I’m a Big Hypocrite: Part 1 – Hypocrisy Is…: Transcript & Outline



Hypocrisy Is…

March 23, 2014

Ed Young

“I don’t go to church, because the church is full of hypocrites.” It’s one of the biggest hurdles that keeps people from church, and one that people use to keep their distance from God. But the truth is that hypocrisy is more than a barrier when it comes to faith. It’s something we all deal with every day.

In this message, Pastor Ed Young looks at what Jesus had to say about this potent topic. And we discover how admitting our own hypocrisy – in every realm of life – is the prerequisite to experiencing true influence and authenticity.


It’s great to see everybody today.  Thank you for being here at Fellowship Church, and is everybody ready to talk about hypocrisy?  Yeah.  I’m excited.  Let’s say it together.  It’ll help us, it’ll free us up.  I’m gonna say, “I’m a big hypocrite.”  On the count of 3 you say it with me.  1-2-3-I’m a big hypocrite.  Doesn’t that feel great?  Doesn’t it feel liberating?  For some of us it’s the first time we’ve ever admitted the obvious.  God is not shocked by our admission of hypocrisy.  Let’s say it once again.  1-2-3-I’m a big hypocrite.  Amazing.  And you’re looking at a hypocrite up here.

The other day I was inviting someone to Fellowship Church and they said,

“You know, I really don’t want to go to Fellowship Church because Fellowship is full of hypocrites.”  I said,

“No, we’re not full of hypocrites.  There’s always room for one more.  Why don’t you attend Fellowship?”  And sometimes I meet people who say,

“I’m looking for the perfect church.”   I say,

“No, no, no.  You find the perfect church you’ll screw it up because you’re a hypocrite.”  Did you hear about this horse that can count?  I read about it several weeks ago.  This horse, if you say what’s 1+1 the horse will go <stomp stomp> with his hoof.  Two.  2×2, he will <stomp stomp stomp stomp>.  Then some preacher said, “Mr. Horse, how many hypocrites are there at church?” and he just started dancing and stomping his feet.



Hypocrisy Is…

March 23, 2014

Ed Young

“I don’t go to church, because the church is full of hypocrites.” It’s one of the biggest hurdles that keeps people from church, and one that people use to keep their distance from God. But the truth is that hypocrisy is more than a barrier when it comes to faith. It’s something we all deal with every day.

In this message, Pastor Ed Young looks at what Jesus had to say about this potent topic. And we discover how admitting our own hypocrisy – in every realm of life – is the prerequisite to experiencing true influence and authenticity.


It’s great to see everybody today.  Thank you for being here at Fellowship Church, and is everybody ready to talk about hypocrisy?  Yeah.  I’m excited.  Let’s say it together.  It’ll help us, it’ll free us up.  I’m gonna say, “I’m a big hypocrite.”  On the count of 3 you say it with me.  1-2-3-I’m a big hypocrite.  Doesn’t that feel great?  Doesn’t it feel liberating?  For some of us it’s the first time we’ve ever admitted the obvious.  God is not shocked by our admission of hypocrisy.  Let’s say it once again.  1-2-3-I’m a big hypocrite.  Amazing.  And you’re looking at a hypocrite up here.

The other day I was inviting someone to Fellowship Church and they said,

“You know, I really don’t want to go to Fellowship Church because Fellowship is full of hypocrites.”  I said,

“No, we’re not full of hypocrites.  There’s always room for one more.  Why don’t you attend Fellowship?”  And sometimes I meet people who say,

“I’m looking for the perfect church.”   I say,

“No, no, no.  You find the perfect church you’ll screw it up because you’re a hypocrite.”  Did you hear about this horse that can count?  I read about it several weeks ago.  This horse, if you say what’s 1+1 the horse will go <stomp stomp> with his hoof.  Two.  2×2, he will <stomp stomp stomp stomp>.  Then some preacher said, “Mr. Horse, how many hypocrites are there at church?” and he just started dancing and stomping his feet.

Let’s take a test.  This is a test of hypocrisy because some of you aren’t buying it.  Some of you are like, “Ed, I’m not a hypocrite.”  Oh really?  Let’s take this hypocrite test.  If you have a pen or a pencil use it.  An eyeliner, whatever you need. Let’s take the hypocrite test because this test is very convicting.  It’s scientific.  It took us years and years to come up with this test.  Let’s go for it.

#1 – How good of a person do you consider yourself to be?  A) Not perfect but trying.  B) I am an awful person.  C) I’m pretty perfect.  The correct answer is A.  All right if you missed it that’s OK.  Put a big honking X if you missed it.  Don’t lie because we have security cameras.  One day I’m gonna do… look at this camera here… one day I’m gonna do a blooper reel.  You would not believe what we’ve picked up over the years with our security cameras.  Wow.  All right.

#2!  If you had the chance to cheat on something and knew you’d get away with it, what would you do?  A) Absolutely.  It’s not like I’m hurting anybody.  B) Maybe, it depends on how much I’d have to stretch the truth.  C) Absolutely not.  It’s wrong to lie, cheat, or steal in any circumstance.  The right answer: C.  Whoa.

#3 – If someone cuts you off in traffic what’s your first response? A) I calm myself and remember we’ve all done stupid things while driving.  B) I catch up to them and let them know how I really feel.  C) I can’t tell you how I would react.  It’s far too embarrassing.  The right answer is: A.

Let’s go to #4, we’re cruising now.  If a person hurts someone you love how do you respond?  A) I get even as soon as possible.  B) I avoid and stay out of it.  C) I report to the proper authorities and trust God with the outcome.  What’s the correct answer?  C.

#5 – It’s OK to judge someone when A) you’re dealing with a complete idiot.  B) they do the opposite of what I do.  C) I may not agree with their behavior but who am I to judge?  Which one?  You’ve got it: C.

#6 – If you see someone on the side of the road who needs help, what do you do? A) Drive past without considering it.  Who knows what can happen if you stop? B) Pull over and see how I can help.  Who knows what can happen if you stop?  C) Keep driving and hope and pray someone will help them.  The correct answer is B.  Yeah.  I didn’t come up with the test.  Don’t get mad at me.  Some are going like, what?  I don’t know.  We’ll have to bring the test-making team out here and we can scream at them.  Hmm.

#7 If someone is talking trash about someone else what’s your response?  A) If I don’t like the person I will let them keep talking.  B) Tell me more.  C) I shut the conversation down because gossip is wrong.  What’s the right answer?  C.  Yeah.

#8 – If someone betrays you, what’s your reaction the next time you see them?  A) I smile politely with bitterness in my heart.  B) I smile politely with forgiveness in my heart.  C) It’s going to get U-G-L-Y, you ain’t got no alibi, ugly.  Which one?  B.

All right.  Grade your test.  It’s very simple.  How many did you get wrong?  Here we go.  If you got 1-2 wrong you’re a hairline hypocrite.  If you got 3-5 wrong you’re a heavyweight hypocrite.  It’s OK.  And 6-8, you’re a Hall of Famer, like Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin, Emmitt Smith.  Hall of Famer.

My first brush with hypocrisy came when I was in the second grade.  It was back in the 60’s when hippies were popular and I wanted to be a hippie.  I lived in a  tiny town, Taylor, South Carolina.  There weren’t very many hippies in Taylor but The Beatles were popular back then, the Rolling Stones, Hendrix, and I was like, I like the way these guys look.  I like the way they dress.  So I wanted a hippie necklace.

“Mom, I want a hippie necklace!  Please get me a hippie necklace!”  There was not one hippie necklace in Taylor, South Carolina.  A friend of our family’s, Vickie, I called her Aunt Vickie, was going to London, England.  Now in London, man, that’s like the epicenter for hippie-ness.  And I knew it.  I said, “Vickie, please! (I just put the cards on the table) Vickie please bring me back a hippie necklace!  Please!”  I was in the second grade!  She says,

“OK, Ed.  I will.”  So when she returned from London she told me all about the trip and she pulled out of a box the coolest hippie necklace you’d ever seen in your life.  And I put it on and I’m like, whoa!  I’m a hippie!!!  I got this hippie necklace!  My mother kinda made one of my shirts look kinda hippie-ish and I was walking around like, whoa.  I’m a hippie!  I’m a hippie!  Really a hippie.  I went to school.  Mrs. Blaze was the teacher.  One of the best teachers I ever had, Mrs. Blaze.  So I’m walking into the school and all the kids come up.

“Ed, you’re a hippie!  That necklace is awesome!  It’s great!”   and I just loved the response of the crowd because they saw the hippie necklace.  They said, “Where did you get it?”  I said,


“You mean you went to London?  You traveled to London!”  I looked at the gallery and I said,

“Sure.  I’ve been to London.  That’s where I got this hippie necklace.”  And down deep I knew I was lying.  I didn’t know what the word hypocrisy was in the second grade but I’m thinking, I’m really out there now.  I’ve committed and then I thought to myself, I’ve just got to play the part.  So the kids go,

“Mrs. Blaze!  Did you know Ed went to London?  Look at that hippie necklace!”  Mrs. Blaze said,

“Well, Ed.  That’s great!  Would you mind standing and sharing with the class about your trip to London?”  I said,

“No problem.”  So I stood before the masses of people, about 31 people, and I began to talk about London.  Rolling Stones, Beatles, I didn’t know what I was saying really.  I just said, “Hippie necklace.  And I got this hippie necklace in London on the streets of London.  And I’m a hippie now and …”  Everybody was like,

“Ooh!  Thank you, Ed.  Thank you!”

When I went home I had a case of the guilties.  I finally confessed my hypocrisy to my mother.  Well, really I was called to the carpet because Mrs. Blaze told my mother,

“I didn’t realize Ed had gone to London!”  and my mother was like,

“What?!?”  So then they got me.  I had to confess to Mrs. Blaze and the entire second grade class that I was a liar.  And now I look back, a hypocrite.  But I’ve got a question for you.  Is anybody wearing a hippie necklace in the house?  Is anybody wearing a hippie necklace in the locker room?  The boardroom?  The classroom?  The operating room?  The courtroom?  Any hippie necklaces walking down the corridors of a school here?  You say one thing but you do another.  You’re living a lie.  Are you a hypocrite?

I heard about a pastor who went over to a family’s home.  This pastor was conversing with this young couple and a little kid, one of their boys, came inside holding a dead rat by the tail.

“Mom!  Dad!  Look!  I got this rat!  I stomped him!  I hammered him!”  He had no idea the pastor was there.  “I began to cut his head off!” and then he looked at the pastor and he said, “And then Jesus called him home.”

Anybody wearing a hippie necklace?  Any hypocrites in the house?  Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrisy.  You talk to any Bible scholar, anybody who has read through scripture and studied it, yeah.  People talk about hypocrisy, men and women of the Bible discuss it.  Jesus, though, opens up a Costco-sized can on hypocrisy.  I’m talking about he opens it up and he just blasts people who are professional hypocrites.  Specifically, in Matthew chapter 23, he is gonna jump up in the grill of some guys (there were 6,000 of them) called Pharisees.

Now before you hate on the Pharisees, not all Pharisees were horrible.  Some of them, though, were card-carrying hypocrites.  And basically these religious people were so religious that they forgot about the relationship.  I mean they had whack stuff in their lives.  Before you could eat, if you were a Pharisee, you had to point your fingers toward heaven and water was to be poured down your hands.  Then you point your fingers and water is again to be poured down your hands.  Then you take your fist and you have to move your fist a certain way in each hand to wash your hands ceremonially.  And we’re gonna find out in this series that the Pharisees were like pointing to the disciples saying,

“Hey!  You guys don’t have any hygiene!  You guys aren’t even washing your hands!”  They were washing their hands but they were not OCD like the Pharisees.  And the Pharisees began to worship the ritual, and the religiosity took the place of the relationship.  They were so crazy that they measured the fringe on the ends of their garments.  They were so hypocritical they wore these phylacteries, these leather boxes on their foreheads and on their biceps with little prayers inside them.  I’m a Pharisee, man.  I’m the man!  Jesus said, “You’re hypocrites.  You’re acting one way with a certain group and another way with another group.  Your walk doesn’t match your talk.  You hypocrites!”  And Matthew 23 says it 7 times, the Bible calls is “seven woes.”  If you’re a hypocrite you basically live by a definition that you’ve not learned.  If you’re a hypocrite, if I’m a hypocrite, when you’re a hypocrite, when I’m a hypocrite, you live by a definition you’ve not learned.  Hypocrites don’t realize their hypocrisy.

We love reality television.  It’s the language of the day.  We love things that are organic.  Authentic.  Grass-fed.  100% pure.  Wow.  I want it real.  Why do we like stuff real?  We like it real because we hate hypocrisy.  I don’t want to eat that hypocritical food that the advertisers they say one thing but then they have all these additives and all this funky stuff in there.  It’s bad for you.  I want the real stuff.  I don’t want to watch sit-coms with people who are faking it, actors and actresses.  That’s not really who they are.  I want to watch reality television.  That’s what I want.  We want it real.  Could it be, could it be the reason we want stuff real is because we hate hypocrisy?

Have you ever thought about the media for example.  Generally speaking they love to hunt down hypocrisy.  Hypocrisy in the sports world.  Hypocrisy in the political world.  Hypocrisy in the religious world.  Hypocrisy in the scientific world.  But let’s be honest.  We’re hypocrites calling hypocrites ‘hypocrites.’  Let me say it again. It’s the corrupt calling the corrupt, ‘corrupt.’

But see, if you’re like me (I’m still in Matthew 23) I like to point out the hypocrisy in you.  And usually in you the hypocrisy in you is the junk I struggle with in my own life.  And usually, too, I can always find somebody who is more hypocritical than me.  You’re much more hypocritical than me.  I would never do that!  Could it be that’s why we love to see all the Hollywood elite, all the actresses and actors, that’s why we love to see them mess up.  Oh girl, I would never do that.  Oh man, are you kidding me?  What’s that guy thinking?  We feel good about ourselves when we point out hypocrisy in others. But see when we point out hypocrisy in others, as I always say, I got three fingers pointing back at me.  God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  So I’ve got enough junk in my own life to worry about as opposed to pointing out hypocrisy in your life.

How many times have I preached on marriage from the stage.  “Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church!”  and I’ve gone home that afternoon and been mean-spirited or selfish toward Lisa.  Hypocrisy.  How many times have I said, OK, you’ve got to face those fears in your life.  Don’t allow those fears to dominate you and beat you up.  You’ve got to face them, because when you face them the fear will falter and you’ll go to the next level.  How many times after preaching that during the week have I allowed fear to dominate me?  I understand the words of the apostle Paul.  He says, “I do the things I don’t want to do.  I don’t do the things I want to do.”  Let’s face it.  Technically we’re all hypocrites.  Anybody wearing a hippie necklace in the house?  Anybody wearing a hippie necklace in the house?  Now that’s a white person’s clap.  If I was preaching in some of the black churches where I’ve preached they would be running around.  They would have been completing my sentences for a while!  That’s OK, that’s the white man.  Don’t worry about it.  The black people here are with me.  You’re like, yeah, uh-huh.  I got it.  Yeah.  <shout out from the audience>  Thank you.  See?  See I told you!

You know what I do as a preacher?  I’m serious.  Whenever I want to be encouraged as I’m preaching, wherever I am, wherever I am as I’m preaching, if it gets boring or I bore myself or the crowd doesn’t seem to be into it.  I will just find some African American friend and just go up to them and start preaching to them and it always energizes me!  So it’s OK to let yourself go, white people.  It’s all right!  It’s OK.  What’s so funny is white people will go crazy at athletic events.  White people go crazy at a concert.  But you put them in church man…  “Is it OK to laugh here?  I guess so.”  Anyway.

Jesus said in Matthew 23, a hypocrite is someone who’s wearing a mask.  I’m wearing a mask.  That’s what it means to be a hypocrite.  It comes from the Greek stage, to wear a mask.  I’m one person one way, but behind this mask I’m somebody else.  And some of us are such great actors and actresses we put Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep to shame.  We’re that good!  And for some of us here we’ve been a hypocrite for so long we don’t know who we are anymore!  And some people here, you go to church and you’re like, “Oh man, I’m just wiped out when I go to church.  I’m just so tired.  Sixty minutes seems like 60 hours!”  You know why?  It’s because you’re wearing a mask at church!  You’ve got to work at faking it all the time.  No wonder you’re tired!  There we go!  I’m starting to feel better already!

Jesus said in Matthew 23, verses 25-27, “Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites.”  You won’t find that verse on a coffee mug or in a Christian bookstore will you?  “You clean the outside of the cup and the dish but inside they’re full of greed and self indulgence!”  That’s what Jesus said!  And then Jesus compares these cats to a coffin.  So he said, all right, you’re a hypocrite, means to wear a mask, right?  He says, “You’re like a cup.  You clean the cup on the outside but on the inside it’s dirty. That is gross.  I mean that’s really bad.  Because whatever you pour in the cup becomes defiled because it’s dirty.  That’s a hypocrite.  Then he says, “Well, you’re like a coffin.  You’re dead on the inside but on the outside you’re a whitewashed tomb.  Looking clean and pristine.  You’re a hypocrite.”  See there’s a difference.  Technically we’re all hypocrites.  We all are.  But some practice it and live it and are all up in it and you don’t even know that you’re living a lie!  That’s what Jesus was driving at.  I’m sure back in the day these people started out with good intentions, the Pharisees.  But then they became so into “don’t drink, don’t dance, don’t cuss, don’t chew, don’t run around with girls who do…. ding-ding-a-ding-ding-ding!”  So they started getting to into that, that they missed the relationship!  Pointing out all this minutia, hundreds and hundreds of laws they piled on people, heavy burdens on people.  And here they were living just the opposite life.  Any hippie necklaces in the house?  I was just checking.  I was just checking.

So if I’m a hypocrite I’m living by a definition that I’ve not really learned.  Now I know it.  It’s two-faced.  I’m acting one way and I’m doing another.  On stage I’m this way, off stage I’m a totally different person.  But not only do I live by a definition that I’ve not learned, I also take a position that I’ve not earned.  That’s what the Pharisees did.  They lived by a definition #1 they have not learned, but we learn it.  We know what we are and what the sin is.  But #2, they take a position, they took a position that they had not earned.  If you read about the Pharisees for example, verses 1, 2, and 3 in Matthew 23, “Then Jesus turned to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.’”  Now I’ve read that about a jillion times and just skipped over it.  I’m like OK, good.  They sat in Moses’ seat.  All right.  What’s next?  But that’s huge.  Let me keep going, verse 3, “So you must be careful to do everything they tell you.”  OK, that’s good.  Eat the fish, spit out the bones.  “…So you must be careful to do everything they tell you, but do not do what they do (hello)… for they do not practice (ouch) what they preach.”  So here’s what they’re doing.  The Pharisees, and they don’t have any Scriptural authority to do this, no Biblical authority to do this, they just take Moses’ seat.  “All right!  I’m gonna take Moses’ seat, man!  I’m the man!  And I’m gonna sit here and I will judge you and judge you and judge you.”  And Jesus is saying, “Wait a minute.  That’s a position you’ve not earned.”  When I judge you I’m taking a position that I’ve not earned.  I’m so busy pointing out the problems in your life that I forget to think about the hypocrisy in my own.  I tear you down to make me look better, to make me feel better, and I compare myself to people who are more spectacular sinners than me.  And I always feel better when I do that.

“I don’t go to church, man.  The church is full of hypocrite!”  No, because there’s always room for one more.  Always, always, always.  Don’t ever forget it.  The church is full of hypocrites.  That’s why Jesus said, “Wait a minute… you’re gonna look at someone’s contact lens and point out a speck in their eye when you’ve got an East Texas pine tree, a sequoia tree in your own eye?”  That’s Hebrew humor. It’s hilarious.  People don’t realize how funny Jesus was when he was on earth teaching.  It’s hilarious!

Another funny thing he did, this is hilarious!  And I will get into this in this series.  He said, “Some of you Pharisees, you love to advertise the good stuff you do.  For example, when you give to the poor.”  That’s why a certain portion of our Fellowship Church goes to the poor.  As you know we’ve helped and served millions of meals in Haiti and Guatemala and we have local missions here.  And we have a lot of stuff going on to help the poor.  When you help the poor.  Here’s what Jesus said the Pharisees do.  “When they give to the poor they will blow the trumpet in church!”  <trumpet sound>  boom.  “I’m in the house!  I’m a Pharisee!  <trumpet sound>  Watch me tithe!”  The Pharisees, you talk about tithing, and they were great tithers.  They tithed out of their spice racks.  They would count the little grains and the little whatever in their spice rack and tithe that.  <trumpet sound>  “I’m fasting!”  and they would even wear makeup to show how difficult it was because they were fasting.  Now back in the day Jews would fast a couple of times a year.  They would fast like all the time.  And they would show people.  Jesus said they were like blowing trumpets.

<trumpet sound>  And when they prayed, they wouldn’t go in their prayer closet.  No, they’d be like, “I’m gonna pray!”   Have you ever heard someone pray and you’re like, “Dude, that was incredible!  I want to give you a round of applause!  I’ve heard some people pray before and I’m like, that’s awesome!  I could never pray like that!” Now we’ve got to realize that when we’re praying we’re talking to God.  Jesus is not against public prayer, but the Pharisees were like <trumpet sound> “Watch me pray!  I’m a big hypocrite!”  <trumpet sound> “I’m a big hypocrite!”  <trumpet sound> “I’m a big hypocrite!”  <trumpet sound>  Are there any hippie necklaces in the house?  That’s just what I’m saying!

So take a position that’s not earned.  Be very careful.  Be very careful when you point out hypocrisy in other people because remember, three fingers are pointing back at you.  God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  Be very, very, very, very careful.

So we’re tracking now.  We’re just doing a quick fly-by.  I live by a definition I’ve not learned, all right.  But now I understand what it means to be a hypocrite.  #2, I take a position that I’ve not earned.  Who am I to take that position?  I mean, that’s God’s deal.  Let God be God.  God will take care of the hypocrites.

Now the 3rd one is, if you’re a hypocrite and if I’m a hypocrite,  we have a condition that we’ve not turned.  We have a condition that we’ve not turned.  In this series we’re gonna get into this story that Jesus told about planting.  He said this guy went out and planted wheat.  And the wheat came up and then the weeds came up with the wheat.  And the guy’s servants were like,

“Hey boss!  What happened?  We didn’t plant weeds?”  And the boss goes,

“Well, that’s my enemy.  The enemy planted weeds.”  And the parable Jesus was driving at, the them was you’ve got wheat, authenticity, real believers growing – side by side with those who are fake and phony, who are card-carrying hypocrites who don’t even want to change, who don’t even think about changing.  They like this double life.  That’s who they are.  And the disciples are like,

“Jesus, should we pull up the weeds?”

“No!”  he said, “no, no, no, no, no!  Think about the parable.  You pull up the weeds you might mess up the wheat.”  But here’s something interesting about the wheat.  As the head of the wheat matures and grows it begins to bow right before the harvest.  Now again, if I were in a black church they would be standing up right now clapping.  They would have completed that sentence for me.  That’s OK, I understand.  Let me say that again.  Are you feeling me?  You got the wheat and you’ve got the weeds.  Weeds, they ain’t gonna bow.  They’re just growing up.  They’re weeds.  But the wheat, the real deal, begins to bow before the sun and all of a sudden when it come harvest time (there ya go!) you can tell, you know what’s real and what’s fake!  You know what is holy and what’s hypocritical.  You know what is righteous and what’s wrong!  Do we have a hippie necklace in the house?  All right, please be seated.  Wow, I love that!  Thank you!

Three things in this condition, and I will tell this very, very quickly.  If I am a hypocrite I’m all about exaggeration.  I think about the trumpets, think about the crazy hand washing, think about the tithing of the spices.  Don’t tithe your spices here at Fellowship Church.  Keep your spices to yourself.  OK?  I love spicy food, I love it, but we don’t need any spice in the offering bags.

It’s also exhausting to be a hypocrite.  Again, let me talk about it.  I gotta wear this.  And so many people they’re gonna come to church and they’ll do this and they’re in the locker room and they’re talking about this or they go to church or they’re in maybe a small group and they’re like this, and then for business reasons they have to go to that gentleman’s club and they’re like this.  So it’s just amazing.  We talk one way for some people and another way before other people.  And the Pharisees had this it’s about me disease.  It’s about me.  <trumpet sound>  It’s about me.  I’m a big hypocrite.  It’s about me.  I love social media but you know the duck face selfie?  <trumpet sound>  <trumpet sound>  Oh it’s exhausting being a hypocrite.

It’s also extinguishing.  You can extinguish, this is huge here.  Jesus says this.  You can extinguish someone’s search for truth.  When I have the opportunity to speak in churches to leaders I always tell them, man, it is great to have people come into your church.  It’s all about that.  If you’re around people the church should be growing.  But don’t tell me who’s coming to your church, tell me who’s leaving your church. Because if your vision is white-hot you’re gonna have to run off, in a very Biblical and loving way, you’re gonna have to run off card-carrying hypocrites who are keeping those who are seeking from Jesus.  Because over the years at Fellowship Church, and we’ve had meteoric growth and all that.  We have all these campuses and blah, blah, blah.  But, we have had some strategic people to leave the church.  And when they left the church a lot of new people showed up and got rescued and saved.  And I believe one of the reasons they got rescued and saved was because those people were gone they freed up space and grace, and they were not a poor witness for Fellowship Church.  Something that is just real.

And you go, man, that’s pretty harsh.  Well OK.  Here’s what Jesus said, “You hypocrites!” (verse 13)  You shut the door (~~Shut de door, keep out de devil.  Shut de door, keep de devil outside!~~) Anyway, I learned that back in a Southern Baptist Church in vacation Bible school.  Does anyone know that song?  “Shut de door, keep out de devil…”

Anyway, “You hypocrite!  You shut the door of the kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces but you, yourself, do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to!”  Obviously we’re not perfect. Obviously I’m not always consistent.  Obviously I mess up, I fail, I’m hypocritical.  Don’t compare yourself to a person, compare yourself to God.

“Well, this hypocrite…”  don’t worry about that!  God’s gonna take care of that.  The wheat will bow, the weeds will not, and those weeds, Jesus said, that don’t bow, that don’t turn into wheat (this is not gonna be on a coffee mug either), Jesus said, “The Master will take these weeds, wrap them up and throw them into the fire.”  I’m just telling you what Jesus said.

OK, so what do we do?  Technically we’re all hypocrites, yes.  We know we are.  We understand it.  And we have this condition that we need to turn from regularly.  Whenever we see inconsistency in our beliefs and behavior we need to say, “God, by your grace and power I want to agree with you and close the gap.”  We’re never gonna be perfect, we know that.  We’re all sinners. But as we grow in our relationship with Jesus, hopefully we sin less and we’re a better advertisement for the gospel.

#2 – Remember, you’re only hypocritical before men.  We’re not hypocritical before God, because God sees it all.  When you tell God you’re a hypocrite he’s not like, “I didn’t know that!  Really?” No, he knows.  But let’s be open and honest about it.  Revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing.  We have to be open, organic, 100% pure about this.

And the last thing that I want to say, because a lot of us are… I don’t know who I am anymore.  The last thing I want to tell you before we go deeper over the next several weeks on hypocrisy.  You know what Jesus does?  He asks for the masks.  Just give him the masks.  He took care of the masks.  He took care of the hippie necklace.  Jesus took care of it.  And here’s what he does that’s so awesome.  Because he died on the cross for our sins and rose again, he doesn’t give us a mask.  When he asks for the mask and we give him the mask, the Bible says he clothes us, he envelops us in righteousness.  So we can walk in holiness, in righteousness, in authenticity.  Is there a hippie necklace in the house?  Is there a hippie necklace in the house?  Take those necklaces off.  Take the masks off.  Live by who God says you are.  And he will take you places you never dreamed possible.

[Ed closes in prayer.]