Remember. Reflect. Recall
May 27, 2012
Ed Young
Memorial Day is a time when we honor and remember those who have gone before us – those who have willingly paid the price for the freedom we enjoy, because the reality is that freedom is not free. Yet, it is the greatest gift any of us can enjoy!
In this special weekend experience, Pastor Ed Young delivers a special message as we honor those who have sacrificed for the freedom we have today. And we discover exactly where God wants to take us tomorrow.
Memorial Day
Muhammad Ali Photo
First Weekend At Fellowship Church
Memorial = To Remember
Remember = Think Again
Joshua 4:2-3 (MSG)
2 “Select twelve men from the people,
a man from each tribe, and tell them,
‘From right here, the middle of the Jordan
where the feet of the priests are standing firm,
3 take twelve stones. Carry them across with you
and set them down in the place
where you camp tonight.’”
Brings Clarity
Joshua 4:7 (MSG)
“These stones are a permanent memorial
for the People of Israel.'”
People, Places and Things
Builds Influence
Joshua 4:21-23 (NIV-1984)
21 “He said to the Israelites,
‘In the future when your descendants
ask their parents,
‘What do these stones mean?’
22 tell them,
‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’
23 For the Lord your God dried up the Jordan
before you until you had crossed over.
The Lord your God did to the Jordan
just what He had done
to the Red Sea when He dried it up before us
until we had crossed over.”
Bolsters Appreciation
Joshua 4:19-20 (NIV-1984)
19 “On the tenth day of the first month
the people went up from the Jordan
and camped at Gilgal
on the eastern border of Jericho.
20 And Joshua set up at Gilgal
the twelve stones
they had taken out of the Jordan.”
Gilgal: Rolling Away Old Defeats