Family Business
“The Family is a Trauma Center”
By Ed Young
April 23, 2017
In the case of a medical emergency, if we have a broken arm or our child’s fever spikes, we know exactly where to go. Doctors and nurses, technicians and staff are trained at any hospital to help us through our crisis. But many of the crises people are facing today are non-medical. So where do we go for the urgent care most of us need?
In this message, Ed Young looks at God’s Word to show us how the family is set up as a trauma center. It is only there that we can receive the personal care and attention we need to help us through whatever emergency we may be facing in life.
INTRO: I was on a flight recently, seated next to an ER doctor. We had a great conversation, he was a really really nice guy and he began to point out to me and tell me about the growing business of free-standing trauma centers, free-standing emergency rooms. And when he said that, I thought, well I've seen those places all over Dallas, Fort Worth, and Miami, and other places that I've traveled. They're everywhere. I mean, you can't drive very far without seeing a free-standing ER.
It's really comforting, we live in such a great nation where if we ever have any physical problems, any aches and pains, we know 24 hours a day, boom, we can go in and get help, there's a qualified staff to help our family and friends. There's ERs, there's trauma centers all over the place.
Where do you go, though, when you have a non-medical emergency? Where do you go when you have a shattered self-esteem? When you're freaked out with fear? When someone has messed you around? Where do you go?
Wouldn't it be great if we had trauma centers for the non-medical emergencies. We could just check ourselves in, the qualified staff, bandage us up, give us maybe some medication or whatever, and we'd be on our way, wouldn't that be great?