Is: It Is What It Is: Is the Bible the Answer to Life Change?
Is the Bible the answer to life change? We live in a broken place when it comes to our fathers. In the beginning God the Father created a perfect world, Adam fell into a trap and the relationship with God the Father went into a cataclysmic revolt and became broken. Ever since the Fall, we all desire to grow up with a father who is caring, strong, tender and tough. Throughout Scripture we see God the Creator, God the Father calling out to us wanting to be our Father. God’s Word is the grand story. It is the narrative of all narratives. It is the story that encompasses all of the smaller stories in your life and in my life. God the Father has revealed Himself through His story to us in His Son, and the Son has shown us the Father heart of God. Join Ben in the final message of this series as he takes a look at the Story through the lens of a Father who is seeking out His children. The Father from the beginning of time has been pursuing us with an unstoppable, unchangeable love…He is the Father we have all been looking for.