Week 2
Bil Cornelius
We’re doing this message today entitled: Taking Inventory. And so you got a know what you got, before you can know what you can utilize towards the vision that God has given you. Let’s look now at the birth of Moses. It says: Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months. Now remember of course from last week’s message, the reason she was hiding was because we know that the Pharaoh had sent out the decree that said all first born males need to die. And so when you take the children of the Israelites, the first born males and throw them in the river literally, throw them in the Nile River. And so she was hiding her child, because she wanted to protect her child. Says in verse 3, but when she could hide him no longer, she got papyrus basket for him, coated it with tar and pitch, and she placed the child in it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. In other words, she put not only the baby in the river, but she made sure that the trajectory of this small craft that was holding her baby, would go in such a way that it would get caught up in the reeds. And the reason why is because you know if it’s caught up in the reeds, these are basically, this is basically like a high grass coming out of the Nile River, then it would be, it would be stabilizing. To be caught up in these reeds would stabilize this little bitty craft so it wouldn’t turn over. It was a very smart mom. She’s like okay, I want to make sure that we put this, this child in the water just right, to where when it hits a rough patch, it’ll get caught up in the reeds, and that way it’ll hold the little watercraft upright, so the baby will be protected. So she basically has a basket, and this with tar and pitch around it, and so it goes into the reeds, and it holds Moses safely as an infant in it. So it’s good protection there. It’s a great little parenting device too, by the way. All of our kids are eventually going to get stuck in a current somewhere. But if you aim in the right direction, they can get stuck in the right spot. And so, I think that’s what my parents did. It’s not that I didn’t have difficulties or problems, or face peer pressure. It’s just that my parents had me so involved in children’s ministry and in youth ministry, that when I got stuck, I was stuck in the right spot. And so I was surrounded by the right people, that if you’re going to be stuck, if you’re going to have questions, if you’re going to, you better thinking about different options you have late at night, at least I was around the right people when I had those options. In other words, I was around the right people to be stuck by, like my youth minister, like my Sunday school teacher, like other students that were trying to honor God, and so because of that, even my wild moments really weren’t wild.
And so it was the right place to get stuck along the currents of life. And so here this mother wants to make sure that Moses is in place in the right spot, so he gets stuck in the reeds. Then it says in verse 4: His sister, now we know this was Miriam. “His older stood at a distance to see what would happen to him. Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bath, and her attendants were walking along at the river bank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to get it.” You know Lord forbid, her actually do any work, so she sent her slave girl. And so basically this mom, Moses’ mom was a very smart woman. She said I want to make sure that Moses is in just the right spot to where the Pharaoh’s daughter will see this baby. Because she realizes, I don’t care how big and bad the Pharaoh is, the Pharaoh’s daughter is going to have compassion on a baby. I mean you show me any 15 year old girl, and she’s going to go oh, look at the baby, he’s so cute. I mean there’s no way she’s going to think, look at that cute baby, now let’s drown it, there’s no way. I mean Pharaoh maybe will do that from his chair up on high, but there’s no way his daughters going to do it. I think it’s funny that the most powerful man in all the universe, that God knew and God made sure, imparted this knowledge onto this mother, that I don’t care how big and bad you are, your daughters still got you wrapped around her little finger, right? I mean it doesn’t really matter how big and bad you are Pharaoh, you’re going to do what your daughter wants, okay. I can relate to that, I’ve got a daughter myself, and she can pretty much do whatever she wants. (Laughter) And so you guys know what I’m talking about, right? (Crowd noise) Yeah, you get that, right. She’s a little, little princess. Okay, so his sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him, then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bath, she sent her, her slave girl down to see what’s going on. I hear a crying and I, I think it’s coming from that little basket. And so then at verse 6: “She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying and she felt sorry for him. This is one of the Hebrew babies she said.” And so this baby was in just the right spot. Now I want to back up real quick and mention something that most of us miss in this story. I missed it for years. Right at the very first part of this scripture, verse 1: “It says now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman.” Now what that means is to be from the house of Levi means that you are from a priestly line. That means that see, a priest was necessary in the Old Testament to be the, the person who talked between God and man, and so the priest was necessary, he was the mediator between God and man. And so think about this, one day Moses was going to stand on a mountain and talk to God. If he was not a priest, he couldn’t do that, and so it would have been a violation of the word of God for him to do that. And so Moses comes from a priestly line, but isn’t it interesting that Moses had no idea about this for years. And the reason why is because Moses ended up in, in the Pharaoh’s home, not being raised in his home where is mom and dad would have told him this.
You know because we know in just a moment, we’re about to learn that Moses eventually, even though he’s brought back to his mother for a while, eventually goes back to Pharaoh’s house. And so he’s raised like an Egyptian, even though he’s not an Egyptian. And so because that he comes from a priestly line, and so in Moses birth was a destiny to be someone who communicated to God and man, to be able to speak to man on behalf of God, he could speak to God on behalf of man. And so in his birth, in his destiny, he was to be a representative to God and to God’s people. And I think it’s interesting, the only reason he wouldn’t know that is because he was in a land full of bondage. And in the same way, you and I miss out on our purpose, on our birthed destiny when we get caught up in slavery, when we get caught up in our own bondage. We miss out on the purpose of God. Listen, the biggest reason I want you to escape that sin that holds you back, escape that slavery of bondage that’s holding you back; is not because that sin isn’t fun. Oh it probably is fun, that’s why you’re into it. That’s not the deal. The deal is that that’s holding you back from the purpose of God in your life. First thing I want to tell you, number one: Is you must be delivered before you can deliver anyone. Moses was delivered from, from death. He was delivered from, from being taken by Pharaoh. He was delivered from bondage, and he had to be delivered before he could ever be someone else’s deliverer. See the reality is that you may be caught up in something right now. There may be something going on in your life that’s holding you back, and I want to encourage you that, that God wants you to be delivered so that you can help deliver others from the very same thing. And so God will allow you to go through what you will lead other people through, before you ever lead them. And so that’s critical that we understand that. And so also I want to point out a couple other things. Again, I talked about this last week a little bit, that we’ve got it in scripture clearly that this is a preview of a coming attraction. Moses is freed from this water, and he is set free from this bondage, and so basically we, we see in scripture, this is a preview that one day Moses will come back as an adult and set all the people of Israel free, just like he was freed. He will set all of Israel free, which is of course a preview one day of Jesus setting us free as well. And so we are always a constant preview of a coming attraction. In fact I should be able to tell what’s going to happen in your life next year by what you’re doing today. In fact I know I can. I can know where you’re going, by where you’re walking right now in your life. And so you may say oh pastor, that sounds great, but I’m not really doing anything today. Well then that’s a preview of a coming attraction. What’s coming is nothing. (Crowd noise) Because if you’re not doing anything, then you’re not going to have anything. And I don’t mean to critical, I’m just trying to encourage you, I’m trying to gently prod you along and say get going, because your life is a preview of what’s coming next. And so if you’re lazing around doing nothing, then you’re going to have, that’s a preview of getting nothing in life. And so I want to challenge you that if you look back over the last five to ten years, and you feel like man, I’m in the same place I was ten years ago.
Then ten years ago, you probably weren’t doing much. And so I want to challenge you to make sure this next ten years is not the same way. And so let this opportunity, this crisis that we’re in right now, be a jolting for your life to say I want to get going, I want to get something happening in my life, I want to make sure that I’m not in the same place next year, that I am this year. And that all has to do with you going to work, you taking some action steps, you doing something: setting goals, getting a direction, and moving in that direction. You know that only three percent of adults work on their priorities on a daily basis? Only three percent, three percent of us, that’s all, is actually working on what we call our priorities, what we believe is our God given dreams, our desires, our goals, our priorities, you name it what you want to call it. Only three percent of us on a daily basis are working towards those things. See the truth is that success is not that difficult. It just that every day you wake up with an agenda, you know what you’re trying to get done, and you just get busy doing those things. And so I want to challenge you to make sure you know where you’re going, have a detailed plan of the direction of your life that you know what your desire is ultimately. And the reason why I want to challenge you to set some goals is because if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. So you’ve got a know what you want, when you want it, how much do you want, and by when. So it’s got to be qualitative; qualitative means how am I going to feel. This is an important part of goal setting, because you need to write down not only the goal, but then how will I feel when I achieve this. That’s very important. You know how is it going to feel? It’s going to just feel great, cause the truth of it, some of our goals; we’d rather how am I going to feel, we look up and we realize that you know what? I don’t think I really care that much about that goal. Why is even that a goal for me? And we’ll eventually look at our goals and say you know, I think that goal was really set by someone else who loves me that wants that for me, but I don’t really care about that. _____ some goals like that need to cut out and say this is a waste of my time; this is living someone else’s goals. Someone else is living vicariously through me, wanting this for me, but that’s not what I want. And so you got a decide what does God put in your heart. See I believe that God gave each of us secret instructions that he pre-wired in us, he wrote them on our hearts that we always desire to do in our life. So I want to challenge you to discover what that is, and then set a goal, a deadline, a dream with a deadline. That’s what the goal is, because if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. So make sure you know where you’re going and what you’re trying to accomplish in your life. You’ve got a discover what was birthed in you, just like Moses. It was birthed in him that he would be a mediator between God and his people. And so there’s something that’s birthed in you to accomplish as well. Let’s go on to verse 7, it says: “Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you.” And so this is an infant, this baby’s going to need, it wasn’t like they had Similac to go run down to the grocery store and get.
This is going to need, this baby was going to need a mother to breastfeed this child. And so she says do you want me to go get one of the Hebrew women, which means I know the mom, because that’s my mom. And so this is obviously a very detailed plan. This is a smart little girl, because she’s got a smart little mom. And so this mom must have instructed her along the way to say now once the Pharaoh’s daughter, if she sees the baby and if God has favor, then ask her if she needs someone to help raise it. This is brilliant, brilliant plan, okay. And so at this point, she says yes, she said, and she answered, and the girl went and got the baby’s mother. Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you. I love this, this is brilliant. (Laughter) So the woman took the baby and nursed him. And so not only did God give Moses’ mother, Moses back, but now Moses’ mother got paid to watch her own child. This is brilliant. Only God can get your archenemy to pay you money. Only God can pull that off. I mean that’s unbelievable isn’t it? God can get money out of your enemies. (Applause) God will take care of you. If there’s ever a scripture that’ll show you God will take care of you, here it is. He will get resources out of your enemy, even if he has to do that, he’ll do it. And so God’s going to make sure you’re taken care of, but the point here I want to make, number two: Is that what you give God, he returns with interest. When you trust God, he will give back to you. Look at Mark chapter 10 verse 29. I know you don’t have that written down in your notes, but you may want to write that down and study it. He says: Anyone who gives up mother, or father, or brother, or sister, or house. In other words, whatever you give me, I’ll give back to you. He says you will get mothers, brothers, sisters, houses back. So when you give up, even your relationships, he will give you those relationships back time and again. God wants to do that because when you give up mother, I’ll give you mothers. Now it doesn’t say if you give mother-in-law, he’ll give you mother-in-laws. We serve a good God, (Laughter) if you do that. I was just kidding, it was just a joke. I love my mother-in-law, I was just kidding. But the reality is God basically is saying whatever you give up, I will give you back even more. You can’t out give God. It’s just not possible. So I want to just challenge you on this to really ask the question: God, what would you have me give up? Even though I feel like I’m giving something, man, I may be losing something. You’ll never lose something with God. He always makes sure that you get more back in return. I want to challenge you on this. In fact God even says in Malachi, you can challenge me. He says see if I do not open heaven and dump my blessings all over you. That’s what God says in his word. Now listen; we’re not talking about abusing the scripture, we’re not talking about someone says why don’t you just give to God now, give me, give me, give me. We’re not talking about that. We don’t do that. We don’t give to God out of a heart to get. In fact, actually it’s the opposite; we receive so that we can give. And so understand, your heart has to be right, but it is true.
And even though there’s been abusing on this scripture, and I’ve heard the abuses as much as anybody has, about the preachers who say oh you give God a dollar, he’ll make you a millionaire. That’s ridiculous. God is not teaching that, but he’s teaching a principle that when you steward what you have, well which means you manage it. You manage it well and you give to the Lord, and you take what is left, and you also manage that. Well God will multiply it back again, and again, and again, and I have seen this time and again when you’re a good steward with what you have, God will be a good steward of what he had by entrusting it to you. And so Moses’ mother got Moses back with a paycheck, not a bad deal, huh? That’s the kind of God we serve. Look what happens next, verse 10: “When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying I drew him out of the water.” Now there’s a lot in here, but I want to break it down. It says here that when she grew older, I’m sorry. When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter. So there was still a loss; let’s not kid ourselves. There was still a loss. This mother still had to bring Moses later on and give him up. This is very difficult. Now we don’t know whether this meant that he was weaned at age 2 or age 6, we don’t really know, but we know physically, there can be a time period anytime between there that it is actually healthy for a child, even though that kind of grosses us out, that’s the true time period. And so we don’t know when in their day and culture it was appropriate for them to truly wean a child, but we do know that somewhere in there, he landed in Pharaoh’s daughters lap, and she became his mother. And she actually is the one who named him. That should also the power the Egyptians had over the Israelites, that basically she chose the name of Moses, and not Moses’ mother. Pretty powerful isn’t it, when you think about that? Wow, I mean this, this just shows you the power of Pharaoh and the Pharaoh’s family. And so she gives Moses over to Pharaoh’s daughter to raise him, and then it says here that Moses’ daughter is the one, I’m sorry. Pharaoh’s daughter is the one who names him Moses. And Moses actually is an Egyptian term, which means I drew him out of the water. And so I think it’s interesting to point this out, because who names you, also determines in many ways who you become. And so Moses’ name is an Egyptian name, but why would God allow this to happen? Because God knew Moses needed to have a name that made sense to Egyptians, because he was going to be a spokesman to the Egyptian people on behalf of the Israelites. And so have you ever, you ever heard someone’s name from a different culture, and you listen to the name and you go well that just sounds weird. I mean that’s just, what kind of name is that, right? And you know, and you almost want to make fun of it like that is just goofy, but in their culture, it’s a normal name, but it’s not a normal name in your culture. And so when you hear names that don’t fit the culture you’re in, they don’t even make sense to us. So God allowed Moses to have a name that made sense to the Egyptians, because that’s who he’d be talking to. He was raised in Pharaoh’s home.
The reason why the Lord allowed Moses to be raised in Pharaoh’s home, is because Moses needed to know how to get around the back halls of the palace. He needed to know all the relationships he would need. I mean how did Moses; you ever noticed this in scripture that later on when he’s an adult, when he goes to confront the Pharaoh in the middle of the night. How did he get into the palace? What did they have no security? I mean you can just waltz in? No, he must have knew who the palace guard was, because he grew up with him. And so he’s like hey Harry. Oh hey Moses, what’s up? Hey I need to go talk to the Pharaoh. Oh no problem, go on in. And so they trusted him, because I know Moses, I remember him running around the palace shooting spit wads at me, I know this kid. And so they knew him, and because of that, he could waltz right into the palace and talk to Pharaoh. And the reason was not intimidated by Pharaoh, now it doesn’t mean he wasn’t intimidated by the position of Pharaoh. Clearly that was a very powerful position. But he wasn’t intimidated by the man, and the reason why is because the man used be a boy that ran around in diapers with Moses, and so he knew him. And because of that, he could go talk with him and be taken seriously by the Pharaoh, because the Pharaoh knew who Moses was. They went to school together, they hung out together, and so because of this, he was comfortable in those environments. God allowed him to be comfortable around powerful people, because God knew Moses was going to be a powerful person. Who has God given you exposure to so that you can learn their tricks? Who has God given you exposure to so you can learn something from them? God has allowed, God allowed you to be in this church. This is not a normal church; we’re a little weird around here. The truth is this, we don’t just teach scripture, we teach scripture to help you win in life. Not every church does that. God has allowed you to be here so that you would get exposure to this kind of teaching, because I’ve asked God years ago: God, don’t just give us people, give us future leaders. Give us future leaders. And I believe God has done that here, and that is why you’re here being exposed to this teaching. I want to challenge you, number three: Your past experience is a great indicator of your future calling. Your past experience is a great indicator of your future calling. Moses had the experience of the fact that he was born an Israelite, he had that in him, he was birthed in, his destiny was birthed in him. But he grew up in an Egyptian home, in the Pharaoh’s home, around power, around money, around influence, around politics, so he knew how to navigate through those waters so to speak. He knew how to function. He was a highly functioning individual. He knew how to lead, because he grew up among leaders. And so I want to challenge you, who is God allowed you to be around so that you can learn from them? Also I want, I want to point something our here. God allowed Moses to be caught between two cultures. Did you notice that? Moses, he was an Israelite. He’s a Jew boy, what’s a Jew boy being raised in an Egyptian palace? It doesn’t even make sense. He doesn’t even look like us.
You know he, he sounds like us, because he grew up around us to get our accent, but he doesn’t look like us. And so who is this kid? This kid doesn’t fit, he doesn’t look like us, he doesn’t have the same skin color? I mean talk about racism, this is the ultimate racism. This is class extinction. I mean, I mean Pharaoh tried to kill off a generation; this is racism at its worst, at its ugliest. And so here you got someone caught between two cultures. What’s going on here? God did that on purpose, it was part of his plan. Now I want to challenge you with this too, understand why did Moses not quite fit either culture? He didn’t quite fit in with the Israelites; he also didn’t quite fit in with the Egyptians. You know why? Because God allowed him to be different enough from the Egyptians to be able to never feel comfortable with what their game was, which was to keep the Israelites enslaved. He also made sure he didn’t grow up with what I call slave mentality, by growing up in the family of slaves, to where he had leadership mentality with a heart for the people that were slaves. Sounds like the perfect combo for a deliverer, doesn’t it? It’s the perfect combo. And so God has created you with the perfect combo. In fact I want to challenge you. Listen, listen, young people, listen to this very carefully. God may have allowed you to be rejected by the people you hang out with, and the reason why is because God doesn’t want you to fit in, because you’re a leader. You’re supposed to be in front of them, not in the group. (Applause) And so God doesn’t want you to fit in. He doesn’t want you to feel like you’re accepted. I want to challenge you this. You know I remember going in high school, I remember in high school, there was, there was like two or three tables that were all the Christians sat at you know. And they had their little Christian club, and their little Christian music and this and that. And everyone sat, and I was friends with all of them, and I’d go hang out with them, but I never quite just fit in. I didn’t fit in that group. But I never really obviously fit in with the guys that were partying. Just I hung out with all the athletes; I was in athletics, even though I wasn’t very athletic. I just hung out, I just wanted to be around them, and I was terrible, but I just wanted to hang with them. And so I remember I hung out with some athletes, and these guys; I never really fit in. I wouldn’t party like they partied, do the things they did, because I was a Christian boy, you know. But I never really fit in hanging out with the Christian table either. I wasn’t quite going at that speed either, so I didn’t quite fit in either groups, and now I realize that was God’s plan, because he didn’t want me to get too comfortable among Christians, because I was called to reach the world for Christ. But he didn’t let me get too comfortable around the world either, because I’m supposed to be in the world, but not of it. And so God allowed me to never quite fit in, and because of that, I never got comfortable in a group, which means that God wanted me to lead. You’re the same way. God’s not going to let you get comfortable. He’s not going to let you fit into the group at work, because you’re supposed to lead them. You’re not supposed to be comfortable in that group, because you’re supposed to be in front of them.
Moses was not supposed to be comfortable with the Egyptians, because he was basically the guy that was going to bring them down. He was not supposed to comfortable with the Israelites, because he was the guy that’s going to bring them up. That was God’s plan. I want to challenge you on this. The very area that you feel like you wish you could change, because it doesn’t allow you to fit in; that is actually the area that makes you unique. It is the area that gives you a unique voice. And so run with that, don’t apologize for it, be different. God wants you to be an original you. Quit being a bad copy of someone else, when God wants you to be you. It’s acceptable, it’s what God desires, he wants to make you into who you are. So listen, I want to just challenge you to know this: whatever you’re uncomfortable in right now, may be the very place that God has you on purpose. Whatever you’ve been rejected in; that just may be the purpose of God. In fact whatever you’re miserable in right now. Moses was miserable. He was very unhappy. We’re going to look in scripture in just a moment, in fact next week, and we’re going to look in his misery. He made some really bad decisions, in fact, he really struggled. He was miserable. He knew he didn’t fit in. Your misery becomes your ministry. The area you don’t fit, that is God’s plan for your life. I want to challenge you on this. So let’s take some inventory right now. I want to challenge you with some questions. Here, here’s how you take inventory of who you are. Who do people say, I’m sorry. What do people say you’re good at? Write this down right now. What do people say I’m good at? Not what you think you’re good at, what do other people say your good at, cause sometimes that’s two different things. What do people say you’re good at? How about this question: what do you enjoy doing? I think it’s interesting that God always allows what people say you’re good at; to be something you like to do. God always puts those two things together. God has built us to desire some approval in my life. Not all approval, not all approvals bad, not all disapprovals bad, but because of that, I mean you’re really good at that. That just feels good, doesn’t it, when you hear someone say that? I remember when I was in college, switching my major from business to communications. It was the first time, and now let me think about it. It was 12 years under, let’s see…14 years, 14 years of education happened before I finally hit something I was good at. Struggled all throughout school, made C’s and D’s; I was the half of the class that graduated that made the first half possible. I’m telling you, I did not do good. (Laughter) The reality is that I struggled all throughout school, and it was because that’s not how I was wired up. But the reality was just, I hung in there, I kept going with it, but I want to just challenge you, that listen to what other people were telling you. They’re saying you’re really good at this, don’t ignore that. Just because it doesn’t fit in, doesn’t mean you were supposed to fit in. You’re supposed to lead, not fit in. And so I realize now, looking back, that God did that for a reason, because he knew I was one day going to communicate every single week, his truth. And so that’s what God wired me up to do. Not that I’m necessarily that good at it, but God wires you up to do something, okay. So what do you enjoy doing? What experiences have shaped you into who you are today the most? What experiences? This may be good experiences, this also includes bad experiences. What traumatic things have happened to you, that God is saying, rather than you saying why me, why me; God’s saying because you are called to lead other people through that same traumatic experience, that some difficulty, that same struggle. God will use you. See if you didn’t share in their pain, you can’t minister to them. And so God will allow you to go through some pain, cause he never wastes a hurt. There’s purpose in your pain. What pain have you gone through so that God can use you to lead others through that same difficulty, that same pain? What experiences, good and bad have shaped you into who you are? What are you passionate about? This is the emotion test. What subject, if I bring it up, makes you pound the table, or cry your eyes out, or raise your voice? You get emotional about it, because you care deeply about it. That’s a sign of your passion. If you keep digging around near your passion, you’ll discover your call; you’ll discover how God wired you up. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? That’s one of my favorite questions to ask people, what would you do if you knew failure wasn’t even an option? If you knew you would succeed, what would you do today? Here’s the great question, what would you do for free? What would you do if no one was paying you? And so what would you do for free? What you do even if there was no money, you’d still do it? That’s probably what God wired you up to do with your life. So I want to challenge you on this, to ask the question: how has God wired me up? Take inventory. If you look at Moses’ life, take an inventory of his past, of how he was miraculously saved, about how God put him in just the right spot to communicate clearly to a family he deeply cared for that he was no longer with, and also a family he deeply loved, and knew how to communicate to. He was given an Egyptian name, yet he was an Israelite. Think about the inventory of this guy. It all lines up. God always takes your past and he’s lining you up for your future. God has set you up not to fit in, he has set you up to lead. Would you bow your head with me? With your head bowed and your eyes closed, during this prayer time I just want to challenge you. How has God wired you up? How has God brought you to this point? How has God brought you to a point of not fitting in so that you could finally discover your niche, the area that’s unique to you? You know even in the business world they have this thing, it’s called the USP, your unique selling proposition; it’s what only you do. It’s where you don’t fit in with your competitors. That’s not a bad thing, that’s your strength. And so what is it that’s unique to you? God has wired you, he pre-wired you for something. It’s time to get in on that, that is your destiny. With your head bowed and your eyes closed, the first thing you were pre-wired to do is to know Jesus. We were all pre-wired with a need for God. We try many things to get that hole in our heart filled.
We try a certain relationship, we try success, we try money, we try possessions, we try experiences, until we finally realize none of that stuff really makes me full. None of it, none of it makes me satisfied, it’s cause you were meant to only be satisfied ultimately in your soul by relationship with Jesus Christ. With your head bowed and your eyes closed, let’s start with that pre-wiring, and let’s make sure that you know him. You can receive him right now by praying a simple prayer. You can say Jesus I realize I need you in my life. I pray now and I ask you to come in my heart. I believe you died on the cross for me to pay the price for my sins. I believe you rose again from the grave, proving that you’re God, that you really are God, not just a man, but you’re God. And I invite you into my life right now. Change me from within; I want to make you the Lord, the boss, the coach. I put you in charge of me. I want to follow you from this day forward, in Jesus name, Amen, amen. Isn’t God good? (Crowd noise and applause) His word’s so good. His words so good.
Announcer>> Bil and Jessica Cornelius want you to know that your life can experience real change. Living Life Beyond Limits is a journey, and we want to be there every step of the way. Visit us at and discover a wide range of resources that can make a dramatic difference in your life. Plus, we invite you to join us as we take this life changing message across the country and the world. Your prayers and financial support allow us to expand this program, and reach millions of people trapped by the limitations they face in life. So call us today, or visit us on the web, and join us next week as we continue our journey to experience Life Beyond Limits.