Beauty FULL
“Understanding Women” (Mother’s Day)
By Ed and Lisa Young
May 10, 2015
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” It’s a popular sentiment, and holds more truth that we probably realize. But the big question is, whose eye are we looking through?
In this special Mother’s Day message, Pastor Ed and Lisa Young unpack some of the biggest secrets about women and they remind us that true beauty is found when we first look to God.
Understanding beauty from God’s perspective
- Beauty
- What is beauty?
- Proverbs 31: 30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
- We will recognize beauty if we understand who we are in God’s eyes.
- The better we know God, the better we know ourselves.
- If I understand myself, I can understand other people.
- Read God’s Word
- The more you know the designer, the more you are going to appreciate the design.
- Surround yourself with people who are looking to God.
- The Bible is the ultimate mirror
- Ex: Ed Young talks about distortion mirrors and the different reflections they give us.
- When you look at the Bible, you see who you really are.
- Whenever we look to pleasure, possessions, or peoples’ opinions, we have a distorted view of who we are.
- Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”
- God is the ultimate designer and we are his creation.
- The BPC principal
- B stands for Bible
- P stands for Prayer
- C stands for Church
- What matter is the matter.
- Brain Matter
- Woman and Men have different brain matter.
- Brain composition of men and women
- Men have more gray matter
- Men tend to be left brained
- Men tend to take a fight or flight on things.
- Women have more white matter
- Women operate with white matter in both hemispheres
- Woman place the emotional aspect on the situations.
- Men and Women are different
- Women don’t try to act or behave like men, and vice versa.
- We need to be who God has created us to be, uniquely talented.
- What happens when we don’t know who we are?
- Insecurity sets in
- Insecurity is the distorted reflection of who God says we are.
- Insecurity is one of the greatest enemies of every single woman.
- Don’t let insecurity steal the position that God has for you.
- We take our eyes from who God says we are and we start looking around.
- Look into the eyes of Jesus because reflected back is who you are!
- You are forgivable.
- Jesus did the work on the cross for all of my wrongdoings.
- You are valuable.
- God paid the ultimate price on the cross for you
- You are lovable.
- I’m loved by the God of the universe and made me in His image
- You are capable.
The real question is are you available? Are you available because God wants to use you to make a difference in the world? I want all the moms if you would stand to your feet because we want our prayer just for you all the moms, actually I’m going to pray over all the moms in different environments, but also for the ladies because you know whether or not your mom or just a female here today, I want us all to realize the beauty that God has created and deposited into us, bow your heads with me, father I thank You so much for every single lady in this place no matter what age or stage of life, I pray over these women that they would just put their insecurities at the foot of the cross and look up to what you have done on the cross and the life that you give us through that forgiveness, through your love, your value that you placed on our hearts, and help us to realize the capacity that we have. I pray for every mom in this place, thank you for the influence they have over their families and help us all to leverage our influence to raise families that are so in touch with who you are as our heavenly Father, to leave her children to be part of the local church, to know God so that they can know themselves we pray in Jesus name.