The Chairs
August 24, 2014
Ed Young
The greatest meal in the world isn’t found in a five-star restaurant in the city. It isn’t a home cooked meal. It’s the Bread of Life known as Jesus Christ, and it is best served at the table known as the local church. But that table doesn’t sit idle and alone. It is surrounded by chairs.
In this foundational message by Pastor Ed Young, we discover what the chairs around the table represent. We learn what our role is at the table. And we see how this meal can transform everything in the lives of people who are sitting in those chairs.
What’s up Fellowship Church? How’s everybody doing? Y’all doing OK? Let’s do a big welcome to all of our different environments. How are you guys doing? Please be seated.
ILLUS: You know, a while back I got in touch with my feminine side and traveled with Lisa to Canton, Texas. Canton, Texas is the home of the largest flea market in the world. I don't know if you’ve ever been there or not, guys, but the demographics are pretty crazy, 99% female to about 1% male. And the guys who are there, I think most of them are in the dog house. That’s why they went to Canton accompanying their wives or girlfriends, whatever.
Anyway, while in Canton, Texas Lisa and I had done some shopping for a while. And the people watching is just ridiculous. Frenzied females pushing shopping carts at a NASCAR-type pace in triple-degree Texas heat, back and forth, looking at all the different knick-knacks, and all the crapola and all the chochkies that, you know, that people, well that women enjoy shopping for, hunting for. Guys, it’s the way they hunt. Women hunt. They’re better hunters than we are. So I’m watching this and looking at people and after a while we got hungry, really hungry. So I said,
“Honey, let’s stop and get something to eat.” So we found a food court. “Food court” – I put that in air quotes, food court which was basically several picnic tables creatively arranged in the shade. We ordered some chicken sandwiches, sat down at the picnic table with several other patrons, and began to munch on our chicken sandwiches. After a while we just relaxed, eating our sandwiches, watching all the people, hunks of humanity pass by. And then a lady came up to our table, obviously from the chicken restaurant, wearing the chicken restaurant’s uniform. She had her tray with her. There were samples of the chicken sandwiches we were already eating. She began to try to serve those to us and we said, no thank you. Then we watched her serve the other people, who obviously were eating the chicken sandwiches from her restaurant, the samples, and they said no thank you. Lisa turned to me and she said something that I’ll never forget. Brilliant. She goes,
“Ed, isn’t that hilarious? All that girl has to do from the chicken restaurant is walk about 20 feet out from the shade into the heat, serve the samples of the chicken sandwiches to hunks of humanity who are filing by, drawing them to the chicken restaurant, and the whole thing would just explode, wouldn’t it?” And I thought, wow, you’re right!
Then I began to think about it. I said, “That’s the problem with so many churches. That’s the problem, Lisa, with so many followers of Christ. We’re content to hang out in the shade with the picnic people, we’re content to feed the already-full samples of the Savior instead of making sure they’re fed, leaving the shade, walking out into the heat, braving the elements, and serving the Bread of Life (John 6:35) to hungry hunks of humanity who are passing by.”