest son was Absalom.  The Bible says that he was handsome in form and appearance.  I am sure Absalom had some great abs, the guy was ripped.  Absalom wanted attention from his father badly.  He wanted his dad to notice him and when he found out about the rape he was hacked.  He was angry and he waited for his father to do something.  Two years go by, nothing happens.  So Absalom throws this giant family reunion party, the central theme being sheep shearing.  That was a big thing back in Biblical times.  He invited his father.  David, God’s man, made excuses that he was too busy to attend.  Amnon showed up and Absalom gets Amnon drunk and then has him killed.  David finds out about the murder in his family, and again, God’s man, this person who is supposed to be modeling true masculinity, does nothing.  A soft male, a male who didn’t want to rock the parental boat.  And Absalom flees to a place called Gesher and he stays there for three years hoping that his father would call for his return.    One day David’s right hand man by the name of Joab, knowing that David wanted to be in community with his son, went to Gesher to bring Absalom back to Jerusalem.  Despite living in the same city, in the same palace, Absalom and David still did not speak for two years.  Absalom is about to die.  He does something else to get his father’s attention, he asks Joab if he could arrange a meeting of the two.  Joab does not return his calls, he does not check his voice mail.  Finally, Absalom has had enough and he burns down the fields of Joab just so his father would notice him.  They did have a brief meeting, but after the meeting Absalom goes crazy.  He is trying to say, “Dad, look at me, notice me, love me.”  And all children desperately need our attention, Dads.  Absalom gets in his mind that he can overtake the throne.  You see when people walked into David’s presence they had to bow to him.  Absalom declared that if he became king, he would welcome just a high five or a shake of the hand.  He promoted himself as a candidate for the people.  A lot of people began to say, “Absalom, Absalom, he’s our man, if he can’t do it, no one can.”  And Absalom becomes such an egomaniac that he builds a giant monument to himself.  He didn’t have any sons and since he was the man, he wanted to leave a giant marker for his life and his contributions to the nation of Israel.

He was almost successful in trying to overtake the throne. One day, though, he was riding his mule through a forest being chased by Joab.  Absalom’s hair, the Bible tells us, weighed over three pounds.  As he is riding, his hair is flowing in the wind and gets caught in the limb of an oak tree.  The mule keeps going and Absalom remains hanging in the tree, caught by his hair.  Well Joab arrives, takes his spear and kills Absalom and throws him in a pit.  See the parallel?  Absalom planned a great monument as a tomb but he ended up in a pit, a graveyard for dogs.  David was informed.  The Bible says that David was heartbroken.  He mourned the death of his son.  He went into his bedroom and cried and cried.  Here is an interesting point.  David was lamenting the death of his son in the same place the sin began years and years ago when David had sex outside the marriage bed with Bathsheba.  Is that a wild account, or what?  That is the reason I love the Bible, because the Bible not only talks about the strengths of individuals but also recounts their weaknesses.  And that is something that we can all identify with.  And you thought soap operas were exciting.  This stuff here is unbelievable.

I thought about this, this week.  What if we could bring David up on this stage, what if he had a chance to review his life.  What do you think he would tell us?  Specifically now, the men here.  What would he say to us?  I think that David would tell us three things that he learned about parenting, three basic principles concerning parenting.  They are listed for you on your outline, but I did give you some blanks to keep the interest up.

I believe he would say that the private habits of parents oftentimes become the public habits of children.  Did you catch that one?  The private habits of parents oftentimes become the public habits of children.  Where did Amnon get that lustful eye?  He got the lustful eye from watching the eyes of his father undress the Biblical babes as they paraded by his house.  Where did Absalom get the notion that he could get his brother drunk and then have him killed?  He got it from his father because he watched his father years ago rub out Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, the Hittite.  He watched his father get Uriah drunk.  In a real sense, parents, our children mimic and model the values that we live.  I like what James Dobson says, “If you want your child to accept your values when he reaches his teen years, you must be worthy of respect during his younger years.”

Now behind me you will see an array of instruments.  You have heard from a wonderful band this morning, as always.  I call our band the Holy Smoke Band.  This is a guitar.  I don’t pretend to play the guitar.  I have messed around with the drums a little bit.  This guitar is an electric guitar because it has a cord hooked into it and it runs all the way to this amplifier behind me.  When one of our band members strums this guitar, it sounds loud.  You know why?  It is amplified.  If I unplug it and then strum it, you could hardly hear it.  Parents, your sons and your daughters are amplifiers.  When you strum a habit, when you strum a lifestyle, when you strum a character quality, they are going to amplify it.  If it is materialism, wow.  If it is a forgiving spirit, wow.  If it is someone who really loves God, wow.  That is a scary thing.  And men, we have got to take the leadership, we have got to become the role models, we have got to become the person who strums beautiful music so our children can see those habits and live them out.

What if you have some children and they are exemplifying and amplifying some negative character qualities that you can see in yourself?  What do you do?  Well, you don’t lead them by edict, Dad, you lead them by example.  In the marketplace we are led by edict.  Have that report in by Thursday at noon.  It is my way or the highway.  Your numbers are up.  Your numbers are down.  See the bell curve.  Everything is chop, chop.  And then, Dads, we go home and we try to lead our families like we are led in the marketplace.  Have that bed made up by 12 noon.  Is that report in?  Take care of it.  It is either my way or the highway.  Do this.  Do that.  That is not the Biblical model, Dad.  The Biblical model is not by edict but by example.  What would happen, Dads, future Dads, if you looked into the eyes of your son or daughter and you said, “Do as I do.”  “Love your Mom like I love your Mom.”  “Forgive others like I forgive others.”  “Treat others like I treat others.”  “Give to the poor like I give to the poor.”  What would happen, Dads, if we did that?  I’ll tell you what would happen.  A revolution would take place because we would be modeling true masculinity and we would escape this parent trap.

The second thing that David would tell us if he had a chance to review his life on this stage is simply this, there is no substitute for time spent with your children.  Dads, you can’t delegate this one, you can’t option this off, you can’t explain it away.  You can’t do like David did and give it to the nannies or one of his many, many wives.  You have to do it.  Our children are with us in those impressionable years for just the blink of an eye.  Make sure you seize the moment when the clay is soft, when you can really mark them in a beautiful way.  The Bible says this in II Samuel 13:6-7, “And when the King came to see him, Amnon asked him for a favor, that his sister, Tamar, be permitted to come and cook a little something for him to eat, and David agreed.”  Circle that phrase, David agreed.  David did not spend time with his children and because he didn’t spend time with them, he didn’t know his children.  David was the one who set up the entire situation that ended in tragedy.  David didn’t know his kids.  David was the one that sent Amnon to the family reunion.  And Absalom had him killed.  David did that.  He didn’t know his children.  Dads, do you know your children?  Do you really know who they are?

There is no such thing as quality time.  That is a fallacy, a pipe dream, that is a farce.  That whole premise was made up by one minute manager wantabes.  “OK, honey, I will schedule you in for one hour on Friday and we will have some quality time.”  Quality time, Dads, emerges from quantity time.  You have got to set aside large blocks of time where you let their agenda become your agenda and then those precious “Kodak moments” will emerge from those large blocks of time.  But you see, there is an evil plot going on.  When Dad is young, the career has got to be happening, he has got to be making money to provide for the family.  He is at work using his creativity and energy and leadership.  And oftentimes he walks through the doors of his home and declares time out, with the kids out of his sight.  He just wants to relax in his lazyboy and watch another football game.  Dads, I want to challenge you to save some of your leadership, your creativity, your ingenuity for the home because whenever a home is bored, I always want to talk to the father.  There is something about that masculine touch you can’t even articulate, it is so powerful.  It marks kids in such a profound way.  Dads, are you there?  I mean are you really there?  Not only in body but in spirit too, leading, seizing the moment with your children.

This has been a struggle for me.  When I go to work I have to spend at least twenty hours a week by myself studying, alone in my office.  However, when I want to go into the coffee room and get a hot cup of java, I can do it.  When I want to go to lunch with someone, I can go to lunch.  When I want to go to the men’s room, I can go to the men’s room.  There is soft music in the background.  Everyone is dressed nice.  A church office.  And in a lot of ways it is run like a corporate office because there is a business side to church.  You have to be organized.  I love it.  And I am into this mentality and oftentimes I drive up our driveway, walk through the garage, dodging about 400 toys, go inside and expect tranquility.  And we have four children, twins who are fifteen months, a three year old son like me who is into everything and then a nine year old daughter.  I have got Laurie and Landra coming up to me, while I am still dressed well, with Oreo cookies mashed on their faces, in their hair and on their hands, giving me big hugs.  I have EJ watching yet another episode of Thomas the Tank.  I have LeeBeth arguing about some homework assignment.  It is a zoo to me.  And sometimes I say, “Lisa, I have had a tough day, I’ve been hammered.  I am drained.  I have got to go somewhere for thirty minutes to chill.”  And, men, we need this but what seems to be chaos and dissonance from our perspective, in God’s perspective it is harmony and beauty.  And we have got to realize that what I just described is life.  Wake up and join the real world or one day we risk looking back and seeing that we missed it.  Take care of those precious moments now.  Spend time with your children.  Capture those defining moments.

Very quickly let me list some defining moments in a kid’s life.  Number one, I would say, would be the bedtime.  There is something so precious and so sweet about helping your children get to bed, reading them books, praying with them, asking them questions and letting them elaborate on how they feel.  Another time would be meals.  I try to have at least four nightly meals a week with my family.  Make the meals creative.  Talk to them if you are in a restaurant or wherever about their feelings.  For instance, ask if they could be any animal, what they would choose.  What is your favorite thing to do?  What is your favorite color?  If you could buy anything, what would it be?  Get the conversation flowing and you will be blessed in so many ways.  I am talking to Dads now.  And here is some extra credit, Dads.  Turn off the television!  I think it is fine that we watch sports and that we want to know what is going on from the news.  Turn it off though.  My children remind me when I should turn the television off.

My oldest daughter, LeeBeth, preached one of the best sermons to me about a year ago.  I was watching TV.  We have one of those big screen TVs in our den.  It is kind of funny, the den is the TV.  I’m doing the channel surfing thing, watching thirteen shows in about thirty minutes and LeeBeth is talking to me.  I’m going, “Yeah, uh huh.”  Finally, here is what she did.  She walked in front of the television and said, “Dad, you are not listening to me.”  I assured her I was, that I heard her talk about what happened at recess.  She said yes, but that I wasn’t listening to her.  She answered that for the last five times this is what I said, “That’s great, LeeBeth.”  “That’s great, LeeBeth.”  “That’s great, LeeBeth.”  And I thought, wow.  So turn the television off.

Now briefly let me say a word to single parents, particularly females.  You have one of the most challenging jobs known to man and we take our hats off to you, we support you, we want to be your cheerleaders.  I want to tell you something, Moms, make sure that you expose your children to some excellent Christian role models.  That is why we encourage you and challenge you to expose your children to leaders in this church or if God leads you somewhere else, in another church.  Bible teachers, pastors, people who work in the small groups ministry, athletics.  Make sure, Moms, that you are doing that.  And my prayer for you is that God will multiply your time in a mighty way.  The Bible says that when you pray and really seek the mind and face of God, I am talking again to Christian Mom single parents here.  God has a way of multiplying your time and bringing in some male role models that will mark them in a mighty, mighty way.  And if you want to talk to some other people about it, talk to Pastor Mac Richard, our singles pastor.  His Dad left their home when Mac was in the fifth grade, and God gave me and some other men in our church in Houston the ability to step in and do this process for Mac.  And Mac is a great guy, not because of me but because of the mighty, mighty grace of God that ambushed him.

Now let’s go to number three.  We have David standing up here.  He is reviewing his life.  He is thinking about parenthood.  Here is number three.  Failure to discipline your child will always lead to a broken heart.  Remember, David didn’t do a thing and this text II Samuel 13:37-39 says that “David longed day after day for fellowship with his son, Absalom.”  Then skip down to II Samuel 18:33.  “Once David heard the news of Absalom’s death he said, ‘Oh my son, Absalom, my son, my son, Absalom, if only I could have died for you.  Oh Absalom, my son, my son.'”  You see, parents, we oftentimes think of discipline as something negative.  It always blows me away how we compliment adults for having a disciplined life.  We think that is good.  But then we think about disciplining our children and we think that is bad.  Discipline is not punishment.  Discipline, parents, is not punishment.  We must discipline our children, because if it is good enough for God who started the whole disciplinary process, it better be good enough for me.  I have got to keep the ball rolling.  God disciplines His children out of love.  He disciplines you, He disciplines me.  We, in turn, must discipline our children in love.  We don’t punish, we discipline.  Christ took the punishment for all the sins of the world 2000 years ago.  God never punishes, God disciplines.  Do you discipline?  Don’t be afraid of it.  Kids are crying out for it.  Little toddlers fold their arms defiantly while still in their playpens.  They look around the house, they case the joint and they say to themselves that they are going to take over.  Dad looks weak, so does Mom, I’m going to throw a tantrum right now and I can do it.  But really that toddler is screaming for discipline.  That toddler wants to see the limits.  He wants to know where the ceiling is.  He wants it.  And if we step back and give them whatever they want, the kids rule and run the show.  And in too many of our households, the kids are calling the shots.  You see, God is a God of order and we as parents must be parents of order.  We must discipline our children.

I define discipline as setting boundaries that produce growth.  And, men, I want to give you some helpful hints on discipline.  I have related this to the word picture of a football field.  That is something we can all relate to.  When in doubt, use sports.  Right?  First, line off the field.  When the Cowboys or a Pop Warner team takes the field, the field is lined off.  Either it is painted or it is chalked.  And everyone knows what it means to step out of bounds and what it means to cross the goal line.  Set those perimeters.  Make sure they are very clear and obvious to every child that you are bringing up.  Number two.  Read them the rules.  Say, if you step out of bounds, here are the consequences.  Or I am going to throw the flag on this one.  Or it will be time out.  Or restrictions will apply.  What would happen next weekend if Emmett Smith is running and he steps out of bounds but comes back in and the ref tells him not to worry about it as he goes by.  You are Emmett Smith, all pro, I know you didn’t mean it.  OK, touchdown, Cowboys.  It is tempting for parents because our kids are part of us to say, I know you didn’t mean to step out of bounds. It’s OK.  Parents, we have got to stop and say, remember the rules, remember the guidelines?  I have got to be honest, if you are out of bounds, you are out of bounds, if you clip, you clip.  There will be consequences, there will be penalties.

There are too many are etch-a-sketch parents.  You draw a line with one knob, you don’t like the line, you shake it up and the line disappears.  We draw a line and say that is the line, but when our children step out of bounds nothing happens.  The lines keep changing.  Fourthly, present a unified front in the disciplinary process.  Don’t you hate it when you are watching football and the refs are arguing, when they are not in agreement.  We have got to agree together to present a unified front.

Friday is my day off.  Friday afternoon I was keeping three of our children, the twins and EJ.  We were in the garage playing with all the toys and EJ said that he was hungry.  He has really poor eating habits.  I don’t know why, growing up in the home of a health nut, but he does.  I told EJ that he couldn’t eat right then because in about an hour we would be having dinner.  He said, “OK.”  He leaves and is gone for about five minutes.  It gets kind of quiet.  He walks up to me and he is holding a Kudos granola chocolate chip candy bar and he said, “Daddy, can I have this.”  I said, “EJ, I have just told you, put the candy bar back.  You cannot have it.  If you eat it Daddy will discipline you.”  He leaves and now ten minutes roll by.  I am thinking, “Surely, not.!”  I start to walk into the kitchen and while crossing the living room I discover the wrapper for a Kudos chocolate chip candy bar.  I get to the kitchen and there is EJ, with chocolate drool coming from the corners of his mouth.  He gave an exaggerated swallow which was so funny to see, I started to laugh.  I said, “EJ, you ate that candy bar.”  He just looked at me.  I said, “EJ, you ate that candy bar.”  He wouldn’t say either yes or no.  I said, “EJ, did you eat this candy bar.  Open your mouth.  Did you eat this candy bar?  Yes or no.  He said, “Yes or no.”  I said, “EJ, wait a minute.  Did you eat this candy bar, yes or no?”  Then he started walking over to the steps where he has time out and he sat down.  He finally admitted that he had eaten the candy bar.  So, EJ had to suffer the consequences of being disciplined.  Now after I disciplined him, and I must say I was very tempted to back off because he was so cute, we had an excellent time of communication.  This happens so often.  You see, I want my children to grow up and to call me blessed.

And that is my prayer, men, precisely for you, that your children will rise up and call you blessed.  So Dads, stay away from this parent trap.  Let me quote from Maltbie Davenport Babcock,  “Be strong!  We are not here to play, to dream, to drift.  We have hard work to do and loads to lift.  Shun not the struggle, face it, ’tis God’s gift.  Be strong!  Say not, ‘The days are evil.  Who’s to blame?’  And fold the hands and acquiesce –  oh shame!  Stand up, speak out and bravely, in God’s name. Be strong!  It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong, how hard the battle goes, the day how long.  Faint not, fight on!  Tomorrow, men, comes the song.”

Virtuous Reality: Part 4 – Windows ’95




OCTOBER 15, 1995

The world watched as media mogul, Bill Gates, unveiled Windows ’95, the most intensive and extensive computer program organizer to date.  It caused quite a stir in the computer industry.  Today I am going to unveil a new version of Windows ’95.  It is called Windows 995.  995 BC.  Today this new version of Windows, I promise you, will cause quite a stir in your life as well.

We have been looking at the Biblical character of David for the last few weeks.  David is going to make a mistake in this excerpt of scripture that we are going to look at.  This mistake almost cost him his entire career.  We have seen David through some great moments, how he handled opposition, his response to true friendship, his response to revenge.  Today, though, we see him at a weak moment.  We are going to see how to respond to sexual temptation.  How do we respond to sexual temptation?  And we are going to learn, not by following David’s example, we are going to learn from his example.  We are going to see several responses that we need to apply in our lives when we are faced with sexual temptation.  I didn’t say if we are faced with sexual temptation but when we are faced with it.  I don’t care who you are, we all deal with this temptation.

Let’s jump right in.  If you want to respond properly to sexual temptation, the first thing you are going to have to do is beware of boredom.  Beware of boredom.  Boredom gives the evil one a great opportunity to tempt us in the realm.  The Bible says in II Samuel 11:1. “In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war….”  The spring was a beautiful time in Palestine, it was a time when people got into battles because the roads were dry, the rainy season was over.  At the time David had been on the throne for about two decades, he was in his early 50s, at the peak of his career, spiritually a man after God’s own heart.  Politically he had brought the twelve tribes together, they were focused as a nation.  The man was worth millions and millions of dollars.  He was number one, riding the crest of the waves.  “David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army.”  Here is where he got into trouble, though.  “…but David remained in Jerusalem.”

An idle mind is a dangerous mind.  David should have been on the battlefields, but he abandoned his purpose and he kind of put his mind into neutral.  A couple of years ago I was fishing with a friend of mine in Port O’Connor, TX.  We were fishing in a ship channel.  We would cruise up near some rocks, put the boat in neutral and the engine would idle.  He told me to keep a look out for the giant ships coming through the channel because, if I didn’t notice a ship early enough, the wake thrown up from the ship could knock us into the treacherous rocks.  I am going to tell you something.  If you hang out, if you just become stagnant, if you always are bored, that situation is going to give Satan an opportunity to get at you.  David, the Bible says, remained in Jerusalem.  He was probably thinking about the past, all the victories, all of his successes.  Maybe he spent time in his trophy room looking at all those great physical things that he had brought back from battle, Goliath’s sword and things of that nature.  On afternoon David was bored and fell asleep.  When he got up he walked around the top of the palace, which obviously was the tallest building in Jerusalem at the time.  And David, I’m sure, was taking in the sights of Jerusalem.  He was thinking to himself that he was the man that brought all of it together.  He began to pat himself on the back and this is where the temptation hammered David.

Number two.  After we are aware and watchful of being bored, we have to turn from temptation.  David was not able to do this, turn from temptation.  The Bible says this in II Samuel 11:2-4. “From the roof he saw a woman bathing.”  Now some of you are saying, “Hey wait a minute.  What is this girl doing taking a bath on top of a roof where people could see her.  Give me a break.  Was she doing some nude sunbathing as well?  That is kind of odd, isn’t it?  There are not very many people who take baths on their roof tops.”  It was common in Biblical times for women to take baths on top of the roof in the afternoon, because most of the men were either in battle or they were in the fields.  Cisterns were located on the rooftop to catch rainwater which the afternoon sun would warm.  It was like taking a hot bath.  David should have been in battle.  And the Bible says that he saw a woman bathing.  The temptation was just beginning to crystalize itself.  David hadn’t messed up here.  He just saw a woman.  And we see many members of the opposite sex who are attractive.  That is not the sin.  Here is where the sin began to occur.

“The woman was very beautiful.”  This word beautiful in the Hebrew is a very interesting word.  It comes from two Anglo-Saxon words which are rendered Sharon Stone.  Just kidding.  This word beautiful, honestly, is an intensive Hebrew word.  It is found only this one time in the entire Bible.  The woman was very beautiful.  And here is where David started getting into trouble.  He saw her.  He should have turned from the temptation but he looked again and saw she was very beautiful.  He began to paint pictures in his mind of this woman, then of this woman and King David getting together sexually.  That is when the sin began to occur, in the mind.  She was beautiful.  “And David sent someone to find out about her.”  He could have stopped at any stage here but he played with it, he thought about it, he focused on it.

We have twins who are fifteen months and they play in our driveway constantly.  The driveway slants and if they don’t watch out, the twins playing in their little cars could start going down the hill, and while they can stop at the top of the hill pretty easily, further down the hill they would get in trouble.  We have to run and grab the car so that the car will not go out in the alley where either one might get hurt.

When sexual temptation starts, the best time to stop is when it begins.  It is to turn away from the temptation.  It is not good to entertain it, to focus on it, to play with it, to send it on down the hill and then when you are half-way there declare that you need to stop.  More often than not things are going too fast, and it is difficult to stop.  David sent someone to find out about her and he found out her name was Bathsheba, and he found out that her husband was named Uriah.  Uriah was one of David’s main men, one of his hand-chosen thirty five, a man who had been in every battle with David.  Uriah was a man who loved David, who was loyal to him, a man who was, at that very moment, on the battlefield.  Then David sent messengers to get her and he slept with her.  You read the life of David.  David prayed about everything, he prayed before he walked into battle, he prayed before he developed a friendship, he prayed before he established a capital city, he prayed before he chose a leader.  He didn’t pray about one area of his life and this area took him down, his relationship with women.  In all of David’s writings, in all of the Psalms, you read about him throughout the Old Testament, he never prayed about his relationship with the opposite sex.  When I first read this I thought why didn’t Bathsheba say no.  She was married, she could have said no that she was not going to go to bed with him.  She could have spun on her heels and walked home.  But, back in Biblical times, if Bathsheba would have said no, David could have killed her on the spot.  Dead.  Thus, she slept with David.

Look at II Corinthians 10:5.  You saw the drama today.  “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  Do you do that?  Do you take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.  Satan is a master painter.  He paints pictures in our minds and the pictures he paints in our minds are not evil.  The pictures he paints in our minds are not sin.  It is what we do with the pictures that turns it evil or into sin.  If we look at that picture and realize what he is doing, and we take it captive, rip it apart, see who is actually painting it and throw it out, that is what the Bible says we should do.  Conversely, if we take that picture and say it is a pretty good looking picture, Satan, here is some more oil paint, here are a few more brushes, make it a little bit more detailed, put a little music with it.  It is a matter of time before we actually are putting flesh on the canvas and then we are living it out.  So we have two options, either to rip up Satan’s canvas or to give him some more supplies.

I Corinthians 10:13.  “And God is faithful, He will never let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”  That is a comforting verse, isn’t it?  To stand up under it.  If we get into a tempting situation, God will make an escape route available to us.  The problem is, we get into these situations and we see the escape route and say no, no, no.  Men, you can’t go to a topless club, women, you can’t read romance novels day in and day out.  You can’t go to those R rated movies with explicit sex scenes and wonder why you fall into sexual sin.  It seems like just one day, wham it happened.  It doesn’t happen like that.  David didn’t get up and say, “Today I am going to commit adultery, I’m going to ruin my life, I’m going to have sex with Bathsheba.”  It was a slow thing.  You see, Satan does not move us by yards, or by feet, he inches us along.  Just let down you morals a little bit, Ed, just watch that show just for a second.  Just a little bit.  And one day you were in one place and you wake up way over there, and you are committing sexual sin.  Turn from temptation.

Number three.  Confess and come clean.  David’s worse nightmare became a reality because in a couple of months Bathsheba sent him a little E mail and it said, “David, I am pregnant.  Hugs and kisses, Bathsheba.”  Oh, oh, watch out King David.  David was brilliant though.  Remember he had the musical capability of an Elton John, the poetic giftedness of Shakespeare.  Name anyone who was gifted in the arts and David was that good.  Even athletically, he was an artist plus a great athlete, he could split a hair at 30 feet with either hand with a sling shot.  He killed and bear and a lion with his bare hands.  This man had it all.  He was smart.  He decided to do the Watergate thing, to cover it up.  So David sent word to Joab, the general, to send Uriah to him.  He brings Uriah in and sits him down for a talk.  After the talk he tells Uriah that it is getting late and that he needs a second honeymoon with his spouse, Bathsheba.  “Go home for the night and let everything take it course.”  He thought he had the perfect plan, he thought he had covered it up.  Uriah, though, was so loyal he didn’t go home.  Uriah slept outside with David’s servants because he said that he could not think about making love with his wife when all of his men were out in the field fighting for Israel.  David couldn’t believe it, he wondered where Uriah had learned such loyalty.  Of course, Uriah had learned loyalty from David.

David moves to Plan B.  He invited Uriah over to eat and got him drunk.  He ordered his servants to help Uriah home.  Regardless of being drunk, Uriah still would not approach Bathsheba and slept outside with David’s servants again.  Uriah drunk was better than David sober.

Then it says in II Samuel 10:14-15 something that is staggering to read.  “In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah.  In it he wrote, ‘Put Uriah in the front line where the fighting is fiercest.  Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.”  That is exactly what happened.  Uriah, and many of David’s other men were killed because David had to rub Uriah out.  It was making him look bad.  There is always something true about sexual sin.  Sexual sin effects and harms and destroys, always, the innocent bystander.  Always, always.  You can’t have pre-marital sex and have it be just a sexual thing.  You can’t commit adultery and have it be just a sexual thing.  I have talked to too many couples, too many singles, too many high school students and they all tell me the same thing.  “Ed, if I could only turn back the clock, man, I wouldn’t do it.  My children, my spouse, this girl I dated back in high school or in college, or I am with now.  I wish, I hadn’t done it.”

After I am aware of my boredom, I am turning from temptation, I need to confess my sin and come clean.  David should have confessed his sin.  The Bible says in I John 1:9, “If we confess out sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us for all unrighteousness.”  You see David sinned greatly before God and God wanted to forgive him greatly.  Later on he did.  David should have come clean.  He should have confessed his sin, but he didn’t, he kept it a secret.  He committed adultery with Bathsheba, Uriah was dead, he married her and for twelve months he thought he had gotten away with the perfect crime.  Until one day David’s close friend, Nathan, walked into his office and asked if David had heard the story about the little sheep.  He knew that would get David’s attention because David loved sheep, he was a shepherd for years and years.  He told David that there was a rich man with a bunch of sheep, and a poor man who had one little ewe lamb.  The little ewe was the pet of the family, slept with the children, was fed out of a bottle.  One day the rich man had an important business associate come to town and he invited him over and instead of killing one of his lambs for a meal, he took the little ewe lamb from the poor man and killed it.  David became violently angry.  He said that man should pay the poor man four times over, or even be killed for his action.  Then David locked eyes with Nathan.  Nathan took his hand and pointed to David and said, “You are that man.  You are that man, you committed adultery and you have killed Uriah the Hittite.”  You talk about really being rattled and rocked and brought to your knees.  David experienced that.  Confess and come clean.

Number four, consider the consequences.  You see when David was tempted, he should have thought about the consequences, he should have looked past the temptation to what was going to happen, the coverup and then those consequences that never left his house.  God will forgive sin, but He will not remove the consequences of sin.  Here is what happened because of David’s sin.  The Bible says in II Samuel 12:10, “Therefore, the sword will never depart from your house.”  Let me tell you what that meant to David.  God cleansed him and forgave him and forgot his sin, but the child born to David and Bathsheba died at three months of age, David’s son Amnon raped his half sister, then Absalom, another of David’s sons killed Amnon and to top that off, Absalom tried to take the throne from his father and he was killed in battle.  “The sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.”

II Samuel 12:13. “Then David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.'”  Do you see that?  Every time you sin, no matter what it is but especially sexually, you sin against the Lord.  So when you have sex outside the marriage bed there are always three people involved, you, the person you are having sex with and the Lord.  He is always there.  And when you think about that, when you think about putting Jesus with you in the bed of adultery, when you think about putting Jesus with you into the bed of premarital sex or homosexuality or lesbianism, that will change entirely the way we live.

David said, I have sinned against the Lord.  Then Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin.”  The Lord easily at this point could have turned his back on David but He didn’t and this is the grace and the beauty of God.  Four points, four responses to sexual temptation.

Now let’s bring this whole message down to the practical side of life, let’s bring it down to where we live.  I want to give you some guidelines, some specific guidelines, concerning sexual temptation.  First, monitor your media intake.  One movie that has an explicit sexual scene can feed lustful thoughts for weeks.  “But the movie was so good.  I love Michael Douglas.  Sharon Stone has something else about her.  I really don’t think about it.  I’m married.”  Who are you trying to fool?  I was born at night, but not last night.  God knows.  How about the channel surfing?  Different talk shows, the made for TV movies, Showtime, HBO, Cinemax.  Any exposure to pornographic materials is like throwing a lighted match into a pool of gasoline.  Romance novels?  Monitor your media intake.

Secondly, choose your friends carefully.  The first place where adultery begins is usually with close friends.  The second place adultery and sexual sin begins is usually in the work place, since everyone is dressed up, looking nice, often with expense accounts.  The third place adultery happens is usually with the relatives of the spouse.  Choose your friends carefully.

The third and final suggestion, set some guidelines that will keep you away from much of the temptation that Satan will bring up in your life.  Now I want to share with you very candidly and carefully some of the guidelines I have set up.  I have shared these with you before and I will share them with you again.  One.  I will never meet another woman privately or publicly unless she is my wife.  I will never go out to lunch with another woman.  I never counsel a woman alone in my office.  Never, ever, ever.  Two.  I never ride alone in a car with a woman.  Three.  I don’t travel alone.  These are some guidelines that I have set up in my life because I want to remove myself from any area that could cause temptation, any area that could give Satan a chance to get a toe hold.  And if we keep ourselves out of those situations, we have knocked away most, not all, most of his artillery.  I have been faithful to my wife, Lisa, since we were married and I plan on being faithful by God’s grace until I go to be with the Lord.  Both of us were virgins when we got married.  There are people who say there is no way you can be a virgin.  That is a bunch of junk.  Because if I can do it, and I am a normal man being involved in a very secular world like I was and am involved in, you can do it too, but only though God’s grace.

You see, committing adultery and sexual sin really scares me and it scares me because I love Jesus Christ so much.  I really do.  I love God.  Another reason that committing adultery frightens me is because I don’t want to do anything to hurt my relationship with Lisa nor with all of my children.  I shudder at the thought of being able to look at them and confess that I sinned sexually.  A third reason that I am really frightened is because I fear God.  I fear Him.  Now a lot of people, myself included, we love to memorize positive scripture verses about God, the forgiveness, the grace, the love, the compassion, the mercy.  But how about this one I put down on your outline.  Hebrews 10:31.  “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”  It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of God.  That is talking about the wrath of God.  That is talking about the judgment of God.  Because God is a God who is fair.  If I got involved in sexual sin, I am not sure what God would do to my ministry, to my family, to my life.  Just read through the Old Testament.  Moses took all this garbage from the children of Israel for forty years and he got mad at God, struck the rock and God said that He would not permit him to enter into the promised land.  David had a one night stand with Bathsheba, killed her husband.  The sword never left his household.  A couple of other people were irreverent and He struck them dead.  I am not sure what God will do.  And it always scares me when people say, “Well I know what God will do and what God will not do.  Well my loving and forgiving God would never, ever do anything like that.  Plus, I know someone at work, Ed, this guy jumps from sack to sack to sack, he is making money, he is doing well, he even drives a Mercedes.”  You know God doesn’t always settle His account in seven days or thirty days or forty days or five years or ten years.  Sometimes he waits until the throne to settle His account.  You see I don’t want your blood on my hands.  I don’t want you to stand before a holy God and have God say, “You mean you were not taught?  Yes, you were taught I was loving, that I was forgiving but you were not taught I was a God of wrath, too, a God of judgement too?”  I don’t want your blood on my hands.  I want to look at God one day and say, “God, I taught them, I told them, here it is.”  This is not my most popular sermon, this is not my favorite thing to talk about but this stuff is real.  The great news is, don’t miss it.  I don’t care if you are the most spectacular violator of sexual sin, the great news is, if you confess your sin, if you come clean, if you consider the consequences and turn from those sins, I don’t care where you are, God will forgive you and forget your sins and He will change your life.  But, He is not going to remove the consequences.

The choice is up to you.  The choice is up to me.  Sexual temptation is there.  Will we abide by these principles and precepts?  Will we respond like God wants us to respond?  Will we take every thought captive?  Or will we feed those mind pictures and let Satan inch us and inch us and inch us.  Hey, let me tell you something, twenty minutes, an hour worth of passion is not worth a lifetime of misery.

Virtuous Reality: Part 3 – Pay Back or Pull Back




OCTOBER 8, 1995

What is at the forefront of every person’s mind in this audience this morning?  The Verdict, the most watched, live television event in history.  Throughout the nine months of the OJ Simpson trial, one family captured the attention of millions of Americans as we witnessed their agony, pain and grief.  I am referring to the Goldman family.  On Tuesday morning they sat in a packed L.A. courtroom and heard the words, not guilty.  When those words echoed around the courtroom, the Goldman’s didn’t just stand up, gather their things and say, “It’s over, that’s it.”  No.  The Goldmans are seeking revenge.  They want to pay back injury for injury, insult for insult, heartbreak for heartbreak.  Revenge effects us all, not only in tragic situations like the Goldmans are experiencing but in our everyday lives as well.  That spouse who moved out unexpectedly.  That business associate who ripped you off.  That son or daughter who routinely rages all over you.  What do you do, what do I do when those opportunities for revenge present themselves?  Do we pull back or do we pay back?

Today I am continuing a series on the life of the Biblical character, David.  David dealt with revenge.  He had many, many opportunities to seek revenge and over the next few moments his life is going to show us what we should do when we are tempted to seek revenge.  Briefly let me set the context of David’s life.  King Saul, that schizophrenic man from Israel had one agenda, one mission in his life, and that was to kill David.  Saul wanted to rub David out, so he hired 3,000 of the best trained soldiers in the world to go after David.  Now it is one thing to have a contract out on you, it is another thing to have the most powerful man, backed up by the most powerful military in the world, hunting you down day after day after day.  This is what occurred in the life of David.  It is staggering to realize that only a few years earlier David had saved the day for the nation of Israel.  He had killed Goliath, he had single-handedly delivered the Israelites over their archenemies the Philistines.  Saul had hired him as a military leader, everything he touched was successful.  Even the old soldiers loved David.  He was the man, the toast of the town, the most popular man in Israel.  Saul got jealous.  He looked at David with that eye of envy and jealousy turned to bitterness, bitterness to rage and rage turned into motivation to murder God’s man.  With one snap of his fingers Saul knocked all the props out from the life of David.  Have you ever felt like all the props have been knocked out in your life?  Saul took away David’s wife and his rank.  David lost his relationship with his spiritual mentor, Samuel and also his intimate friendship with Jonathan.  He lost it all.  It was so bad for David you could write a Country and Western song about his plight, that is how bad it was.  David was on the run, he was a fugitive.

The Bible says that David was hiding in a region known as En Gedi which is near the Dead Sea.  I have been there.  And in that area there are literally thousands of caves.  One afternoon it was really, really hot and David plus about four hundred renegade men he had collected while being a fugitive decided to hide in a cave.  Saul was after them.  He was in high speed pursuit with three thousand troops.  He was searching for David and he knew David and some men were in the vicinity, when something very ordinary happened to Saul, something very natural.  You won’t believe what happened.  Look at the first verse on your outline.  Before I read this text don’t ever say or don’t ever let a person say that the Bible is just not realistic.  If you don’t think the Bible is realistic you listen to my words very, very carefully.  I Samuel 24:3.  “A cave was there and Saul went in to relieve himself.  David and his men were far back in the cave.”  The Living Bible says Saul went in the cave to go to the bathroom.  We might say that Mother Nature tapped him on the shoulder.  Get the snapshot, the most powerful man in the world walking into a Biblical rest stop, a cave, and the cave that Saul picks happens to be the same cave that David and all of his renegade men are in.

What do you think they said when they saw Saul coming in?  The Bible says the men told David that God had delivered Saul into his hands.  They told David to take him, that he was in a most vulnerable position.  And read the whole story this afternoon.  I did not list all the scripture verses on your outline, but David began to sneak up on Saul.  And can’t you see that sword in his hand?  And I am sure rushing through David’s mind were thoughts like, “With one thrust of my sword I could be King of Israel.  No more running.  No more sunburn.  No more goat burgers.  I can do it.”  And he probably thought about what Saul had done to him, totally abused him.  All of the charges brought against him had been unrealistic, they were from la la land.  David was loyal to Saul.  Right before David could kill Saul, he did something that was so counter-cultural, so unique, yet so Holy Spirit driven.  David, instead of seeking revenge, pulls back and cuts a piece of Saul’s robe off and takes it with him far back in the shadows.  Then Saul exits the cave.

A cave was there and Saul went in to relieve himself.  David and his men were far back in the cave.  What a chance for revenge and he didn’t take it.  Here is the first principle I want you to grasp in thinking about the temptation of revenge.  Prepare for the snare.  Prepare for the snare, because the snare for revenge, the snare to pay someone back is real and it is going to be there and oftentimes God will deliver your Saul, that person who has really abused you, that person who has taken advantage of you, that person who has really messed you around, God, oftentimes will deliver them to your cave and you will have a chance, an opportunity, to really get back at them.  Prepare for the snare.  You have got to prepare before you get into the situation where you will be enticed to get that person back.  And Jesus tells us how to prepare for the snare.  Before I read this next verse, I want you to say this word with me.  Ouch.  Ouch.  Because this verse hurts.  This is a verse that is not popular, this verse hurts me, this verse hurts you because it really cuts to the quick.  Matthew 5:44.  Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”  Jesus has given us two things to do in order to prepare for the snare, love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.  David did that.  Study the life of David.  David was a man of prayer, a man who knew how to talk to God.  I believe that when someone hurts us or takes advantage of us, the first thing we should do is start praying for them.  Write their name out in our prayer journal and begin to pray.  If we don’t, if we wait, if we let it fester, if we let it churn, then when that person is delivered to us we are going to jump on them and nail them because we have waited too long to prepare.  We have waited too long to prepare if we wait until the opportunity for revenge presents itself.  We have got to start preparing the moment the person has hurt us.  We have to start saying, “God, I don’t want to love this person.  I don’t even want to like this person.  In fact, God, this person makes me sick, but Your word has told me I should pray for them.”  And when you start praying for the person, God will give you an infusion over time of supernatural love and you’ll begin to love your enemy and that will help you prepare for the snare.  Pray about it, then the love will come.  And for many of us we are going to have to act like we love the person, because it is much easier to act your way into a feeling than to feel your way into an action.  We act our way into the feeling because it is right.  It doesn’t feel right but it is right.  Prepare for the snare.

Every time I see the word snare I think about a couple of years ago when we had a mouse problem in our house.  We had a serious mouse problem.  The mice were everywhere.  One of my closest friends is paranoid about mice so I won’t call his name out, he is here in this service.  Mice are kind of weird and spooky creatures, aren’t they.  They have little beady eyes, little teeth, little paws.  They were eating up all of my oat bran cereal.  I got mad at them.  I went to Tom Thumb and bought three mouse traps and I did what a typical mouse hunter would do.  I put cheese on the traps.  For three straight nights I set the traps with the cheese, woke up the next morning and looked in the pantry.  The cheese was gone, oat bran was gone, these things were making me hot.  So I began to talk to some people, some other mouse hunters and they told me that I needed peanut butter.  They told me to put the peanut butter on the trap, which they love and which is rather sticky and chewy and will keep them at the trap.  I even went one step further since we live in Texas and I love Mexican food.  I put a little bit of tortilla

along with the peanut butter on the mouse traps.  So I made three mouse fajitas on the three mouse traps and left them side by side.  We had been in bed twenty minutes when we heard three loud bangs, the greatest sound in the world for a mouse hunter, I ran in and sure enough there were three of them.  Kind of gross.  What happened?  They could not resist it.  And because it was so chewy, and that Peter Pan peanut butter tasted so good, they couldn’t get away from it. And the traps nailed them.  When that snare is there to really seek revenge, to really go after someone, it looks inviting so most of us rush into it and we chew the person out, we just get into it and we get into it too much.  Revenge becomes part of us and bitterness and rage takes over.  It is a matter of time before that giant trap will come down and get us.  And we are wondering what is holding us back, and why we feel like we are dragging all this stuff around in our lives.  It is because of the revenge factor.  Prepare for the snare.

Number two.  Show the way, don’t repay.  That is what David did.  I Samuel 24:6-8.  “He said to his men, (David said to those 400 men renegade men with him after he had returned from cutting off a piece of Saul’s robe) the Lord forbid that I should … lift my hand against him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.”  David did not respect Saul as a person, he did, however, respect his position.  David was loyal to Saul.  God often puts someone in His chain of command over us, it could be the tyrant at work, it could be the unfair teacher, it could be the coach who is a jerk, it could be the parent who seems like they are out to Mars, whatever it is, God puts this person in our chain of command to teach us some things.  He is going to see if we tear apart the person and the position or whether we respect the position.  Do we respect God’s chain of command?  Are we loyal in this realm?  David was loyal to Saul. Even though we would say he should have taken him out.  He was loyal to Saul.  With these words David rebuked his men and did not allow them to attack Saul.  Then David went out of the cave.  What a great opportunity to teach and David seized it.  The men had told him to take Saul out, but David doesn’t, he comes back and he models to the men some true authenticity.  He models to his men how to handle the urge to seek revenge.  He models to his men how to pull back instead of pay back.

The Apostle Paul puts it this way in Romans 12:17, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil.”  Have you ever thought about this?  What if God said this?  What if God said, “You know what, I’m going to start repaying evil for evil.  None of us would be here, not one because any sin, any little white lie, any little off day is abhorrent in the eyes of God and sin demands a punishment and if God had not sent Jesus Christ, He would have had to punish us for it and we wouldn’t be here.  God did not repay evil for evil, he repaid evil with good by sending Jesus Christ to take the punishment on the cross for all of our sins.  “Do not repay anyone evil for evil.  Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.”  We have many, many people who are believers here, and some who are not, and if you are a believer this is the place for you and if you are a seeker, this is the place for you, but we pray that you will come into a personal relationship with Jesus.  But let me talk to Christians for a second.  If you are a Christian, you have people who are watching you.  You have scores and scores of people who are watching your every more, your every word, where you go, what you say, what you do, what you don’t do, if you pay back or if you pull back.  Parents are you teaching your children how to handle revenge properly?  Are you modeling to them pulling back instead of paying back?  I do not mean we are not to stand up for what we believe in.  I do not mean that we should cower or back into the shadows and never confront anybody.  Instead, I am talking about that selfishness, that one-upmanship, that revenge factor that infiltrates all of our lives.  Are you teaching your kids how to deal with it?

As I read this verse this past week in studying for this message, I thought about how many, many times I have blown it as a Christian in my life.  I have been around a lot of people who don’t know Christ, someone has hurt me and they have seen that I have been hurt and most of the time I have fallen into the temptation of slandering them, agreeing with them, laughing with them about this person instead of saying, not in some pietistic, super-spiritual tone, but in saying that we should love this guy or this girl.  They matter to God too.  I want to help them and I want to encourage them.  How are you doing with that?

Romans 12:20.  I want to prepare you for something here.  Romans 12:20 freaked me out this week, because I had totally misinterpreted this verse.  Let me read it.  “If your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.  In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”  Throughout my Christian life, and I have gone to seminary, have my master’s degree, studied Hebrew and Greek, I though that this verse meant that if someone has been mean to you, you are nice to them back, you feed them and give them something to drink and when you do that you are burning them up.  You are taking hot coals and putting them on their head and you are just burning them up.  And it is eating their lunch that you are being so nice to them.  That is what I thought about that verse.  How many in here thought about that verse in the same way?  Well we are all wrong.  Let me tell you what this text means.

This is a picture of a mid-eastern family whose fire has gone out.  A fire was very, very important to those folks who lived thousands of years ago.  If your fire had gone out back in Biblical times, you would often walk to a neighbor’s house, knock on the door and say that your fire had gone out.  And if you had a really good neighbor, the good neighbor would pour some of their coals in an extra pot that they had, heat the coals for you, put a pad on your head, lift the pot of hot coals onto you head and your would carry the pot home.  And everyone in the neighborhood would look at you carrying that pot of burning coals and they would know that you had a really great neighbor.  “Their neighbors have really helped them by putting hot, burning coals on their head.”  So you see when we return good for evil we are helping people, we are giving a Christ-like example, we’re showing people, we are heaping hot, helpful, burning coals on their heads.

Number three.  Step back and let God act.  That is what David did.  Step back and let God act.  When David walked out of the cave, listen to this, he had the piece of robe in his hand.  Saul had gone a short way and he called out to him.  I am sure Saul turned around astonished.  The Bible says, “Saul said, Is that you, David, my son?”  David turned and said, “Hey, Saul, see this piece of your robe?”  And this evidence was not planted.  And he began to talk to Saul.  He began to share with Saul.  And he shows respect to Saul.  Do you know what Saul did?  Saul begins to cry.  He confesses, claims David as he son and begs forgiveness.  He promises to never go after David again.  If you study the life of Saul, he confessed his sin more than any other character in the Bible.  Saul confessed his sin more than any other character in the Bible.  More than Paul, yes.  More than John, yes.  More than Matthew, yes.  More than Jonah, yes.  Saul did.  In fact, you skip over a couple of chapters to I Samuel 26, David had another chance to kill Saul.  Saul and his men were asleep.  He sneaks through the camp.  Saul has a giant spear right by his head in the sand and David could have easily taken the spear and pinned Saul to the sand.  He didn’t do it, though.  The Bible says that he backed off and he let God act.  He let God deal with him.  David called to Saul again saying that once more he had had a chance to kill him, but had not done it.  And Saul cried again in I Samuel 26 that he was so sorry.  Saul confessed his sins, he felt sorry for his sins but, here is the kicker, he never repented.  You can cry all day long, you can do the Saul thing week after week after week.  You can confess your sins to God but unless you turn from your sins and repent, make an about-face, freedom will never occur.  Purpose will never occur.  A clean conscience will never occur.  Negative behavior patterns will never be broken.  You have got to confess it, turn from it, repent and then go the opposite way.

David said in I Samuel 24:12, “…may the Lord avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you.”  Saul is the king of confession, but it never happened for him.

Romans 12:19.  “Do not take revenge, but leave room for God’s wrath.”  Don’t you like that one?  Leave room for God’s wrath.  Right now we are painting the interior of our home.  As we prepared to paint the interior of our home we, well mostly Lisa to be honest, moved the furniture away from the walls and took down the pictures to make room for the painters.  You don’t leave everything in place and have the painters paint around it.  You have to make room for them.  When we get into a situation where we want to really pay someone back, back off and leave room and let God deal it.  “..for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”  The basic problem is, we don’t wait on God, do we?  We don’t wait on Him.  Here is the principle.  Every time we don’t wait on God, it will cause gaping holes in our lives.  Did you hear that?  Every time we don’t wait on God, it will cause gaping holes in our lives.

When I was thirteen years old I wanted one thing for Christmas; a boat.  And my parents went down to K Mart and they purchased a boat for me, a 12-foot, aluminum john boat.  We lived out in the country, fifteen miles from town.  My father and I on Christmas morning carried this boat down our driveway, across the newly paved street, about 500 yards through some woods, put it in the lake.  I fished, had a wonderful time.  This went on for about three weeks.  But you see a plain john boat was not enough for me.  I like some flash, I’m kind of an artsy guy.  I watch fishing shows a lot.  I saw their boats were all painted up with these leaping bass on the side.  I decided that I was going to paint my boat up like I was a professional fisherman.  That way I knew my fishing would be improved, that I would catch bigger bass.  So I told my father and he though the idea was great, he encouraged me and told me it was a creative thing to do.  He promised that he would come home from work and help me carry the boat from the lake up to the house.  He said he would arrive about 6 PM.  I promised that I would wait.  I had the paint out, the brushes ready to do.  I started waiting for him early.  When he didn’t arrive and didn’t arrive I decided to get the boat myself.  I go down to the lake and pick the boat up by the handle on the front and drag it through the woods and across the street.  Now when I am dragging this boat across the street I look back and I see sparks flying up.  I think, no big deal.  I drag it up our driveway, and we had a big, old, long driveway.  Finally, my little arms are about to die, I take the boat and put it in the grass.  I had the stencil and was painting and look up to see my Dad driving in.  “Hi, Dad, how are you doing?”  “Great.  How did you get the boat up here by yourself?”  “Dad, I pulled it.”  He began to look at the artwork that I was creating, then walked to the back of the boat.  He looked down and said, “Son, what is this hole doing back here in the boat?  Come back here and look.”  I looked and saw a gaping hole in the bottom of my brand new, K Mart, 12-foot aluminum john boat.  I had ruined it.  I had to buy some stuff to fill in the hole and it never worked.  We had to sell the boat.  It was horrible.  What happened?  I went before my father.  I went before him.  I didn’t listen to him.  I waited for awhile and then I couldn’t stand it any more and I put it in my own hands, took care of it my own way, and it resulted in a gaping hole in my craft.

We all do the same thing when we go before God, instead of stepping back and letting God act.

Briefly just thumb through the photo albums of your mind.  Look at those snapshots of people that you want to seek revenge on, those people you want to pay back.  Do you have a good picture?  Who is it?  Who is it?  Because God is going to deliver that person to you, He is going to give you a chance either to pay back or pull back.  It is going to be a test, and if we pass the test, if we pull back, if we pray, if we love our enemy, it will build great character into our lives.  If we don’t, we will end up dragging a trap around for the rest of our lives.  Pay back or pull back.  Revenge or reconciliation.  The choice is up to you.

The Recovery Channel: Part 5 – How to Repair Relationships




SEPTEMBER 10, 1995

I want to talk about something that runs contrary to almost every instinct known to man.  This subject affects every human being from every culture, nation and socioeconomic level.  All you have to do is hang around on the planet for awhile and you are going to run into contact with this topic.  It destroys marriages.  It destroys families.  And it wrecks businesses.  What is the subject?  Making amends with people we have hurt.  Reconciliation.  Restitution.  Those fun words.  Many of you are saying this to yourselves as I am talking, “Ed, that sounds great, making amends with people I have harmed in my past and repairing relationships but I don’t want to get stuck in the past.  I want to press on and get involved in the future.  Let bygones be bygones, I have asked God for forgiveness, isn’t that enough?  Give me a break.”

It is great that we have asked God to forgive us but the Bible pleads with us to do some radical, relational repair work.  Some radical, relational repair work in your life and in my life.  The Bible says there are some benefits that will accrue in our lives when we get serious about relational repair work.  Before I talk about these exciting benefits, I want to talk to you about some barriers that we all face when we consider making amends with other people.  For your future to flourish, you have got to take a step back in your past and deal with relationships.

Just for a second I want you to imagine your relationships on a freeway.  That’s right, on a congested, busy freeway which you can call the Relational Freeway, a nice street, a street that runs right through the center of your life and mine.  As you are driving along you look back in the rear view mirror and you see some people kind of choking in your exhaust fumes, some people that you have harmed, that you have hurt, that you know you need to do something about.  You want to do something about these relationships because the Bible tells you to, but if you are like me you see some roadblocks. These roadblocks keep most people from ever having the relational freedom that they desire.

The first roadblock is something that we all can connect with, self deception.  The old self-deception roadblock.  We are driving along the Relational Freeway and we look at self- deception as a very imposing barrier.  People who go through this barrier have freedom but those who don’t say this.  “What me, hurt someone in my past.  No way.  My past is clean, not me.  You have got the wrong man.  You have got the wrong girl.  I’m sorry, I have not hurt anyone.”  Do we have any persons here who have been involved in self-deception?  Is this a roadblock that is keeping you from making amends with someone?

The second roadblock is self-defense, or the Bruce Lee/Chuck Norris roadblock.  This roadblock is one that keeps a lot of us from ever making amends.  We say, “He hurt me.  She hurt me.  I was just a little bit wrong, they were the ones to blame.  Not me.  So if you think I am going to walk into their office, into their life, and apologize for my small fraction of being wrong, you’ve got the wrong person.  I will just sit here very sedately and very calmly and they can come in and apologize to me.  I am not going to do that.”  Self-defense.

Another barrier is self-image.  That operates with those of us who say, “I’m a father, I’m a pastor, I’m a coach, I’m a teacher, I’m a friend and I am not going to lower my self-esteem, I am not going to lower who I am and make myself vulnerable to get a relationship right.  I am not going to do that.”  The self-image thing.  You don’t want to tarnish that self-image, that pride, that ego.

The final barrier that we face is the self-protection barrier.  That is those of us who get all nervous and apprehensive and our palms get all clammy when we think about making a relationship right.  We are fearful of doing it.  And for most of us we spend our lives never having the freedom, never making amends with people we should because of these four imposing barriers.  And the majority of us do this.  Now I am going to turn this sign around and when I turn it around, I want you to say the word together, I will say one, two, three.  When I turn the sign, you say whatever it is.  Here is what most of us do.  OK.  One, two, three.  Detour.  Detour, that we what we do.  Think about it.  Think about it.

I was in Chicago with my wife a couple of weeks ago and we were driving in a rental car.  As I was driving along I saw where I wanted to go.  Then suddenly I saw barriers and the word Detour.  And, of course, then we got lost.  Here is what we do.  We are driving along.  “Oh self-protection, self-image, self-defense, self-deception.  I’m going to do the detour thing.”  And we detour.  And we go off on this farm road or off that exit and we get lost and finally, ultimately, the detour ends in a dead end.  There is nowhere to go, the guilt, the shame, the remorse, the anger that we feel because we have not really dealt with these barriers robs us of the kind of relational fun and freedom that God desires us to have.

Here are the barriers.  Now let’s talk about the benefits.  You think Dion Sanders has a lot of benefits.  Hey, you ain’t seen nothing yet because the Bible lists three benefits that will accrue into our lives when we deal with these barriers, when we say we are not going to do the detour thing.  The first benefit of making amends with someone you have wronged in your past is that your emotional health will increase.  Your emotional health will increase.  God has emotions.  God has feelings, too.  We are made in God’s image, we have emotions, we have feelings, too.  And God wants us to have emotional freedom to feel great emotionally.

This past January a few of us in our church traveled to the Holy Land.  We had a great time in Israel.  We toured much of the country and we walked where Jesus walked.  I, being a shopping kind of guy, bought a lot of toys and trinkets for the kids and some things for Lisa.  I packed all those things in my suitcase.  And I learned something, something pretty elementary.  When you go on a trip and you buy stuff, your bag is a lot heavier when you depart than when you start.  Am I going too fast for anyone?  Here I am walking through the Tel Aviv airport with my luggage and my deltoid was about to rip apart because the bag was so heavy containing all the stuff for four children and my wife and myself too.  We carry baggage, as we talked about throughout this series.  And we carry a lot of relational baggage.  Every time we hurt someone, every time we say no that we don’t want to go back in our past and make it right, we put some more weight and some more junk into our bags and we carry that weight around.  We don’t realize it, it is wearing us out emotionally.  We are drained, we are tired, we are devastated because we have not dealt with the contents in the bag.

Ephesians 4:31-32 says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another.”  People often tell me, “Ed, (cause that’s my name), I know that God has forgiven me but I don’t feel forgiven.”  Have you ever felt like that?  I have.  Usually when we don’t feel forgiven we haven’t brought closure to our past.  We have not looked in the rearview mirror long enough to go back and make some things right.  We have that vertical forgiveness from God, which is ultimately the most important thing.  God, however, also instructs us to horizontally reconcile.  And once we have those two aspects of forgiveness and we have made amends, then emotionally we have that freedom.  Do you have anyone in your life who you kind of avoid?  If you are at the grocery store pushing the cart through the aisles and you see someone, him or her, do you act like you don’t really see them?  Maybe you are at a restaurant or a mall or wherever you are, and you kind of want to avoid a person because you don’t really feel at peace with the other party.  In order to have peace with your fellow man, to have that emotional security, to know that you could be anywhere on the planet and lock eyes with someone and your conscience will not flinch a bit, you need to forgive and make amends.  Your emotional health is a benefit of making amends with people you have harmed.

Another benefit of making amends is your relational health, your relational health and my relational health.  When we do the relational thing, making amends, then, talking about being healthy and having freedom, our relations really begin to take off like a rocket.  Jesus said these words in Matthew 5:23-24, “If you are on your way to worship, (or on your way to the ten o’clock service at the Fellowship of Las Colinas, to personalize it) and realize there is a rift in a relationship, first go and make amends.”  First go and make it right.  The Apostle Paul said in Romans 12:18, one of my favorite verses of scripture, I love this, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”  Live at peace with everyone, that is relational health, relational peace.  Parents and future parents, you want to do something that speaks volumes to your children?  You apologize to them when you have messed up.  Some of the defining moments in the Young household have occurred when I have taken a child aside, or I have looked at my wife Lisa and said I was wrong and I am sorry.  And sorry is, like Elton John wrote years ago, one of the hardest words of all to say.  But the Bible even takes it a step further.  You can say I am sorry all day and night but the real test occurs when you say the four most difficult words to another individual.  Will you forgive me?  Will you forgive me?  We are great at pseudo-apologizing.  You know what that is?  It is just saying, “Hey, if I hurt you in any way, I am sorry.  I didn’t mean to but I just said this and did that and if it really kind of makes mad, hey, sorry about that.  Everything is fine.”

When you say, will you forgive me, you are making yourself vulnerable.  You are putting the weight in their lap, on their shoulders and saying you have the choice to either forgive me or not.  When you apologize to someone, do you say I am sorry and then take it even deeper and say, will you forgive me.  Those words are radical, relational words.

This happened in my life for the first time when I was in my early twenties.  Will you forgive me.  You see I ran a basketball league for a bunch of guys and I played in the league.  My brother was on my team.  One evening the referees didn’t show up.  So, instead of cancelling the game, I picked a guy in the stands to ref the game.  I didn’t know this guy, he seemed to be a nice person and he said he knew about basketball.  So we began to play the game.  He was out there attempting to officiate and the game began to get out of control.  Elbows, shouting matches, etc.  I was the leader of the league, commissioner so to speak, and I had had enough when I saw my brother get knocked down and no foul called.  Here is what I did.  I did something terribly wrong.  I walked up to the guy in front of everyone and said, “Give me your whistle.  You are out of control.  You know zip about basketball.  Someone is going to get killed.  Give me your whistle.  You sit down in the stands and we will continue to play.  This is a joke.”  That is what I said to this man.  I was totally in the wrong.  Totally, completely wrong.  The guy did not sit in the stands.  He walked out of the gym.  Immediately after the game I started doing all of these barrier things.  “Me?  Me apologize to him?  No way, I haven’t hurt him.  That guy needs to take it, he was horrible.  He was the one who almost hammered my brother because he didn’t call a foul.  Not me.  I run the league.  I am in seminary.  No, I’m not going to apologize to him.”  And then it moved to this one, fear.  “Can I look at that guy again that I embarrassed in front of all of those people.  No, I’m not going to do it.”  So I tried to explain it away and rationalize it.  And then I began to feel that my prayers were airballs, just kind of missing.  And something was wrong, something bad was wrong and I realized that I needed to say those four most difficult words in the English language, will you forgive me.  Will you forgive me.  First of all I had to find the guy.  How do I find him?  Because the Bible says in Romans 12:18, “if it is possible, as far as it depends on you.”  I didn’t want to look too hard for this guy, you know.  But I found him.  Made an appointment with him, walked into a conference room.  I looked at him and I was both nervous and scared.  It was a traumatic experience for me.  And I said, for the first time, as an adult, where I really understood all the implications of it, I said, “I was totally wrong.  I am sorry, will you forgive me?”  And he said, “Yes.”  Are we best friends today?  No.  Have I seen him since.  No.  You cannot go into reconciliation thinking once you ask for forgiveness, then you will be best friends, Andy and Barney, for the rest of your lives.  No, it doesn’t work that way.  Sometimes it does.  But you have to take care of what you need to do.  As Romans 12 says, as far as it depends on you.  Now in a family context it should draw you tighter together, however, with other relationships, oftentimes it doesn’t.  Some people don’t want to release you because they love hating you.  And you are talking about releasing the object of their hate.  They like to hate you.  They love to dislike you.  They might rage all over you, they might come back at you.  Fine.  Make sure your attitude is one of love and one of a Christ-like character and you will begin to have that relational freedom.  The moment I walked out of his office, out of that complex, I felt God saying, “Thumbs up, Ed.  Yeah, you blew it but you did what I want you to do and what I instruct you to do in My word.”  You see what we do can effect the emotions of God.  I talked about it five weeks ago.  I did a message titled What Makes God Smile.  And what we do, what we say, where we go and how we reconcile and if we reconcile will delight the heart of God.  Our relational health.

The third benefit of making amends with people we have hurt in the past is the spiritual benefit.  Our spiritual health will increase.  Again, in Matthew 5 Jesus said that if you are on your way to worship and you remember you have a problem, a rift in a relationship, first go and make that right.  In Matthew 5 He talked about a man named Zacchaeus.  Zacchaeus was a Jew, working for the Roman government, ripping his people off left and right.  Zacchaeus falls in love with Jesus and then he walks out on his porch and he announces to all the people he has stolen from that he will pay them back four times more than what he had stolen from them.  That is real restitution.  That is real relational repair work.  Jesus talked about reconciliation because He knew that if we have a problem between ourselves and another person it will impede our spiritual progress.  Jesus knew that.  And Jesus looks at our lives and I believe that He thinks this.  “Here I lay aside My majesty and My glory to live on this earth for thirty-three years, to die on the cross for all the world’s sins, to rise again, yet, Ed Young, (or Roy, or Susan or Bill or Ralph or Sharon) will not lay aside their pride, their ego and do what it takes to reconcile a human relationship, yet I did what I did for them.”  I believe that Jesus thinks those thoughts and wonders why we still are fearful of the barriers.  You want to feel that spiritual walk with Jesus that He desires?  You begin to make amends and you watch and see what happens.

Now I will get to the fun part.  If you have your bulletin, take it out and kind of wave it.  Because here is something I really want you to do.  I want you to take out your bulletins and write a couple of suggestions.  I want to give you a couple of ways for you to make amends and for you to know if you are to make amends with someone.

Number one.  Make a list this afternoon of those people in your life that you have hurt and briefly list the circumstances or describe the scenario.  It could be a coach, it could be an ex-spouse, it could be a former best friend, it could be a pastor.  Write out the name of the person and the circumstances.  Now let me stop here and say something about this step.  We have varying different types of persons who will be doing this exercise.  Think of them as a continuum.  On one end of the continuum is the person with a rhino skin.  This person believes that they have never hurt anyone in their life and he or she will not be able to think up even one name.  This person needs to call in a friend who knows them well to help them with their list.  The friend needs to say, listen you are out of control in this relationship, you did walk all over that person at work though you didn’t realize it, you did hurt your spouse’s feelings.  And then the person can see what he or she has done.

On the other end of the continuum we have the butterfly.  That is the person who is so soft, he or she is beyond tenderhearted.  Guilt sticks to them like velcro.  And when they write they will require many pages.  Oh, I hurt this person and that person.  I feel so bad and terrible.  I need to make amends with the entire world.  That individual needs to invite someone to review their list.  The reviewer will advise them to chill, relax and let me go through your list and see the ones you really need to make amends with.

Make a list, list the circumstances.

Now, number two.  This has to do with what we say.  That is the tough part.  What do you say to someone?  Here is what you doay.  Think about someone that has harmed you in the past.  And think about how you would want that person to make amends with you.  And that is how you would act and what you would say.  So do a role reversal.  How would you want that person to make amends with you?

Now let me give you are warning and don’t miss this warning.  Some here have been involved in adultery, promiscuity, or perhaps fathered a child out of wedlock.  This exercise is not meant to provide an opprotunity to show up in someone’s life and wreck and ruin their world.  For certain situations you will not want to go back.  That is why you need to invite a mature Christian into the equation to help you see if there is any potential to injure someone.  If there is, don’t do it.  But seek some counsel and some advice.  It is not a time for you to drag your relational luggage to the person, unzip or unfasten it, and say here is this nice bowling ball, wham, and here is this one, wham, and it’s your fault too, I am going to implicate you.  So make sure you use great, great discernment.  But don’t use this warning as an excuse not to make something right.

There we have it.  I have talked to you about making amends with others.  That is part of the road to recovery.  I am not finished yet. You thought I was through, didn’t you.  I’m not.  I want to give you another aspect of this exciting step and I am going to do this in about two minutes.  Not only is it important to make amends with people in your past, we have exhausted that subject, also for us to really have freedom, we have to release others and forgive others who have harmed us.  We have to release others and forgive others who have harmed us in our past.  Why do I need to do that?  Why is that so important?  The Bible lists three reasons.

Number one and this can be found in Colossians 3:13, we need to forgive because God has forgiven us.  That is one of the reasons I need to release people that have harmed me in the past.  God has forgiven me.  Colossians 3:13.  “Never hold grudges.  Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”  If you have a tough time forgiving people in your life it usually means you don’t feel forgiven.  You need to remember Colossians 3:13.  The Lord forgave you.  You’ll never have to forgive someone more than Jesus has had to forgive you.  You never will.  And one of the reasons, again, that I should release those people is because God has forgiven me.

The second reason is because resentment doesn’t work.  It just plain doesn’t work.  I like what Job 5:2 says.  “To worry yourself with resentment would be a foolish, senseless thing to do.”  I have never met a person who has declared that they feel so much better because they are resentful, that they love the resentment that is invading their life.

The third reason for forgiving people in your past is, and this is a big one here, we will all need forgiveness in the future.  I know I will.  Won’t you?  I am going to read you a scary verse.  Mark 11:25.  “When you are praying first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too.”  In other words, if I am still holding onto something, if I still have that animosity, that resentment, that grudge when I am praying, God, the Bible says, is not going to release me and forgive my sins the way He wants to.  He wants us to mirror, to reflect His character.  And He says we should forgive others seventy times seven.  Not just once.  Not just twice but continually.  And the evil one will bring that person back up in your mind, in my mind so we have to keep on forgiving, keep on releasing.

            Making amends with people we have hurt, releasing people who have hurt us.  We know what to do.  Now, let’s go for it and watch and see what the Lord does.

The Recovery Channel: Part 2 – How to Gain Control




AUGUST 20, 1995

Imagine that the man who owned the tallest skyscraper in downtown Dallas invited you, your family members and your closest friends to the observation tower on the top of his structure to check out the beautiful skyline of the metroplex.  You were so excited.  While you were up there looking at everything around you, Fair Park, Reunion Arena, Texas Stadium, the different freeway systems, this owner had enough class to serve you and your guests some of the best fresh lemonade you ever tasted in your entire life.  Suddenly, though, without warning your worst nightmare becomes a reality.  You begin to smell smoke.  You see the flames and in a nanosecond this building you are standing on has become a towering inferno.  The owner of the building panics and he looks at you and your family members and friends and he says, “We are in trouble, we can’t get down from the top of this structure.  The staircase leading down from the observation tower has burned up.  The elevator system has jammed.  I don’t know what we will do.  I really don’t.”

I am in a series called The Recovery Channel.  Last week we talked about the first aspect of recovery.  We said that we all have problems.  We all have hurts, habits and hangups that we deal with, from anger to grief, guilt to alcoholism, gambling, you name it, we deal with it.  And we all need to recover from something.  And we said that we are powerless over our problems.  In essence, we turned to each other last week and said, our buildings are on fire.

Let’s jump back to this imaginary scenario for a second.  You are standing on top of the observation tower, the flames are engulfing you, smoke is everywhere and out of the corner of your eye you see someone walking around on the skyscraper next to you.  The person takes out a little cannon and detonates it.  A three inch wide steel cable explodes from it, traverses the distance between the two buildings and wraps around the air conditioning unit on your building.  You look over and to your amazement the figure from the other skyscraper jumps onto the cable, does some spins and a little dance step, walks across the cable and waves to you.  He runs back to his skyscraper and right beside the cannon he finds a wheelbarrow which he places on the cable and returns to your building.  He evades the flames and smoke from your building and pushes the wheelbarrow right in front of you.  He sits down, folds his arms and says, “Get in.  It is your only way to safety.  I want to help you.  Get in.”

Last week we said that we are powerless over our problems.  We said our buildings are on fire.  We also said last week that we believe God has the power to fire a cable from His building to our building and we said that we believe God has the strength to cross that cable with a wheelbarrow and to take us out of our insanity, to remove us from our problem.  To change a hurt, a hangup or a habit.

Today, in this session we are talking about step three of the recovery channel.  It is the wheelbarrow step.  The Bible says that God of this universe has shot a cable from His building to our building and the cable is called the cross and Jesus Christ has pushed the wheelbarrow across the cable.  He is standing there gripping the handles, looking you square in the eye and saying, “You matter to me.  I love you.  You are powerless over your problems.  I have the power to take you out of the mess.  Get in.  Get in.  Commit your problem; commit your life to My will, to My purpose.  Make that decision.  Please do it.”  So today, we talk about the good ole wheelbarrow.

Some of us have gotten into the wheelbarrow.  Some of us have said to ourselves, “Yes I am powerless, God you are powerful, I commit my life to you and will get into the wheelbarrow.  I know I can’t change my life alone and I give it all to You.  You push me, You take me out of this mess.”  Some of us have definitely done that.  Others of us, though, if you are like me, we have said no to Jesus.  We have looked at Him square in the eye and we have said, “No, Jesus, I don’t want to get into the wheelbarrow just yet.”  And I want to give you a couple of reasons why we say no, why we refuse Christ’s offer to jump into the wheelbarrow and let Him deal with all of our baggage that He wants to deal with.

First, we underestimate our condition.  We underestimate our condition.  And our condition is critical.  We do this by denial, by plain old denial.  Jesus crosses the cable, walks up to us with this wheelbarrow and He says, “Get in.”  Here is what we say, “What do you mean get in, Jesus?  I appreciate You and I believe in You and I love You and all that, but what fire?  I don’t smell any smoke.”  And while you are saying that your Nike tennis shoes are melting, your eyebrows and hair are being singed.  “What fire?  What do you mean?”  Denial.

This past week someone who is very close to me confronted me in love about a sin in my life.  And my first response was this.  “What?  You’ve got the wrong person.  I am not really dealing with that.”  And about twenty-four hours later I thought to myself, “You know, Ed, you’re in denial over this.  You are dealing with this.  This is tripping you up.  You had better put it in the wheelbarrow.”  The Bible has a word for denial.  In II Corinthians 2:2, the word is blindness.  Blindness.  In II Corinthians 4:4 it says this, “Satan, who is the god of this evil world, has made him blind.”  He has made you blind, he has made me blind, unable to see the glorious light of the gospel, or unable to understand the amazing message we preach about the glory of Christ, who is God.  We are blind and the evil one blinds us.  Yes, Jesus has crossed the cable.  Yes, He has asked us to get in the wheelbarrow, yet a lot of us are in denial, we are blind.

Recently I have gotten into a new activity with my kids.  Frog hunting.  It is not frog gigging, I want to protect the wildlife and all that.  There is a little pond by our house and we walk down to the pond at night with a Fischer Price flashlight and there are some behemoth, Goliath-like frogs on the banks.  And these frogs are bigger that those Budweiser frogs, huge things.  The other night one of them had a goatee, matter of fact.  Anyway.  We shine the light on the frog and the light blinds the frog, which I knew beforehand but the kids just learned that night.  You can walk right up to this big, old bullfrog and he is just frozen there.  And if you wanted to, we didn’t do this, you could actually pet the frog.  I am like a frog a lot of times.  And if you are honest with yourself, so are you.  We are blind, we are blind to what is going on around us.  We don’t realize there is a fire going on, the smoke is so thick it is about to choke us, we are in denial.  In denial.

There is another reason that we don’t understand our condition.  It is found in Hosea 4:4.  Blame.  We deny and we also blame others.  Hosea 4:4 says, “Don’t point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame to him or to her or to your boss or to your spouse, or to your teacher.  Jesus wheels the wheelbarrow up to us.  We don’t deny the fire any more, we blame others.  We point to our friends and family members standing on the structure and say, “It is because of her, it is because of him.  If they would get their acts fixed, if they would really change, if they would quit torching my life, then I could be OK Jesus, so I am not going to get into the wheelbarrow because they are messing me around.  It is them.”  And this blame thing is as old as Adam and Eve.  Genesis 3:12.  Adam and Eve had sinned before God.  God confronts Adam.  And here is what Adam said.  God, wait a minute.  Me?  She did it, she is the one who took the grape from your cosmic produce section.  I didn’t do it, God.  Blame.

Another reason that we don’t understand our condition is plain old-fashioned fear.  We are fearful to get into the wheelbarrow.  The Bible puts it this way in

Mark 8:36&37, “And how does a man benefit if he gains the whole world and loses his soul in the process, for is anything worth more than his soul?”  A lot of us are like the man I heard about who fell off a cliff.  He was falling and he sees a branch on the way down and he grabs the branch.  He looks down, 1,500 feet, and he looks up, 500 feet.  He screams out, “Would someone help me?  Would someone please help me?”  And suddenly the clouds part and the voice of God says this.  “Let go of the branch and I will catch you.”  This man thought about it for a second and he said, “Is there anyone else who can help?”  Now, we laugh at that.  Oftentimes, though, God is last resort.  We are fearful to fall into His arms.  We are fearful to get into His wheelbarrow.  We think to ourselves, “I could turn into a religious freak.  He could push me somewhere I don’t want to go.”  And the evil one comes in and gives us all of these lies, all of these excuses not to deal with lust, not to deal with the gambling problem, not to deal with this co-dependency thing, not to deal with the grief, not to deal with the temper, not to deal with this or that.  And we get afraid.  It is time that we face our fears.  Like someone told my wife and I that she did, we need to just take a step and fall into the arms of the Lord. A close friend of mine told me that his life and his battle over cigarette addiction never, ever worked until he came to the point where he got into the wheelbarrow.  So it is there for you.  We are just talking about the decision making phase.

Another reason we don’t get into the wheelbarrow is because we are not desperate enough.  It is because we are not desperate enough.  Christianity is for desperate people.  It is for those people who are at the end of their rope, it is for those people who realize that they are standing on a small portion of a towering inferno.  God will allow our sins and our hurts and our habits and hangups to get the best of us, and He will keep knocking the props out until we turn to Him.  It happened to Jonah.  Jonah didn’t turn to God until he was in the belly of a hugh fish, the digestive juices eating away his skin, all the slime and the gross stuff.  Then, the Bible says, Jonah prayed.  Jonah came clean.  And sadly as I look back on my life, I realize that most of the time we don’t change until we experience great pain.  And God will tweak the pain dial hotter and hotter and hotter until we come to our senses.  Why don’t we come to our senses now?  The little problem that you try to explain away and not deal with, why don’t you come clean on it now instead of waiting until you are standing on top of a towering inferno.

I Timothy 2:4&5.  God is on one side and all the people are on the other side and Christ Jesus, Himself, is between them to bring them together by giving His life for all mankind, by wheeling the wheelbarrow across the cable called Calvary to you and to me.  Are you desperate?  Some are saying that they are ready to get into the wheelbarrow today.  And that is great.  Some of us are not ready yet.  All you have to do is give us some more time and maybe a little bit more pain.

Another reason we don’t get into the wheelbarrow and we don’t understand our condition is the fact that we feel huge amounts of guilt.  Guilt.  Big time guilt.  And I love how Psalms 40:12 puts it, David writing.  “Problems far too big for me to solve are piled higher than my head.”  Did you check our the drama today?  Do you feel like a plate spinner?  Honkey-dory.  I love that. ” Meanwhile my sins are too many to count and have all caught up with me.”  It is just what I have talked about.  They have all caught up.  And I am ashamed to look up.  Some of us see Jesus and we see His eyes of compassion, His eyes of change, His eyes of forgiveness, His eyes of love.  We look at Him and we say, “I don’t know, Jesus, I am not sure.  I have so many bags, so much guilt, so much pain.  You don’t know how far out in the rough I am.  I am in the deep weeds.  I am tripped up, scarred up, messed up.  I can’t take it.  I don’t know if this wheelbarrow can support all of my baggage.”  Jesus said, “I have died for that baggage, I want to take that baggage.  I want that transaction to take place where you give it all to Me and then I will give it all back to you.”  You see, we don’t gain control of our lives until we lose control, until we give up control to the One who knows how to push the wheelbarrow.  And it is funny.  Some of us think we are so suave and debonair and so smart, we are sipping lemonade as we are on top of that building, and Jesus comes to us and says, “Get in.”  We say, “Wait a minute Jesus, I’ll just dowse the flames with lemonade.  I can put the fire out by myself.  I can do it.”  Do you realize your condition today?

Another reason that we don’t get into the wheelbarrow is, we don’t understand the nature of God.  We don’t understand the character of God.  The Bible says that we are made in the image of God.  Yet, from the beginning of time we have fashioned God into our image.  What have you fashioned God into?  Into the image of what?  Your anger, a principal at the parochial school that you attended, a boss, a pastor, a priest, a politician?  What have you fashioned God into?  The children of Israel did this, God’s chosen people.  Here God was giving Moses not the ten suggestions but the ten commandments and at that same time God’s children are fashioning something to worship and making God in their image.

When I was at Florida State University I was the only athlete who majored in the fine arts, drawing and painting and sculpting and all that stuff.  And one of my favorite things to do was to draw portraits of people and to exaggerate their facial features.  For example, my face.  I have a long face, you know, kind of a high forehead, a little gray right here, kind of bulking looking ears.  I would exaggerate those things when I was drawing myself.  What I would do with my friends, I would take their faces and exaggerate them and always put them on a body builders body.  Here these guys were normal looking yet I would put them on a Arnold Schwarzenegger body, or some other muscle bound, hulk looking figure.  And my friends would get these things and laugh.  I would give them to people at parties, and celebrations and things like that.  We had a really good time with it.  All I was doing, though, was changing faces on someone’s body.  And the face didn’t match the body.  We look at Jesus and He is standing here with the wheelbarrow and He is saying, “Get in, get in.”  Here is what we do.  We put a different face on the face of Jesus.  And if you do that, I don’t blame you for not getting into the wheelbarrow.  Put the face of Christ on Christ.  Put the face of Christ on Christ.  Do you understand who God is?  Do you understand the nature of God and how much you matter to Him?

This process of getting into the wheelbarrow is really a four step process.  You have got to understand four things to get into the wheelbarrow.  I want you to take out a pen or pencil and write the word STEP vertically because I am taking about the third step of the recovery channel today.  When I get into the wheelbarrow four things need to happen, four principles, four precepts, if you will, need to really occur in my life.  The S stands for the word Savior.  I must accept Jesus Christ as my Savior.  The Bible says in the book of Acts 16:31, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.”  You have heard people say, I’ve gotten saved.  Go back to the building.  Your building is on fire, the flames are tearing you apart, God has shot the cable across, sent Jesus Christ.  When you are saved, He actually invites you to come in.  You come into the wheelbarrow, He takes the wheelbarrow, evades the flames and He runs across the cable and you are saved.  Once it happens to you once, that’s it.  You don’t keep on getting saved. “Well, I’ve got to save you again.  You mean you have sinned?  I’ve got to save you again.”  If that happened, if that occurred Jesus would have to die on the cross day in and day out.  One time only is enough.  So when I get into the wheelbarrow I have got to understand that I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior.

T stands for teacher.  I have to accept the Bible, God’s word, as my teacher.  II Timothy 3:16 says this.  “All scripture is designed to teach.”  We should never, ever stop learning because the moment we stop learning that is the moment we really stop living and progressing in the Christian life.  We have got to learn.  We have got to commit our lives to learn.  The Bible should be our teacher.  It has to be our authority.  I has to be our absolute.  And to crystalize II Timothy 3:16, the Bible says all scripture is inspired by God.  In the original Greek, that word inspired means God breathed.  I am going to tell you something.  God doesn’t have bad breath.  His breath is perfect and His breath will help you and will help me.  Christ as my Savior, I accept that.  The Bible as my teacher, I accept that.

  1. Energy.  I accept God’s power as my energy.  I accept God’s power as my energy.  The Bible says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do (some things – no!) everything God asks me to do with the help of Christ, who gives me the strength and the power.”  What I want to do though is say, “OK Jesus, I will get into the wheelbarrow but I will tell You where to go.  No, no, no, I don’t want to go across the cable, if you take a left here, I think there are some stairs that I can take.  No, You are going too fast, you are going too slow.  I don’t know.  Jesus, move out of the way for a second, You follow me and I will show You where to go.”

P stands for purpose.  I accept God’s will as my purpose.  God has a dynamite purpose, to steal a phrase from Jimmy Walker.  See all you baby busters.  Jimmy Walker, who is that?  Remember that show, Good Times?  One of my favorite shows.  He used to say dynamite all the time.  I though it would work.  If I was talking to a bunch of boomers it would.  We have too many baby busters here for that to work.  It is dynamite.  And the Bible uses the word abundance in John 10:10 and the word abundance,in the Greek, means a life better than you could ever imagine.  The picture behind it is waves hitting on the seashore.  If you have ever been to the seashore, you have seen the waves keep coming.  They don’t stop.  Sets of waves, over and over and over again.  There is also a picture of pouring water into a cup, and you keep pouring the water and the water spills out over the cup on your hands, on your body, on the table.  It is a life so phenomenal, so incredible, so exciting, so adventuresome that we can’t grasp it all.  That is the will of God for you.  Is it perfect?  No.  Does God know we will sin?  Yes.  Is it going to be bumpy in the wheelbarrow?  No doubt about it.  But it is going to be exciting.  Think about it.  Going across cable after cable after cable with Jesus pushing.  The third step of recovery is a decision process.

Just for a quick review.  We have done three things the last two weeks.  We have said that we are powerless over our problems.  We have said that Jesus Christ has the power to heal and change.  And today we have said, it is a decision that we have to make, to get into the wheelbarrow, to give control of our lives over to the will of God as we understand Him.  And we are getting a better understanding of who God is through Christ.  Read his biography right here in the Bible.

Now, I want to say something to Christians here, people who are Christ followers.  We are notorious, Christians, for stopping after step three.  We do a dance called the Christian three step.  “Swing your partner round and round, the Christian three step is the best you’ve found.  Oh, yeah, I am powerless God.  You are powerful.  Amen.  Praise God.  I’m going to get into the wheelbarrow and commit my life to you.  That is it.  See you later.  Let’s go to a new topic, Ed.  Thank you very much.”  I am not a great dancer, I can tell you that.  It is something that I can’t do, and that is wild, my living in Texas.  I have never in my life two stepped, and also I have never three stepped.  There is a dance called the three step too, did you know about that?  How many of you can two step?  How many of you can three step?  My wife and I were at a place about a year ago and we saw a couple who could really do the two step and the three step.  It was like they were free on the dance floor.  They were moving back and forth.  And I was thinking, golly, that has to be so great to dance like that.  It looks so easy.  But as I talked to people who know how to two step and especially three step, I was assured that there are some really intricate moves that need to be learned to perfection.  If you have it down, you can do it.  If you don’t have it down, you will kick your partner in the shins day in and day out.  For the last two weeks there has been a lot of shin kicking going on as we have tried to apply these steps, these first three steps.  But I am going to tell you something.  When you apply these three steps, as you live them out, you will be able to move on God’s dance floor like that couple I saw about a year ago dancing to some serious country western music.  The decision is great.  That is fine and admirable.  Don’t stop here.  In the next four weeks we are going to talk about some more steps.  And these next steps are really the litmus test of this third step.  Next week it is going to get scary in here.  We are going to do a moral inventory check.  We are going to go through seven areas of sin, seven areas of rebellion that we all deal with.  A lot of times these seven areas are causing a bigger problem in our life.  So we are going to go under the water next week and check out what’s below, what is driving this, what is making me do this.  So be in prayer for us as we study and pray for next weeks message.  But the whole issue is, I keep going back to it, I can’t get away from it, the old wheelbarrow.

            Parenthetically let me say one last word.  Don’t miss this.  I know some of you are saying OK, Ok, I understand that I am powerless, God has the power, I want to commit my life to His will, I know what I will do.  I’ve got it.  Instead of making a decision now though, I’ve solved the problems in my life first and then I will make the decision.  I will problem solve and get this straightened out and then I will make the decision.  Please, please, I beg you, inspired by the word of God, don’t do that.  If you are a manager do you say OK we are going to make a decision but before we make a decision at work I want to solve all the problems.  It is crazy.  You make a decision and then you solve the problem.  Today you made the decision to get into the wheelbarrow.  Jesus Christ will take care of the problems.  You first decide to get in.  So, what is it going to be?  Are you going to get in or are you going to continue to be burned up and choked by that thick, black smoke of your towering inferno?